32 Post – 386 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

designer of experiences, developer of apps, resident of nyc, citizen of earth


tip jar

pay your workers a fair wage! end tipping culture!

It’s possible they had a dead BIOS battery, and whenever they had to boot up, they had to reset the BIOS clock, or the system would go haywire thinking it was Jan 1, 1992 or whatever the default date was.

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not everybody. just one, particular sector of society.

I like Mlem because it's a native iOS app developed in Swift and SwiftUI for everyone to be performant, beautiful, and accessible!

But I'm on the Mlem Team, so maybe I'm a bit biased :P

Follow updates here: Mlem App for Lemmy

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Oops! All swastikas!

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it's pretty depressing to have watched Google grow from this supposedly amazing company that was willing to develop any amazing idea into something to only caring about how to inject ads into your brain and monetize every shred of data it can harvest from you by any conceivable means.

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oh, definitely TNG-era Star Trek.

Socialist Space Utopia where I can be or do whatever I like anywhere I like, free of need and want? Sounds awesome!

What would I do? Explore the endless opportunities!

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good job, and well done! this, of course, will require constant vigilance, not merely one single effort. hopefully, a common protocol can be developed - perhaps a set of maintenance tools for instance admins - to help manage large numbers of inactive and otherwise suspicious accounts, especially making it easier and more straightforward for those instance owners with less experience managing large user databases.

in the meantime, perhaps it would be useful to create more extensive documentation and guides for instance admins on the subject?

yeah, it’s called a “trial”.

the "trap" is that he knows Trump will “lie” because Smith has “mountains of evidence” that Trump and his co-conspirators are “incredibly fucking guilty."

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it was never about the abortions.

as always, the cruelty was the point.

Up Next:

“How they’re totally going to get away with it”

Such bullshit

I feel bad for the employees who have to clean that mess.

especially because 1) it will be trashed again in 30 minutes, and 2) they get paid crap

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I don’t want to discuss the incident in detail because it was very traumatic, but long story short, I had a near-drowning incident when I was 12 (technically not a drowning because I survived). I was technically dead for several minutes.

I saw nothing. total blank. I remember flashes of struggling to get to the side of the pool one moment, and flashes of waking up in an ambulance the next. then it cuts out again, and then I woke up in a hospital room with tubes in all my holes (plus some tubes in new holes) and surrounded by my mom and brothers.

I prefer they be made to suffer the indignity of paying workers a fair wage.

I swear, I saw this exact post on reddit 18 years ago

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"but if my workers aren't miserable, exhausted and in constant pain, I can't call myself a good capitalist! they must be broken!"

-- the American business owner

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the alt-right movement is like an abusive relationship, made up of a bunch of very insecure people constantly seeking approval from an abuser who doles it out with an equal amount of degradation, keeping them confused and isolated enough that they have no choice but to keep coming back because - after having driven everyone else away with their hateful rhetoric - the abusive alt-right is now their only source of “community” at all.

it’s a cult.

More thorough video explanation from The Alt-Right Playbook: Endnote 4: How the Alt-Right is Like an Abusive Relationship (live)

Pride comes before a fall they say.

[sees that Pride month ends June 30th]


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Aside from balking at the audacity of using a platform for piracy as her own personal blog, the community was quick to knock her down a peg.

So I guess you read them all? The great thinkers? To verify how you are above and beyond their thinking? Do you understand how utterly arrogant this post makes you? I will tell you why. To put yourself above thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Adam Smith, John Locke, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Francisco de Vitoria, Friedrich Nietzsche and so many others. Human beings who have helped shape the foundation of the world we live in today. I am talking about the most basic of basic stuff we now take for granted like property, human rights, democratic governance and rule of law. Without these ideas and those who dedicated their lives to refine them, our world could not be like it is today.

This was a strong argument, but as someone else jokingly pointed out:

removed shut up, they pirated rdr2

Which, to be fair, Hobbes and Kant never did.

I'm fucking dead 😂

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you may not know this, but suse was originally based off of slackware way, way, waaaaay back in the day before changing over to a jurix base.

every accusation is a confession with these people

I know medical bills are crazy right now

that, and

Why where they not on the phone with 911 while driving

because that’s not only against the law, but, in an emergency when you’re speeding to the hospital, you’re not always thinking clearly.

what I’d like to know if WTF the assh*le cops though thought it was so necessary to endanger everyone’s lives with a PIT maneuver over a speeding violation when they could have gotten the car’s tag and mailed the a ticket? sounds like roided out piggies going crazy with power and endangering lives just because they can. like always. #acab

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turning ben shapiro into a real boy was a mistake

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Keep in mind, this guy didn't get fired for being a nazi of liking Fuentes, he got fired for embarrassing DeSantis by saying the quiet part out loud.

All of this “anti CRT” revisionist bullshit revolves around the concept that teaching the history of racism in America must be avoided because it hurts the feelings of white children to know that white people have a history of being racists. So, the solution is, apparently, never to tell them that.

It's pretty fucking disgusting. 

long story short: a nuke (even many) has only a tiny fraction of the power of a hurricane, so if you nuked a hurricane, not only would it have very little-to-no effect, now you’d have a hurricane full of deadly radiation contaminating everything it came into contact with.

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oh, the irony

well, if they’re shifting the definition of “conservative” to what others call a “domestic terrorist who made death threats against the President and then had a shootout with the FBI rather than surrender,” then yeah, those people should watch out.

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*all the way to the bank


who pleaded guilty to assaulting or impeding officers

and how many PoC, who, while doing nothing wrong, got charged with “resisting arrest” got sentenced to 5-10 years while not committing treason...

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"White Nationalists" is what they call themselves, amongst other, whose things.

I've been seeing a bunch of posts about Lemmy being smeared on Reddit lately. They must be scared...

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when you go to prison and pay the price that society says your supposed to pay by serving your sentence, you get released. you’re done. How is it just that you have your right to vote permanently stripped from you?

if you were convicted of a violent crime and were proven not to be able to be trusted with a firearm, I can understand not being able to ever own a gun again, and a felony record already makes it next to impossible to find a decent job or decent housing. but to never vote again? that’s just petty and vindictive, not just. These people, whatever their crime, hav paid their debt to society.

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“Fair wages‽ We’ll fight this by spending hundreds of millions on a sure-to-fail legal defense of worker exploitation rather than spending far less money by paying our employees fairly!”

— Capitalists

it asked me to create an account when I started up the app, then claimed I "wasn't on the list" then had me sign up for a wait list.

yet another web browser that promises the world and delivers... nothing.
