Right at this exact moment if all your friends & family & law enforcement saw all your search engine history, would you be embarrassed? Anything you'd want to delete before they see it?

LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 69 points –

Nice try FBI

Not today, CIA

Not in the slightest. I don’t care if they know my darkest kinks. That’s life. Everyone has something out of the ordinary that appeals to them. I owe no one any explanation for it. Nothing I enjoy is illegal so let them see.

It honestly baffles me that so many people feel so ashamed of liking porn when they logically know that nearly everyone else likes it too.

honestly if the people I know in daily life knew some of the porn I've, um, enjoyed, they would never look at me the same way again, I would have an identity/existential crisis, have to leave town and start all over again rebuilding new relationships with all new acquaintances

That's weird of them... you know they like the same porn, right? Masturbation is a private activity so the porn you watch is your business alone - unless it's made without consent (including cp and beast because they're unable to consent).

Porn is unhealthy, it warps the human mind by interfering with the way our brains are wired to form and maintain human relationships. Anyone who still loves looking at porn and won't admit that it is a sad pathetic tragic replacement for human relationships, may be already too far gone.

Ooooh, so you made this question as a bait because you're a judgemental asshole. Porn is fine for most people, if it isn't for you then feel free to abstain - but fuck off with your puritanical bullshit.

Thats someones interpretation, certainly not yours either. You could say that anything you do "interferes" with something you would otherwise do. Ate a store-bought sandwich? That "interefered" with the way your brain is wired to hunt the food yourself.

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100% and I sure as shit ain't posting it here. 🤣

Search history? nah, who cares.
Calculator history? plz don't look, i promise i'm good at math.

Nope. If anything they see shocks them, a) that's their problem, not mine and b) serves them right for snooping

Dear police officers: I'm sure you're excited to begin your journey learning all about electronic engineering and product design!

If you have any questions, drop by any time and I'll be happy to help. I hope you find these hobbies as rewarding as I do.

One day there will be a worm that goes around the internet and will be able to link each comment and/or post to the actual physical person that made them. A global database will be created where anyone can look up an individual person and see everything they've posted on the internet, even if it was behind an anonymous username.

I don't doubt that. And I do fear it. And I'm pretty sure they're already doing it, but the Mass public doesn't have access to it yet, because every time I establish an account somehow Google tries to get involved. You know Google could be that worm to connect everything.

I don't like it because I thrive in anonymity and although I never do anything wrong (like literally if you run a background check on me, it comes back squeaky clean)

whatever the case, I just feel more freedom with anonymity, you know what I mean? That's why I try so hard to not affiliate all my new usernames with Google, but it's all tied together because even if you try to separate Google from anything, they still find a way to get in there.

You can't hide secrets from the future, with math you can try, but I bet in the future they laugh at the half assed schemes and algorithm you amassed to enhance your cryptographs from the past

They got alien technology to make the rainbow tables with.

My recorded search history is so boring. If I have to search for anything sketchy or where I wouldn't want to be inundated with ads related to the search, I do it incognito so the search isn't stored.

Your recorded history may not be stored locally. Would be shocking if Google didn't have some way of de-anonymizing searches.

Is Pornhub a search engine? Cause my queries on there would probably raise some eyebrows.

Oh do Please list them all here 😛

I'll set the mood for you, here, start with this:


To be honest law enforcement (at least in the IT department of things) would be pretty used to anything at this point so why feel embarrassed?

You'll probably be added to a tally on the wall listed with examples such as: 'How to blow your own dick?' or 'Another Bronie.' or 'Wiki rabbit hole addict.'

my search history is just programming/server admin stuff so its likely they wouldn't care/ wouldn't understand or would just get plain bored really quickly lol

"how to quit vim"

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Nah, at worst I'm just searching for things I should reasonably know like "do I need to cook X before eating" or something. Why would I ever search for something weird with my search history on?

When I was younger, I'd be mortified. Now? "If into the archives you go, only pain will you find." You didn't have to look, so that's on you, my dude.

I have a habbit of searching my own name a few times a week and sorting by new, to check if my name appears somewhere. It makes sense to me, but I would be self-conscious about it if someone asked me why tf I am looking myself up so often as if I'm famous

My full name is the same as that of a comic book character in an obscure comic book. I don't have any major social media accounts, so most of the results that come up are of that character.

Incognito FTW

It doesn't make things hidden from the authorities. Computer forensics can get in there and they know everything we do online. Nothing is hidden.

Yes, but the question was about the search history which is not saved when you exit incognito

yeah that's what my words said but my mind was thinking more in terms of everything your ISP provider knows, everything the FBI can figure out...

Not a chance I'd be embarrassed. I look up a ton of how to videos and hours upon hours of research on best tools for the job. If anything they'd get bored unless they're planning to do some car repairs.

Not possible search history get deleted every time I close the browser.

Its all just weird physics and RF stuff, all they would find out is that I am a giant nerd. Some examples: common base colpitts oscillator, inductance calculator, temerature PIN detector FWHM.

I’m sure they’d be thrilled to look into my wanting better turn signals for my car and turn signals at all for my bike.

"JFC so many searches related to elisp and linux..."

Any archives of me would be so massive I doubt they'd be able to make sense of it. The only thing I'd particularly prioritize removing traces of is the fact that I came across a certain guy (and no shit I really did) while in a few places. No, not supporting the guy whatsoever, but he has an expansive legacy, only somewhat better than Dark Helmet.

Are you saying you found Kim jong-un involved in atrocities on the dark web? sorry if I'm reading between the lines too deeply but that's what I gathered from your comment.

I found him outside of it. He's out in the open in a lot of places, if you know where to look. He seems to confine those atrocities away from the open though.

Only a scrub would search something embarrassing and not delete it afterwards, or just use a web browser that deletes it every session

or they live alone and never share their devices with anyone.

or they live openly & freely and DGAF what other people think about their browsing history

But now you've put a song in my head 🤣

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

Nope. Yes, that search I just did for how to break my network security. They don't need to know that, they can figure that shit out on their own.

Assuming it magically can get my search history despite incognito, vpn etc I'd probably just ask them not to look at it, Embarrassing maybe but nothing that would get me in any trouble and anyone whose opinion I care about I trust wouldn't want to see it anyway

My search history is permanently deleted every time I close the browser. So no, I wouldn't be embarassed at the 20 or so searches I did today

News-related stuff mainly. With a healthy dose of helldivers 2 questions recently. So, no, not really.

Nah. I'd probably delete a fair amount so they weren't embarrassed themselves though.

And I learned by watching the news in cases like Jared fogle, nothing can actually ever be deleted from hard drives & clouds. Even everything we've ever posted to Reddit and thought we deleted it, everything is always available somewhere for the experts to find.

Stuff can absolutly be deleted. If you overwrite the stuff that was previously saved there it's gone. The point is that cloud providers often just don't delete your stuff. And whatever you do your network provider allways knows what you search for.

Do we know for sure that Reddit doesn't keep an edit history for comments?

Oh most social media probably keeps a copy. But your search history is usually stored locally, so it's possible to delete that. Your internet provider only has a history of all sites that where visited via your internet connection and is unable to backtrack something to a specific device.

Weeell, Jared was looking at cp which is illegal and unethical... that's a bit of a difference situation.

Sup peeps! Take a break, I'm not going anywhere. They don't pay you enough to stay in that van all day.