50 Post – 346 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
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  • English is not my native language, correcting my grammar mistakes is appreciated, it helps me learn
  • Sometimes I word my messages poorly. Please forgive me if I seem rude

And there are still people who will downvote you for saying that Linux distros are not impregnable fortresses of OS security

You aren't even allowed to upload it to an external website like Imgur?

I think most people these days don't use browser bookmarks as a "check this out later" tool, and instead as more of a "I frequently need to access this page" function.

So what's preventing those people from using bookmarks as "check this out later" tool? The personal preference of using an app that reinvented those same bookmarks? Just create a "read-it-later" later directory and boom, you're good to go.

Also, "read later" apps generally strip the web page formatting and advertisements, and usually have an offline function of some sort; both of which you typically can't do with bookmarks.

Yeah, because these are features typically provided by your browser. Hence, browser bookmarks. It's not a unique feature to read-it-later apps in any way.

Came here to say the exact same thing. People really do love to reinvent browser bookmarks.

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It's a single developer game

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How do I politely suggest that learning history through HOI4 or WWII subreddits might not be the best idea?

Imagine wanting to see if you can help with the development, but seeing that the development is coordinated on fucking Discord.

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It's the Fediverse that I have been searching for.

Somebody on Lemmy made this quote I really like:

Twitter is people you care about posting content you don't care about. Reddit is people you don't care about posting content that you do care about

Twitter-like Fedi never clicked for me. I made a bunch of accounts over the course of two, maybe three years, each starting with the intention of maybe making new friends and having a good time. I met a ton of cool people but we never became good friends because I never got really invested into it, simply because my feed was never something I hoped it would be, something exciting.

Lemmy gives me exactly what I was searching for. I didn't use it prior to thr Reddit migration because there were too few people but now I am very happy

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A decently big casino, as you could guess from the article, was getting away with Cloudflare's Business Plan (250$/month, which even the author in the post agrees was a "fairly low price", likely downplaying it).

The Cloudflare team reached out to them to let them know their usage does not fit into the tier anymore and they need to pay the custom price of an Enterprise plan, which may, or may not have been fair since the author does not provide any relevant data, because they were cut off from the stats since they had their account terminated.

The casino refused and indicated they are at talks with Fastly, which was a stupid thing to tell to the CF team, because on their end it was looking like "yeah, we're going to keep freeloading until we move to another company", so they decided to terminate the casino's account.

The story taught the author not to rely on proprietary services. I hope it might also teach them not to rely on any service if they are getting away with a price that is way too cheap for the resources they consume.

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Does it have to be developed further? Neofetch looks like a finished product.

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VSCodium is better than most text editors. BTW, if you didn't know, you can still install some (turns out not all of them will work so you might still need the proprietary build from MS) extensions from Microsoft's store manually.

ShareX is the best software I have ever found for taking screenshots and/or quick gifs/videos. It's a real shame it doesn't have a GNU/Linux version, it's the only app I miss badly from my Windows days. Any other screenshot software is just nothing in comparison with it.

Joplin is my fav note-taking app. I have tried a lot of them but this one just works, has quite a big feature set, can synchronise using different mediums, from Dropbox to using Syncthing and synchronising files locally, doesn't look poorly, is cross-platform, has e2ee, doesn't cockblock you with paywalls. For me it's the perfect note-taking app.

Aegis is the best 2FA app for Android there is atm. IIRC, it got created because Google Auth had some problems with privacy so the whole idea of Aegis is to be the better option.

Lichess — a chess server with no BS and there are 0 paywalls. would force you to pay for stupid things like puzzles, with Lichess I am able to procrastinate with chess. For free.

NewPipe is the best YouTube client there is. For me, it's because of fast-forward on silence and the ability to unhook pitch and video speed. That means you don't have to either waste your time on literal nothing or struggle to understand what a person is saying anymore. NewPipe also gives you everything YouTube Premium does.

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If someone had any doubts about federation with Threads, they shouldn't by now. Facebook is trying to turn Fediverse into Shittyverse and Fedizens should resist that

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Damn, that's unironically a pretty clever name for a Masto instance

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Have you ever heard of this cool niche kernel? How was it called?.. Uhh, I think it was Lunix. Or was it Linux? Yeah, Linux!


Its userbase is pretty small, I bet nobody heard of it on such a tiny platform as the Threadiverse

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Did you expect something else from a link aggregator?

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Welcome, you have discovered the alienation of labour in the field of IT. People were dealing with this shit for decades and it will keep happening as long as we live under capitalism.

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Aren't we paying them to do all this?

That's the neat part, actually: we don't.

They look better and more quirky than the "usual" ones. Also, sometimes they might be even cheaper

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A user.js file should do the thing. It doesn't exactly lock the variable but rather the browser sets it on each launch, so even if it was overridden by an update, it would be overridden by the file again afterwards.

Somebody could've pushed malware in the code, write all software yourself.

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What? I understand this doesn't really matter for your question but bolsheviks did not... A giant chunk of the Party was intelligentsia, just see Lenin's biography. IDK where did you find that BS, bolsheviks didn't shoot people left and right.

Wait, you're going to tell me you don't actually have to serve bloat on a blog like it's foss? No way!

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I have seen many people on Lemmy mentioning Distrobox, who are you referring to?..

Also, yeah, it sounds neat. Thanks for the good post

It already has been out for like a few months

You are a hero

Anything with "free speech" in its name looks really shady these days

Well, it does its job for now. As for the security updates... Isn't neofetch just a little fancy tool to display data from your system that is already exposed to any process on your distribution? What attack surface does it introduce?

Or, y'know, use the block button

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Why tf is this downvoted if it's true? Telegram's own encryption is a joke, you can't enable it in group chats or through desktop clients. There's also part fo ToS that states you can't use your own encryption in Telegram, which is pretty suspicious of a supposed privacy-friendly messenger

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8 (!) high impact CVEs fixed. Never forget about the security updates, folks

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uBlock Origin has filters to block cookie pop-ups. I consider the extension a must anyway, no need to download another one like IDCAC or Consent-o-matic

Maybe this will help people finally make their apps work on Wayland. I hate so much to install a "privacy-friendly" software or even something related to security and discover it only works under X.

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It's one of the things that I hated at first when moving from Windows, but then I got so used to it I just can't live without it. Whenever I use Windows, I would try to quickly copypaste text using selection, doing so for 5-10 seconds, until I realise this is not a thing on this OS.

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Sometimes the block is on whole different level than a DNS

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I'm pretty comftable with linux mint right now

For the love of God, spare your free time and don't move from what works. Consider tweaking your system instead and moving only when you broke something

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Qt and Electron are different technologies that achieve somewhat different goals

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Syncthing, I setup synchronisation between my PC and phone in apps that have bad built-in synchronisation or don't have it at all, e.g. for PPSSPP: I am able to have my save files for games synchronised and keep playing a videogame on phone just where I left it off on my PC

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And that's why you need punctuation kids.

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Aw, I'm so sorry, that must've hurt. I had a similar thing happen to me but in a dream... I never had the confidence to ask her out irl

I absolutely love the KDE approach and I always enable telemetry for FOSS apps if I can see what exactly is being sent. Hell, I wouldn't even mind some opt out telemetry if I could see what data the app sends back "home". That's, obviously, if the data sent doesn't violate my privacy significantly