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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, I know the definition. I knew someone would quote it verbatim, someone always does. I quoted it because it's not the word I would use. I like scheduled or versioned releases better but someone always disagrees with me. As far as I've seen it's a major/minor version release cycle anyway.

That's how I feel about arch, it's not "stable" but the few issues I've had they typically have it fixed with an update within hours.

I do have to clarify when I switched to arch from windows my entire computer was brand new and practically no other distro booted or if it installed it dumped me to a black screen.

After running my server on archlinux with the stable kernel for 7 years I did install Debian on my new server. Zfs just required an older lts kernel than I could get on arch without a ton of hassle. I didn't need it on my Mac mini with an external hard drive plugged in. From my experience it's not very different to maintain compared to arch but it's nice having built in automation instead of writing my own.

Man it's weird using a system of what I can guess is a bunch of bash scripts on Debian to set things up compared to just using the tools built into and written for systemd.

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Man Nvidia users are going to be stoked when the get explicit sync in they're desktop environments in two years. 😂 They're have been so many small improvements in the Nvidia drivers up until that point I hope they actually update Nvidia drivers on Debian. I understand some of those improvements are not going to work because of the kernel version and the desktop versions.

There's no mistake, I'm definitely on the Internet.

Anyone who wants to switch to Linux we welcome you with open arms. Ask as many questions as you need. There are no stupid questions just bad answers. (You probably know the type)

If you can't switch, that's ok. Alot of us know what it's like, especially us gamers, Nvidia card owners, and recovering adobe-holics. Life is tougher but a whole lot more rewarding. I moved from windows/Macos and I wouldn't give it up for anything.

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Microsoft world have done it back then if internet was more prevalent and computers were just a little faster.

I don't know what rizon - Linux is is but I guess that's just the internet. I don't know what to say other than I hope you have better luck next time.

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I think the first thing is actually recommend is enabling a daemon that launches Plex at boot without login. sudo systemctl enable plexmediaserver For something like a Minecraft server I'd recommend reading up on the setup process. (It's a fair bit to summarize)

If the application doesn't come with a systemd service I'd recommend making a cron. They're scary looking but actually pretty easy to use, I use it for automating maintenance on my server.

It may feel counter intuitive but Linux servers don't really need a desktop to manage them so most the tools don't really come with graphical apps. If you want an interface to check on things I'd recommend installing and using cockpit web based graphical interface.

If you want to do it proper on a systemd system make a systemd.service it's not as easy to learn but you get extra tools to manage it.

I've heard there's a lot of work that has been done in kde and gnome to get rdp (remote desktop protocol) with remote login.

I hope this helps! If not, almost everything can be done through the terminal and ssh(secure shell) makes that process really easy. I installed and setup my Linux laptop and my server that way.

If you just want to transfer files there is sshfs(secure shell file system) and the ability to go to your file browser and type in an sftp(secure file transfer protocol) address. In kde dolphin for example you select network and type in the bar sftp://(IP address or hostname)@(user):(working directory). Make sure you have sshfs installed on both machines and sshd enabled on at least the system you want to access.

My mother asked me to switch her over and she loves it. I love it too because she isn't always asking me for help all the time. I was playing around with windows games on Linux and while I was testing her game because it was fast to download, she was impressed and she wanted to switch right there.

I don't remember when it started but every other update to windows home popped up an advertisement for the Microsoft account (she had a local account) and an advertisement for office 365. She would literally call me every time it popped up saying it looked important so she didn't touch it. Libre office is close enough to excel that all the time I spent teaching her Excel didn't go to waist and I could finally cancel my office 365 subscription.

I'm thinking of recommending it to my aunt because her PC is slow and won't be supported by windows 11. If she's interested I'll let her play with it on an old laptop for a while before verifying she wants to switch over. The same thing I did with my mother.

It's amazing how fast we got here though isn't it. There were a ton of talented people, most of them working without pay just to make it happen.

I love the sense of community from something like that even if all I could do is be a beta tester, request potential improvements, and donate to my favorite projects.

I do like that saying a little better. Most people are just trying to help and yeah, any amount of help is appreciated.

Some people could try a little harder to understand that we all started out knowing nothing and we all need a little help from time to time. It's awesome to see so many people trying to be understanding here though.


Shit, did I save yet?


I don't fuck around, that's how I play my games too!

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Valve is trying to escape Microsoft's monopolistic practices with Linux while out performing their competition in a fair market. I like competition but I don't get what advantage steam has that their competition doesn't. Even with the steam deck they're using standardized hardware and open source software to make a competitive product leaving room for competition to create their own versions.

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There one glaring issue. Most people don't really even know what an operating system is and some of the people I talk to think Linux is a manufacture.

I literally bring up Linux to my friend when they are having trouble getting windows to work and they say I think I have a linux. They mean it's a Lenovo but they seem pretty confused about the idea of installing a different OS on their machine. This isn't just older people but 20 something year olds (about my age).

It's funny to me but I try to be patient and help them with their problems anyway.

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Sorry I've been reinstalling my computer about once a week.

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I always prefer a good 5 hour experience over a bland 60 hour experience.

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iOS apps generally require a $100 yearly fee to post to the app store and if they submitted a waiver as a nonprofit apple would probably take years to accept it.

Also apple has a tendency to quietly kill and/or stall small apps that pose a threat to features they incorporate into their os from what I've heard.

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I paid full price for Windows 10 twice, from Microsoft's website. I believe in paying for good software but Windows 10 was anything but. After the whole forced Microsoft account thing I had very little patience and then Windows 11 dropped. I switched to Linux and never looked back.

I understand if anyone can't switch or disagree with my point of view, you don't have to leave a comment.

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Meat, age 24.

I hate it when people gate keep. If someone who doesn't care about computers at all but finds windows annoying can switch (my mother) anyone can.

At the same time, there is an expectation for people to try to get used to how different Linux is just like with switching to macos. It's not great dealing with people switching to Linux expecting it to be almost identical to windows. I think it's left some of us a little bitter.

This will be the death of YouTube for me. I pay for YouTube premium so this day may never come for me.

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Don't mind people blaming you for choosing a brand. Their ire is misplaced, it's the company's fault as much as it's the consumers fault and the consumers should focus their energy in convincing companies to change their ways or loose their loyalty. This petty meaningless victim blaming helps no one.

It would help if you voted with your wallet from now on though.

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Me after one night with this person spamming the bell.

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I hear it didn't go well in the German government, something about the cost of training and skyrocketing tech support calls for basic tasks.

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This literally makes my skin crawl. I already bend my nails backwards picking up heavy awkward stuff.

Your a computer plugged into an organic matrix.

Yeah, I've gotten pretty used to companies fucking me too!

Good, it's about time the ftc grew a few teeth to fight with. They've been toothless for way too long.

There isn't much stopping them from patching the workaround and forcing a setup screen right after the update. I'm glad it works for you, I'm just not interested in making excuses for a three trillion dollar company .

Unless your on archlinux! Every once and a while you get a buggy package that makes your system a little unstable. I remember when a kernel update made the system freeze up if something tried to sleep or stop the wifi module.

It was like an infinite loop of a module failing to stop and a service repeatedly killing it.

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It's grub.cfg not grub.conf. it's really easy to miss because everything else is .conf.

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Someone's gotta make toxic sludge!

Gentoo users with a 16-core processor and 8 Gigs of RAM updating their packages.

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I don't watch LTT anymore thanks to Gamers Nexus. I was shopping for a new graphics card for my mother's desktop and I did see the confusing inconsistencies they were talking about in at least one video.

It just seemed like an improvement to switch to AMD from Nvidia ever since she switched to Linux. I'll watch this later!

Has @showerthoughts ever been about silly shower thoughts on Lemmy or is it just hot takes here.

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Your not missing much with window 11. It's like moving from a toxic relationship to an abusive one. Your constantly second guessing yourself on what your still allowed to do on it while you question if you actually own the os you spent $200 on.

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Skill issue! How is my mother better at using Linux than you?😆

just put your hands between your buttocks. That's nature's pocket. -Futurama