Shopping at Target to Mildly – 757 points –

Stopped at Target to look for some shoes.


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I feel bad for the employees who have to clean that mess.

especially because 1) it will be trashed again in 30 minutes, and 2) they get paid crap

My wife works at Target and usually the managers take turns with the gross cleanups. That can include vomit, piss and shit but sometimes creative stuff you wouldn’t think of like a customer put a package of meat back behind a shelf so no one knew it was there until it was rancid, started leaking and smelling like a dead body.

That's awful nice of the managers to take that on. I honestly think that anything that involves biohazard should not be handled by store employees at all.

30 minutes is generous. I’ve watched the aisle get trashed in 5 minutes when I took my son shoe shopping for school last year. We were the only ones who put things back.