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This strikes me as a pretend leak kind of story.

Yeah I do enjoy him but he’s definitely got a different vibe. Much more satirical.

So all of these answers have some truth to them, but they are also missing a key factor. The heritage foundation exists because they are paid tons of money by billionaires to sit around and come up with ways to strengthen their dominance over society. The left simply doesn’t have many supporters with that level of wealth. While it’s possible to do this on a voluntary basis it’s a lot harder than getting paid to do it.

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It will achieve what its proponents wanted, which is forcible removal of the homeless from wealthy neighborhoods. People with power in society will again be protected from any possible discomfort or guilt about their lifestyle, and any impetus to provide programs to help such people will evaporate.

It’s not just republicans. Voters have been concerned about Biden’s age since 2020 but democratic leaders have been insisting it was fine anyway. The debate was the first time most voters saw Biden speaking at length in a non-scripted manner in a while, and it looked very not fine.

Weird I wonder why that didn’t work when I voted for Hillary.

I guess when the people being drafted have a higher likelihood of being killed by an invading army without the draft than with it. Tough to assess though.

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Do you know what the word tankie means? Because I don’t think the people you are describing are tankies. Progressives, democratic socialists, maybe some anarchists, or just Palestinian liberation people of all stripes but tankies no. Tankies are not supporting the Democratic Party because they don’t generally believe in democracy. If they were to vote it would be third party or maybe even for Trump in the hopes the west will destroy itself.

Tankies are dangerous so please don’t dilute the meaning of the word that way.

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One bad debate is one thing but this was maybe the worst debate performance in history. And Biden’s polling was already quite bad prior to this. These polls show essentially no advantage in sticking with Biden, which is highly unusual for an incumbent. It’s likely to only be worse after the new information gets factored in.

That said, you’re right that we likely need all of the information from new polling to decide on the correct path. But if democrats are smart they are at a minimum setting up an alternative candidate at this point.

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That’s a tough one. There’s no obvious moral calculus to translate between lives lost and quality of life.

I tend to think drafting is similar to slavery—it’s a grave violation of basic human rights and should only be considered under the most extreme circumstances where the alternative is clearly worse.

It might depend on the exact nature of the authoritarian regime. Or maybe I’m just not comfortable with either outcome and so I don’t want to answer the question.

Are we going to though? I have my doubts.

I haven’t seen that one but from what I’ve read, polling showed a similar level of disparity in performance—with about two thirds of viewers giving the edge to Trump and Reagan respectively. Also, the Reagan campaign had access to Carter’s debate prep notes so it was a bit of a unique circumstance.

Andrew Callaghan. Just sit there an ask Trump simple questions with a vibe so chill he self destructs without any outside interference.

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Shit I was not aware of this. I’ve just seen his YouTube channel.

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Unfortunately, a candidate dropping out like this is almost unheard of, so the downsides are pretty uncertain. Personally I think people are a little too worried about this but there certainly is some risk that what seems like a good candidate under casual examination ends up having some fatal flaw or hidden scandal.

Lol no that’s not how any of this works. If I flip a coin and correctly pick the outcome in 2024 will you start paying me to forecast elections?

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Sadly I doubt the US would ever go along with this even though our citizens would strongly support it. The wealthy have too much power here.

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What are you referring to here? Your statement seems to contradict not just the headline but the entire article.

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I mean I think it makes sense to focus on the most severe possible punishment in this context.

That said, I did not find any mention of the death penalty in the linked page. I do not speak Chinese so I was relying on the translation feature in my browser, so I’m not sure if it was mistranslated, the article is wrong about that, or what. Curious if anyone has further information on this.

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I don’t think it is failed. It has reached self-sustaining levels for many topics. It will need further growth to make smaller, niche topics self-sustaining. Whether this growth will take place is an open question. I know my instance is growing in terms of activity, but I’m not sure how others are faring.

But as long as it isn’t shrinking, I think it’s well-positioned to absorb more growth as users discover it or become disillusioned with Reddit or other sites in the future.

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Long-term, possibly. But if the collapse happens too quickly it may cause a lot of issues. A slow steady decline would be best but may be difficult to achieve.

It seems like every voting system has pros and cons, but I’ve become interested in STAR voting as it seems to have a nice blend of positive characteristics without the worst flaws of other systems.

It’s effectively a mix of score voting and instant runoff (ranked choice).

You can read more here:

It hasn’t been tested much, mainly because it’s relatively unknown, so I’d like to see more real-world testing before I say it’s the best, but it’s definitely intriguing.

OK so probably a translation issue. But to respond to your statement, if your city announced it would punish illegal parking with penalties ranging from 3 years imprisonment to fucking murder, which would you be more concerned with? And which would you rather local journalists make you aware of? Would you really be criticizing their clickbait headlines if they ran a similar story?

Like I said, focusing on the more severe possible punishment makes perfect sense in this context. Not to mention that all of the punishments are extremely excessive.

Awesome tool, thanks for sharing. I wish they included STAR voting since I’ve become interested in that one.

Holy shit this dude fucking lives on his plane. Like I feel guilty about the 2-3x per year I fly to see family but this fucker has flown that far already in the past week. Why? Does he not know how to do a video call?

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I think YouTube is forcing content creators to be pawns in its war against its users and we should not fall for its tricks.

Note that YouTube is still being paid for these views in spite of this “invalid traffic”. So they can easily solve this problem by altering their payment model. I don’t personally feel the need to take responsibility for their decision of how much to pay their employees.

If I wanted to support a content creator that badly I would just donate to them directly. Ads are the real mind virus.

Can we please actually enforce the rules on drivers though? These are so obviously illegal yet nothing is done.

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I actually think Lemmy needs more work before it grows much bigger. The mod tools are really lackluster currently. And that was a big reason people wanted to leave Reddit.

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To me this pretty strongly confirms my assumption that the board’s attempt to force out Sam Altman was totally justified.

I hope that other non-profits who might have been curious about this hybrid structure see that it was a failure in strengthening the non-profit. I predict any remaining benevolent goals of the organization will be completely subsumed by the for-profit arm, if that process is not already finished.

I doubt most users care about the IPO directly. What does it matter if the platform is owned by a few scumbags or many?

But as we know, pressure to attain profitability may push Reddit to introduce increasingly user-hostile features. This is where the possibility for the next revolt lies.

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Shoulda put more shade in the intended parking area. In the south you always park in the shade. No exceptions.

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I’ve never lived in Austin but it was very underwhelming to visit. It’s hard to fathom why people would choose to live there over CA. Just look at the quality of life metrics. And it’s not even affordable to live there.

Good BBQ though.

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Why do you think tech workers are overpaid? I think other workers are underpaid.

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Why would anyone buy such a printer? You could just go to a print shop at that point. Though honestly that’s already what I do so maybe it’s for the hikikomori or something. I don’t know why the home printer still exists in this day and age.

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Is it really accurate to call these groups gangs at this point? They are not gangs in the sense that people in the US or Europe would understand. They are not groups of criminals engaged primarily in economic crimes. They are basically armed autonomous militants. Their main activities are political and governmental. Most of the killing is for control of territory they oversee.

In essence Haiti has become a failed state and these groups are vying to control that power vacuum. The term gang is more misleading than clarifying and I have to wonder if there is some unconscious racial bias at play with media coverage.

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I would not move across country without a firm job that can cover your expenses. Especially if you have no social network to support you. This is how lots of people become homeless.

So start there, look at where you can find work, maybe make some phone calls, send emails, etc. Then once you have a sense of how much you’ll be able to make you can look at what housing is available to you. But realistically, surviving in expensive places with the amount of money you currently make may be quite difficult. Keep in mind that many of the very lowest cost apartments you see may be scams.

Also, consider looking at some cities closer to home. There may be some pockets of lgbt friendliness in your region that you aren’t considering and they may be lower cost of living. The places you listed are all extremely expensive and not necessarily somewhere you can just move without a plan.

I know everyone hates Reddit here but once you start to narrow things down, it might be helpful to ask specific questions on local subreddits to get input from locals.

I’m skeptical… how are the fake reviews identified and how do you avoid flagging real ones?

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How would this provide any measure of security if your account had been hacked? So the hackers just need to provide literally any email address? That doesn’t pose much of a barrier.

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Teslas are already directly dangerous to his customers but our society is numb to traffic violence so people don’t care as much as they should. But “full self-driving” has already killed people.

Edit: removed “a lot” because while I suspect it is true, it remains unproven.

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Absolutely. Mandatory arbitration is a miscarriage of justice so obvious that it is truly shocking to me that both the courts and the legislature allow it to continue.