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What a fucking shit educator: 'Once a thief always a thief.' Humiliating a student in front of the class.

If I was the principal I would have them fired, or at least suspended.

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A broken record.

I'll see myself out.

Holy shit it's on the money

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Presumably one can still set default in settings. I'm not giving up Firefox yet.

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It got on the news. They sacrificed their jobs for that at least.

I saw the video about a year ago, the one posted by gamma on this thread and the general summary I got from the video is that:

  1. For the immense time and expertise these children are putting into the game, they get a very small cut. And their social life and education will probably suffer so hey!
  2. A job comes with security and rights. These children get no rights as they are not on contract.
  3. There are predators on Roblox which the company is overlooking (as they are making huge games there, like the Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox game).

It's a very grey area that isn't regulated well.

That's ridiculous, as a father of a future bilingual baby I would raise hell or move schools.

Partly why Shadow of the Colossus was eerily beautiful, it didn't depend on any kind of pre-existing mythology

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Feels like a half assed Minority Report plotline.

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You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

I've learned that no matter how nice people seem, they can still fuck you over when money is involved.

Invested quite a lot of money and they chose to remove all contact with me after I told them I wouldn't bail out their debt.

So lesson learned. Absolutely make people accountable for their managerial actions every single day before they throw a business into debt. And get out if they show red flags of fucking up.

It's close to 'renewable' but technically it should be called 'low carbon fuel'.

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I get the fact that reading too high above your grade means you may be way over your head in vocabulary and grammar, but it's not entirely applicable to everyone. I read Pride and Prejudice and one friend said I sounded posh from the language I accidentally started using. So if a high schooler or junior high schooler can handle it, why not?

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Opening article expecting some actual picture examples. Instead got stock images with zero PC towers. And honestly, I lost all hope by the time I got to BBQ.

Depends on how far you push it in.

Funny thing I heard is that it's like a punishment for not getting pregnant (by the body). Post pregnancy my wife said she had periods but without the pain, like the body was saying 'I'm happy for now.'

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Here in China it's basically nothing. They don't even have to greet you. They only do the formal stuff with people they need to be chummy with. Sad but true.

I'm an expat here, and it applies not just towards me but to any Chinese-Chinese new acquaintances.

Japan was totally opposite and awesome, bowing to an old lady and getting into conversation with her was one of the most memorable experiences for me.

For a moment there I thought Linux mint had released on mobile. Something Ubuntu failed to do 😅

In UK it is compulsory to stop at the line, and then you start edging forward. So logically it's further back so that instead of wildly driving into a main road you creep into it. The stop line slows traffic all the way down so they're driving out into that road at 10 mph perhaps.

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Well, if reported to the police, foul play or neglect was involved.

It was speedier and usually more effective than forums which crept at a snails pace.

Fermented tofu, it sounds horrible but it's just akin to cheese.

Think how the Chinese feel about heavily fermented milk? Ha!

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And every single Asian game and anime tends to go for skimpy or virtual softcore with it's female characters. Rarely you see a female character in full armor.

Reminds me of those one punch deaths that result in manslaughter, because damn, the back of the head is pretty fragile.

Upvoting this next chapter to the wild incoherence of the title.

I'd imagine that resulted in a few funny episodes.

Somehow feels like it needs a meta-NSFW tag 😂

I think getting older means they can do some pretty cool stuff with their costumes. I see nothing wrong with it, it's a massive outdoor party.

To be honest law enforcement (at least in the IT department of things) would be pretty used to anything at this point so why feel embarrassed?

You'll probably be added to a tally on the wall listed with examples such as: 'How to blow your own dick?' or 'Another Bronie.' or 'Wiki rabbit hole addict.'

Quick! Call the press!

Don't forget his charisma. He probably has a few hundred views by now.

I tried to use Calc and whatever the PPT one is called and both were incredibly laggy, even when I tweaked the hardware settings. And then there was a bizarre weird thing or two like the insert symbols not working in ribbon view.

And ribbon view didn't really improve the fast response I need, like being able to type 5cm scaled for huge image, instead I would still need to open the settings and do many clicks for the same result.

So I just stick to that old 2007 office I still use. Oh gosh, did I mention the crashes yet?

Probably didn't blow due to him flooding the air with gas, barely any oxygen left I bet.

One Bunsen burner though...

IKR required a search to figure out. Autocorrect takes care of these typical phrases. Imo the only one I like to use is imo for some reason.

Eh? The whole article refers to lunar dust being the bane of existence there. The slabs would no longer be kicking up dust into sensitive delicate stuff.

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Tau Zero is essentially where eventually within a few months no hospitable worlds exist. This is due to a spacecraft being out of control and reaching relativistic speeds.

And it's already been pointed out that the actions of Trump and Bolsonaro mirror the same undermining strategy but failed. Still, Modi controls nearly all the media now so it's going to be stronger propaganda than Fox News.

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Ash Ketchum gets bankrupted paying for his mother's hospital bills. The End.

He actually translated the Green Knight from its original old English so he did enjoy some mythology of England prior to his bestsellers.

In the end they were both based off Linux/Unix and some people prefer standardisation and some customisation and development. No point in arguing about what someone else wants. Oh you are vegan? Well, I disagree and think you should be eating meat. What a shame we waste energy continuing these arguments. 😂