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Joined 12 months ago

Used to work retail so I feel this. Crazy thing is that sometimes it only takes one or two customers (and their gremlin children) to cause this kind of chaos. I'd go into fitting rooms and shit would be thrown all over the floors. Every now and then there would be extra food or drink containers, or used diapers, or urine in the wastebasket. Fun times.

7 more...

Wait, so does conception start at the mission briefing? Or the general's speech? Asking to inform my local politician.

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Oof thats really bad. Was there at least pizza?

3 more...

I've never heard of this witchcraft. This is exactly what I need.

Edit: heard not beard

Along with trying to add contributive posts here and there, I'm also trying to be more mindful about upvoting. I think most us like to see appreciation and acknowledgement of our post efforts, so a little upvote goes a long way towards encouraging content creation.

Not sure what flavor you're looking for but here's some of the ones I enjoyed:

  • Pan's Labyrinth - fairy tale horror
  • Gretel & Hansel -fairy tale horror
  • Babadook - dramatic horror
  • Mothman Prophecies - dramatic horror
  • Hereditary - dramatic horror
  • The Descent - adventure/action horror
  • Jeepers Creepers - adventure/action horror
  • The Mist - adventure/action horror
  • The Crazies - adventure/action horror
  • 10 Cloverfield Lane - adventure/action horror
  • This is the End - comedy horror
  • Shaun of the Dead - comedy horror
  • Zombieland - comedy horror.

On my Halloween movie list this year I'm planning on watching

  • Little Otik (fairy tale horror with stop motion & live action - looks artsy)
  • Lamb (supernatural horror)
  • Tigers are not Afraid (supposed to be similar to Pan's Labyrinth)
  • Midnight Meat Train (Clive Barker horror- one of Bradley cooper's earlier movies)

Saw some other good ones already posted here - Event Horizon, Midsommar - so I think you'll get a good list.

Yeah he's going to exploit the shit out of that mugshot. Bet it'll be on the cover of his newest memoir. Do they let people smile in their mugshots nowadays? I'm seriously hoping they don't at Fulton.

During the cold season, I will give all metal door knobs and door handles a little whack first with my hand before grabbing. I hate the static shock that may or may not be waiting and the whack absorbs it in a way I can anticipate it.

I thought this would be more common but I don't really see anyone else doing it.

10 more...

People in Hawaii are deadly serious about their Spam. It is a high-theft item so places like Walmart typically lock them up.

Inclement weather. Any kind really but the bigger, the better. Snow flurries, a really big thunderstorm, howling wind - I turn 5 years old again every time. Just overcome with excitement and fear and awe.

Ok, but how would you know it was a prank? If you have someone who has suddenly entered into your personal space exhibiting erratic but persistent confrontational behavior, I think there's some justification towards reacting with violence. I dont think most of us are conditioned or trained to react to threatening behavior in the most effective way, like cops and military are. So that means flight, freeze, or fight. You don't have the benefit of knowing it was a prank, you just have a situation rapidly unfolding in front of you. Unfortunately in this situation Colie was armed, and responded with that measure. I think most of people would be ok if the response was just a phsyical fight without a gun, but then again how many people have the capability to "win" that way?

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That's awful nice of the managers to take that on. I honestly think that anything that involves biohazard should not be handled by store employees at all.

Not with a broken leg and ankle but I've been overcome before by situations like this. I know there's a lot of advice in here already to manage the anxiety, but here's a few things you can actually do:

  1. Make a list. Write down everything that needs to be taken care of. Pets, bills, work, rent, school work...just write down everything that comes to mind. Write down deadlines and where you are going to come short.

  2. If you are not on heavy pain meds, start communicating. There's a good chance that some deadlines can be pushed back, work can find you extra hours, friends and family can spot you. Even creditors may be willing to help. You have a situation that is entirely provable with hospital records.

  3. Depending on your life situation, you may be able to find government resources, charity groups, etc. Just by calling around you could find a connection inadvertently that can help. I found pro bono legal services once when an someone tried to sue me because a charity group i called knew someone from another group.

  4. Adjust your list and prioritize what needs to be done first. I think just putting things down on paper/word doc takes a lot of burden off your mind. You know you won't forget what needs to be done and it helps to have all the info in front of you when you need to communicate.

  5. Sudoku. Optional, but highly advocate that or some kind of problem solving game.

Good luck to you, friend. Speedy recovery.

If you throw in 5. Scary Movie Marathon, this is literally my Halloween plans. I'm very excited to be hosting myself. And my cats.

This movie for me cemented Sam Neill's acting range. From Dr. Grant with the this. This is also one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, sci-fi horror films of all time - which is kind of a tough genre to sell.

Snag Nab-It and an electric depiller (fabric shaver).

Miracle makers during sweater season.

Usually it's culture that's not their own, from a position of expertise. Theres a fairly good chance of putting out some really bad info and it can also come off as racially or culturally insensitive - which I want no part of. Extra cringe when it's your own culture that they're talking about and you're put in that awkward position of having to do an ackchyually...

I think being polite is going to be pretty critical towards growing this community. Nobody wants to hang out with a bunch of nasty trolls.

Creepshow (the 80s one) scared the bejesus out of me as a kid. I had an irrational fear of going to get anything out of our car at night for longer than I want to admit.

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Uhhmm this could be one of two scenarios...

I think testing for cognitive function is going to prove impossibly difficult - or at least for now. How do we set and quantify an acceptable value for cognitive function? How will we execute testing? When do we test? How often? Who will do the testing? How do we counter for potential performance drugs for test candidates? Do we notify the public on the test findings? There's just a lot involved with making this the barrier to entry vs age or term limits.

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Oh right - that was the that did it

I honestly don't think this is a bad idea for the US...for now at least. Right now your typical options for official statements from government leaders are either through (1) politically polarized media like CNN or Fox, (2) paid subscription to better journalism, or (3) social media monopolies like Twitter (X) and Instagram. Can we really not fund something entirely independent of a mega-corporation to get official info out?

I think this depends on what invisible means. Does it mean no detectable signature - IR/thermal, scent, sound, etc.? Or just not on the visible light spectrum for humans? If not detectable at all, I think it would hold greater value for information gathering and have a lot of useful applications in hostage and other criminal situations, as well as state security through a very useful means of tradecraft. All that's out the door if a couple of rottweilers can sniff me out though.

It's a bit of a monkey's paw question as having either power puts a huge burden of secrecy as well as the threat of danger on yourself and whomever you choose to share knowledge of it that with.

I find the kind of behavior you're describing as a sort of non-necessary survival mode behavior. They want to not just get the product they need, they want to get the best darn carton of strawberries in the entire batch. We're not talking looking over a few cartons, we're talking those people that will go through EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. That side of the spectrum. I feel like people who do this might be predisposed to hoarding tendencies or other obsessive disorders. Don't get me wrong, fk those people, but I really want to believe there's a reason behind the madness.

Yeah feels like an honest question as well to me. I don't get all the downvotes and hate for this post. It doesn't seem anything like shilling. I've never shopped Temu but I've seen the ads, made my assumptions, and now this discussion gives me more information on it rather than doing trial/error. How is a question like this a bad thing?

I do understand the visceral responses based off Temu's most likely lack of safety and ethics, but at the end of the day it's everyone's own personal call on how responsible they want to be with their purchases - caveat emptor I guess.

Did you read OP's question? How is he promoting anything?

For what it's worth I don't think you did anything wrong OP. Got some good info out of it. I'll share the downvotes with you.

Yep that's what I was thinking, too. He's probably seen and encountered some shit. Some gig work like Uber Eats allows customers to pay in cash so there's a fair chance that he is a natural target for theft through armed robbery or assault. If I had to do this work, I would want to be armed as well. Nobody in their right mind wants to do this kind of shit work though.

I clean the house as a form of punishment. Then some kind of brunch with eggs, strong coffee, and NO mimosas.

Is it just 1 pill for one-time use? I need this information to know if I can reuse some of these pill options.

I do the xylitol gum! I think countries in asia regularly markets this as part of good dental hygiene for those reasons you listed. Some of the gum containers advertise, white healthy teeth. Not sure why the US doesn't promote xylitol gum more.

It would greatly help out with the white suits if you know what I mean...

This is for all my floss-averse people out there: put floss plackers in your car. I floss way more this way than in front of my sink. Yes, not optimal dental hygiene but there's just something that just clicks in my head and makes me want to do it when driving around vs literally any other time.

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If its just one item that shocks you, I wonder if there's a permanent solution like taping dryer sheets to the legs or something.

I feel this. This probably stems from childhood issues and a string of failed relationships but I just can't be comfortable around really any social groups I've had for very long. Functionally I'm great, people seem to like talking to me and want my company. So we'll do a few get together sessions and then my fatigue will make me slowly fizzle out. It really sucks.

On the brightside though, I do love my own company and have made peace with having a lot of holidays and special occasions on my own or with the cat.

I can agree with this. Assholes from all walks.

Anecdotal, but it seemed like 80% of the time it was the poorer folks doing this shit. Have a sister with 4 kids, super close to welfare level and her and her kids do this shit (mostly her kids do this and she just lets them). Shes just tired and inattentive all the time. What I've noticed gets her attention is when a store clerk or other customer calls them out and shames them.

So public shaming may help the problem, but in today's world some of these people may turn rabid Mama bear on you. Some stores make you count items on hangers going in and then going out. That actually might work. But I'd rather see societal behavior change instead.

Side note: My sister has worked years of retail before so no idea how tf she does this.

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Lol yeah had to throw them in, because I guess essentially they DO get the training. They prob get de-escalation training too, but why bother when as a cop you get a few free oopsies a year.

Oh absolutely. I'm a walking, talking banana if you catch me at the wrong time or on the wrong day.

Also, if we went this route and tested for cognitive function- I'd 100% guarantee that our politicians would be on Adderall or some other amphetamine...if they weren't already.