
1 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is just monetising incels, isn't it?

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And in news that surprised absolutely no one...

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What is it with real estate developers and MAGA views?

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This isn't about kids and it isn't about abortion it's about limiting people's access to unmediated information. The Democrats have just as much to lose as the Republicans if a third party which is a lesser evil than either emerges. Or, seeing as this is America we're talking about, greater evil.

Whatever. They don't want people being able to just organise themselves as they please online.

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Just a reminder: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini would never have come to power if Mohammad Reza Pahlavi the Former Shah of Iran and his secret police hadn't been such shits and they were placed in power by British and American oil interests. They deposed a democratic modernising leader, Mohammad Mosaddegh.

The brutal oppression of young women in Iran is the direct responsibility of the MI5, CIA and the oil companies to whom they ultimately answer.

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And the CIA pumped a load of heroin into the inner cities to pacify the urban black population as part of their financing of various undeclared wars in the South-East Asian conflict.

Decades later a similar thing would happen with crack cocaine as part of the anti-Sandinista action.

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'Make it illegal' is always a cheaper option 'than spend money to implement a solution that will actually work.'

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I think that it is fair to name her because it is a very good example of how people that committed what we would now think of as crimes have passed that systemic advantage on to all of their descendants. The descendants may feel blameless themselves but I feel like confronting that in some way is a small price to pay for their privileged position.

There was a study done about a decade ago now that showed that all of the descendants of large landowners in the Domesday Book were still continuing to live very comfortably, thank you.

Even, to push the point further, as a recipient of various social welfare benefits at various points in my life I have to acknowledge that the ability to form the welfare state was due to the systemic advantage of the UK as a whole that was built up during the days of empire and colonialism.

Plot twist: the MA program is in Ethics and Morality and they're in the middle of a live experiment.

Just asking, does anybody still like this cunt?

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It's the kind and sweet I'm having a problem with. John and Yoko were both very flawed human beings.

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Some decade and change ago I used to sell people Drupal installs at £200 a pop. They'd get a pretty secure codebase, the ability to add content through a gui and if necessary have customer accounts.

Pretty much what killed it as a business was everyone expected to be on the first page of Google because business advisers were telling them that sitebuilders should do SEO as standard.

Plot twist: the dancers aren't really there.

What a nice person with a nice story. https://youtu.be/mKfPgZO7zOo?si=IynCR47CgdsHUp15

If someone were to go about wearing a helicopter costume, hanging out with other helicopters, in short if their lived experience were such that they could reasonably say they identified as a helicopter, then I'd have no problem with it.

The world needs more weird people and less authoritarian followers.

Unfortunately most people claiming to identify as attack helicopters are actually self identifying as cunts.

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The threat applies to Google’s Chrome and Microsoft’s Edge browsers but not Apple’s Safari or Mozilla’s Firefox

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

Missourah: That's disgusting, we want to see students on OnlyFans, not teachers.

Letter from Charles Darwin to Asa Gray (22nd May 1860)

With respect to the theological view of the question; this is always painful to me.— I am bewildered.— I had no intention to write atheistically. But I own that I cannot see, as plainly as others do, & as I shd wish to do, evidence of design & beneficence on all sides of us. There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent & omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidæ with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.


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Lasagne - I got layers.

Remember that time she gave away a vital clues in the Richard Ramirez case and possibly extended his serial killing career?

The absolutely hilarious thing about this is that all of these MPs that clamoured for this bill because "Won't somebody think of the children!" are up to all sorts of terrible behaviour and a whole bunch of them are on Signal.

What the fuck is that? Kill it with fire! If it finds a hole it'll either build a nest in it or try to fuck it.

'I love America so much that I want to fart on its symbolic representation every day...'

It's not acceptable to freeze children? Brb...

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To me, that’s just being a cunt.

Welcome to religious conservatism.

What ever happened to him?

Well, he pulled it on Rorschach, and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft.

Property developer...

It's funny how the mind makes odd connections but for some reason William Burroughs's 'Words of Advice for Young People' springs to mind:

We don't like to hear the word "vampire" around here

We're trying to improve our public image

Build up a kindly, avuncular, benevolent image

"Interdependence" is the keyword, "enlightened interdependence"

Life in all its rich variety, take a little, leave a little

However, by the inexorable logistics of the vampiric process

They always take more than they leave...

Thank fuck you're here, was going to use defrost on the microwave.

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Back in the day I was told:

The volts give you the jolts
But the amps give you the cramps

How do you circumcise a redneck?
Kick his sister in the jaw.

It's all very well people going on about accordion man's impatience but if you also had a leg hose full of okra to empty you'd soon see how it feels to be clowned on by a glam rocker with a bucket.

And three posts above this one on my feed:

US poor face economic hit as shutdown, childcare cliff, student loans converge

Probably should have started with a small leopard rather than choosing to back an obese leopard with a looong track record of chawing on people's countenances.

On the upside because these things get built by the lowest bidder the wall probably represents a significant transfer of monies to the Mexican-American community, which is no bad thing.

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A site-blocking law would let copyright owners "request, in court, that Internet service providers block access to websites dedicated to sharing illegal, stolen content," he said. Rivkin claimed that in the US, piracy "steals hundreds of thousands of jobs from workers and tens of billions of dollars from our economy rich people's yacht money, including more than one billion in theatrical ticket sales."

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You might not have a nobility but you've sure as shit got an aristocracy. Cabots, Lowells, Hearsts, Kennedys...

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A Canard (French for duck) refers to something often believed to be true but isn't.

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Was a 100% bald, greedy fuck all day.