
28 Post – 1470 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Oh, I thought it was the dad from ALF.

Well yeah when people go there expecting to rent DVDs only to discover all they can get is sunscreen now

I spent a month in Bend and never knew about the blockbuster, I mean I learned about it a year later 🫤

a true measure of one's strength is how elderly one can become. outlive all your enemies! outlive all your friends!

I like the way we don't have to wear petticoats under our dresses anymore.

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Your parents must've been wealthy because those are all the fun toys I remember in my childhood that all the other kids had. I didn't have.


chemical storage closet at work..A hydrogen chloride container leaked out onto some iodine containers.

Yep, sounds like a typical day on a typical family farm

It's ridiculous that governments are still confused & trying to figure out all this no-brainer shit

Reddit is corrupt. It probably has something to do with them wanting to track you, and they can't track you if you have a blank user agent.

Stay here at Lemmy where humans are respected as humans instead of data mines. Life is more dignified here at Lemmy.

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a boring dystopia

late stage capitalism

Anyway poor people don't buy Kellogg's, it's overpriced. Poor people buy the generic cereals that come in those huge plastic ziplock resealable bags. Not only do they cost less but they have more intelligent useful packaging and the quality is fine too.

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Sir, this is a Lemmy's.

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whenever someone's putting pressure on you to make a difficult important life altering decision, with the stipulation that the decision must be made immediately, RUN AWAY.

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That update is going to take some time.

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Ok Grandpa

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It took me years until I finally learned why he did that. It had something to do with the music industry owning his name. He reclaimed ownership of all his music and art and made a departure from the extortionate music industry.

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Socially acceptable, How about this song from the classy 1920s:

"Oh I got nipples on my titties the size of my thumb

I got sumthin' between my legs that'll make a man cum"

I don't remember the last rest of the lyrics but damn what a banger

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Ah yes, the bone that naturally exists in that slurry of ground-up random pig parts.

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It's about as NSFW as a victorian lady exposing an ankle.

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EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP USING HOUSES AS AN APPRECIABLE INVESTMENT. THIS IS WHY THE OTHER HALF OF THE POPULATION ARE HOMELESS. of course wealthy people don't care about homeless people so this shitty-human-problem will never end, will it

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Perfectly rational reaction

If kids are creme pies, and kids grow up to be adults, then we are all creampies.

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I had a boyfriend who early on told me if he won the lottery, I would no longer be part of his life.

Then guess what happened? I got a ridiculous family inheritance and he was no longer part of my life.

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Hopefully not on any road near you.

But repeated rejection has an effect of reinforcing our undesirableness, and takes a toll on our self-esteem. How do people cope with this?

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seriously. I had to come to the comments to figure out the answer to the original question: "What IS that?"

I'm leaning toward "It's a sofa."

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would AI spell "dismal" wrong?

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Okay but have you ever seen a dead body? There is no energetic feeling at all, it's just an inanimate object at that point. Most people who see dead bodies are not afraid from seeing the dead body, if they are afraid it might be because they're wondering how the person died and if they themselves might be in danger.

Diseased bodies, yes, I remember when my son was really young, maybe 1-year-old, he got a scary flu and the look in his eyes was uncanny and it was terrifying, that alerted me something was very wrong. Thankfully he recovered, that was 20 years ago, he's fine.

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and for the gluttons who overstuff their burritos so they're difficult to keep closed.

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In 2015 they're like

"Oh yeah we forgot about that law."

"That would probably explain all the massacred bodies laying around everywhere. We oughtta do something about that."

Am woman. This did cause me to smirk & forcefully blow air from my nose.

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Nice try, spez. Reddit deserves to be abandoned & I'm doing my part to turn it into a ghost town.

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ok but in neither of these scenarios is the dog's face covered

"puzzled and concerned?" Like they're surprised about this thing called global warming they've already been talking about for the last 20+ years?


Abraham suspects the main cause of the trend is climate change, with some natural ocean processes that aren’t well understood playing a role, as well.

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You file for government disability. Hopefully during the filing process you can struggle through survival for a few years because the govt disability filing process takes a few years until MAYBE being approved, but everyone is always denied the first time, then you have to appeal and go through the several years process again. This is one reason why so many people are homeless by the way.

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Your grandfather sounds rad

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Like "Damnnnnnnnn that's a good price"


"Damnnnnnnnn you must be outcho mind if you think Imma pay that much"


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with that, you could totally score with ANYONE if you're hot. Pictures of yourself?

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Jorch looks like he's repeating 12th grade for the twentieth time.

yeah his tweet was clearly from the good old days before Netflix got smart & greedy

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