
1 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sounds generally positive to me.

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Can the hackers change the region on my account for me? Sony won't let me change it.


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The Monty Python films.

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Invoke emergency legislation to gain more power and dissolve the government. Then, become the new de facto dictator.

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Yup. I'm not either.

  • A general feeling of alienation from society. Particularly younger people.
  • Dislike of ‘modern’ music.
  • Nostalgia over the way things used to be as you have lived long enough to witness the enshittification.
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Codec support is a bit of a bummer. Otherwise I would have bought them.

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I've found most of the more niche stuff I used to follow on reddit here. However, they seem far more quiet (or just silent) here.

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OSM over HERE/Apple/Google maps. It has much much better mapping of footpaths, which makes it much more useful for planning runs/walks/hikes.

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Amazing how versioning can give an air of legitimacy through the illusion of progress.

For a moment I was wondering whether the "two minute rule" was a lower hygiene standard for the acceptable time in which you can eat things after dropping them on the floor.

The only thing I've found in life that I find super helpful or swear by is using dated lists to organise what needs doing in my life.

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Physical SIM. Mostly because I've never tried to buy a SIM in a country where eSIMs exist yet. It's kind of annoying, as it's the only way I can dual-SIM my phone.

Current eSIM possibilities in given countries:

Childfree characters.

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Low quality gif animated images.

My unbiased opinion is that for what it sets out to achieve (no hastle Arch Linux setup) there are better options. EndeavourOS is worth looking at. I'll leave it to others to list the drawbacks of Manjaro's package triaging approach. I'm still having my morning coffee in bed, so I'm typing this with one hand.

Narp. I just avoid people. Much more effective.

A free phone from your carrier is never actually free. You will be paying for it over the next 6 months to 2 years.

100% agree. Plus the random cryptocurrency thing.

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I will eventually. I've always been more of a lurker though.

Although not in the EU anymore, I think the UK has managed to find some way of preventing prisoners from voting across the years.

The greater good.

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  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Uncharted 2
  • The Last of Us
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I think they have a place, but personally speaking, I feel they stifle tinkering. So they're a "no" for me.

I think the arkenfox project website has some good info on this. For a good privacy baseline, you basically only need to enable strict mode and download the ublock origin extension, then change some settings for the extension (e.g. add filter lists).


I ended up choosing Plasma Mobile. Keep meaning to try Phosh. I was initially more drawn to Plasma Mobile as I use KDE on my laptop & desktop.

I went on the "recommended instances" section here: https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances

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It catches up with all of us eventually. One day you find you just have to start cutting back.

Moving to Ireland. Better than the UK in almost every way.

I removed the door from the bedroom, so 'open', I guess.


Leave my job & go and see the world. Possibly by finishing off my sailing quals & buying a luxury catamaran or trimaran.

Hangs down, the best email client for IMAP.

Life choices were made.

I love the fact that I have no modern annoyances. No cacophony of binging noises to warn me about every small pointless thing: a car passing me, minor speeding, upcoming cameras, a car braking in front, reversing towards an object. Nice and quiet... just the hum of the engine. I don't think I can drive a 'new' car.

Just a 2007 TT. Nothing special.

If you were Polish, those would be your balls.

Just chain-watching horror films. Same as every year.

I kind of miss it. It was discrete and useful.

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I only used to have it for work. Altmetrics were largely driven by tweets unless any 'real' media took an interest. However, I mostly ended up using it to echo anti-Ryanair & anti-Tory views. Made leaving it quite simple. Also, a lot of science moved to Mastodon.

I too am 36 and tired. Must be a thing when we get to this age.