My Amazon Driver Today to – 299 points –



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Shoulda put more shade in the intended parking area. In the south you always park in the shade. No exceptions.

I love shade but driving into a yard is ridiculous lmao. That's a worker who is so done with the bullshit they have to put up with

A lot of people don't get that. You're right.

I got that. I myself live in a hot climate where the cars turn into disgusting saunas when left 1 minute too long in the sun. Never have I ever even considered driving through someone's yard to park in the shade of their tree, even when I knew the the alternative was returning to a steering wheel that's too hot to touch.

Entitlement at its finest.

Those whiny workers, feeling like they're entitled to shade in the summer in the South! They should be grateful for their van without the AC! That's shading them, isn't it? Peasants.

that's a pretty new transit van, it definitely has ac


Random people should be able to drive up and destroy my lawn. Christ you people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I thought we were talking about people parking in the shade in the South.

I thought we weren't talking about an Amazon driver parking on someones lawn.

The comment you replied to, and called 'entitlement at its finest' was:

Shoulda put more shade in the intended parking area. In the south you always park in the shade. No exceptions.

Not "people should park on someone's lawn."

They parked in the grass because you didn't put up shade. Seems pretty clear to me, not sure if you are ESL or something 🤷‍♂️.

Again, that is not what you responded to. Insulting me won't change that. I quoted what you responded to. I'm not sure why you're trying to gaslight.

Imagine caring about grass more than humans

100% yes. If an asshole parked on my lawn they can get fucked. Imagine getting your panties in a twist because I have some concept of personal property.

Imagine caring about everything you own more than humans. So now give me all your money, your house, or you don't care about humans.