The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes to World – 151 points –
The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes

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And it's already been pointed out that the actions of Trump and Bolsonaro mirror the same undermining strategy but failed. Still, Modi controls nearly all the media now so it's going to be stronger propaganda than Fox News.

Which makes India's case sound more like Hungary or turkey don't you think? More or less complete control of the media while still having "fair" elections.

and just look at what happened to Fox News: finally knocked off of their pedestal after decades of being #1-- by MSNBC

MSNBC which does only marginally better reporting than Fox News. I have mixed feelings about this.

I haven’t looked at the numbers but I wonder if this is driven by the consolidation of media consumption by left-leaning consumers and the fracturing of media consumption by right-leaning consumers.

oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not simping for MSNBC-- nor any corporate news conglomerate. I was just commenting on Fox News's fall from... well, whatever it was. the top.

Yes, I feel the same. So while I do enjoy watching their decline I’m not sure this represents an improvement in the media ecosystem as a whole. I suspect a lot of former Fox News viewers have now been sucked into far right or even fascist media sources.

TV is becoming like radio was back in the 90s, something only old people listen to. However, only old people vote it seems as well.