Lem Jukes

@Lem Jukes@lemm.ee
1 Post – 233 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

CEO of Juke LTD.

Theatre Worker Here:

Most prop masters I've worked with use either this brand or something very similar. From that page the ingredients listed are: Marshmallow Leaves, Red Clover Flowers, Rose Petals, Fruit Juices, Honey. You can also buy packs that are designed to look like real brands(yellow american spirits, the famous "Marlboro Red", and white for marb lights.)

Fake cigarettes have been pretty common props for a while now. Obviously there used to be a lot more actual tobacco use on sets but nowadays, especially with a lot of municipalities outlawing tobacco smoking indoors in public spaces, its almost always all fake/herbal. There are also nicotine free vaporizers that are styled to look like real cigarettes.

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Camping is kind of a skill. Throwing together the equipment and going to a park is technically camping. But unless you’re very lucky, it’s probably gonna suck.

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The actual publication, not based off a g-dang TikTok.

Construction workers and fork lift ops make waaaaay more than baristas and mixologists.

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Yeah that’s not Felicia Day, her name is Emily Kristopher. This is from Australian sketch comedy YouTube channel, Crackermilk.

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If you’re in the states, absolutely file for unemployment and contact an employment lawyer. Depending on your state it’s entirely possible your employer fucked up.

So the AKC has this page that lists about half a dozen alternatives to outright banning dogs on grass.


I agree this very much sounds like the HOA taking the laziest route possible at the expense of it's residents.

But also, fuck HOAs. Get on the board and take that shit down from the inside, only reliable way to destroy those parasites.

Probably more well known but with the whole 'live edge' fad from a couple years ago now, some people don't realize you can spend upwards of 20-30k on a single piece of some types of raw lumber.

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Thoroughly unsurprised it’s an Always Sunny credit.

How could a just and loving God condemn the entirety of non-human life to eternal punishment and damnation, simply for not having the cognitive ability to understand belief?

Seems like either: A. there is no god or hell and the argument is completely moot. B. There is a god and it really is an evil death cult bent on ending all life for some bizzaro sense of 'salvation' (God is not loving) C. There is a god and it is ambivalent to the suffering of everything but humans (god is not just) D. all dogs go to heaven. (God actually is just and loving)

Oh why did I stop here...

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Idk if it’s on their YouTube channel but this is from an Australian group called crackermilk. https://youtube.com/@CrackerMilk?si=r_AQF8zlO2EsbXO8

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The purpose is to prosecute him for the crime he has been charged with. That charge is Involuntary manslaughter, which explicitly means he was negligent in a way that lead to the death of another person. The purpose of having him(or literally anyone) stand trial in the American justice system is (supposed) to examine the evidence and determine if it supports the charges against the (presumed innocent) defendant. You don’t get let off the hook for your mistakes just because you ‘feel absolutely terrible’ about it. Your understanding of fault in this situation is incorrect.

Coincidentally ‘none at all’ is precisely the amount of money Jones deserves to be left with.

Yes this is 100% a satirical post mocking Putin for essentially using the same justification for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

How does the botany YouTuber sign off?

Lichen subscribe!

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Fear not my brother or sister or nonbinary friend, for ye too shall one day be touched by His Noodly-appendage. Ramen.

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What travesty of a video player is this?

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Gods I wish we like actually tried and got semi-nationalized intermodal transportation in this country right, and not the gods awful disgusting mess we ended up with.

This, and if you really really wanna put a monetary gift in there, get them a gift card for coffee(go local fuck Starbucks) or honestly somewhere like target that sells school supplies. It’s a bit orphan crushing machine but they may really appreciate the extra cash for supplies.


Also Vimm’s lair has tons of old titles that can be emulated in browser.

No, you will get in the orphan crushing machine and you will fucking like it.

Probably not at all. It's a meme account so they're probably just pulling top/popular posts from elsewhere and reposting this here. I remember this popping up on reddit last year.

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Coastal idiot says uninformed bullshit.

I’m really struggling here, can anyone tell me how someone could ever possibly be radicalized against the state? It just doesn’t seem like something any normal person with even the smallest sense of morality would ever do.

ACS: Actually the Criminal State

How is his policy/service any different from a whites only lunch counter?

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Pretty telling that they're not really about safety when officers will speed after someone at 100+ cause they got their feefees hurt in the exact same area the speed trap is.



Tom Scott

Scott Manley

Minute Physics




CGP Grey

Adam Savage’s Tested


Wendover Productions

PBS Eons

Dan Olson (Folding Ideas)


Captain Disillusion


That my shortlist

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This was very much not hard to find.

I nominate this for worst idea of the decade.

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They have no incentive to try. They have every incentive to get through every order as fast as possible. They don’t get paid more for doing a “good” job so why bother?

Fuck pigs

How anyone is able to see for profit healthcare as anything other than legalized extortion and murder is fucking beyond me.

Op being French is the only kind of context that could make this post make sense.

What are you even talking about?

Ofc is a Kapoor piece

Are you new to Apple?

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So far this is what I’m planning to have pre-installed for him:

  • 7Zip
  • VLC
  • GIMP
  • InkScape
  • Audacity
  • LibreOffice
  • Firefox
  • Okular
  • Scratch
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Volunteering can be a great way to meet people in general. There are services geared toward more social group activities like meetup. Try finding local hobby/activity communities online like on discord or Reddit or Lemmy!