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Joined 12 months ago

Why would you presume that? Maybe they’re suffering and trying to raise awareness.

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My dad is a tech in the telecommunications industry. We basically didn’t see him for all of 1999. The fact that nothing happened is because of people working their assess off.

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I guess it’s a tradition to name fediverse projects after animals and the original creator was a big fan of the Lemmings games and Lemmy from Motorhead had just died.

Here’s a link with info on the origin story:

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This is incredibly obvious but it’s stated this way because a more honest headline would be uninteresting. The last time there was a serious Republican primary was 2015.

So they’re saying debate ratings are lower than the last time there wasn’t an obvious front runner. Yeah, no shit cnbc. Good job.

But instead fined him $5,000. This headline is stupid.

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He’s obviously not poor enough to not be able to come up with 20 grand. But if your backup plan is to flee the country, why put up any of your own money? He’s going to try to be in Moscow or some other country that won’t extradite him if it starts looking bad. He might not actually pull it off but he’s dumb enough to think he can.

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This community makes more sense when you realize the majority of users are CS students.

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I’ve used Linux since the 90s and I’ve never installed a flat pack or snap or whatever. They’re not required.

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This is such blatant advertising. Go away with the ad spam. That’s what Instagram is for.

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The developer of sells it on the Microsoft store to support the product. Not any different than buying an app through the App Store or Google play store.

It’s created by a Microsoft Engineer, not super surprising they leverage Microsoft tools to get paid.

They don’t. Libre Office is maintained by a non-profit called The Document Foundation. They’re funded entirely by donations. I think they make enough to have some full time employees.

A lot of open source software is created by individuals or non-profits. The Mozilla foundation makes Firefox, for instance. They make money through donations and also Google pays them a ton of money to be the default search engine.

There are for profit companies that make or contribute to open source software. Such as Red Hat. They tend to make money by selling support for the software.

It’s a quote from a British officer during ww2 about the Nazis. OP just changed nazi to Russian.

The title OP gave the post makes it seem like the companies in the image are still doing business in Russia but I’m pretty sure all the companies in the image are the ones who left. There’s a few comments that are confused about it.

I doubt it was intentional or malicious but it is misleading at a glance.

I saw a YouTube video a long time ago where they strapped cameras to outdoor cats. They were all pets, not feral. They thought they were going to get these cute videos of their cats playing and exploring the world but they were pretty much non-stop murdering.

This sounds too stupid to be real but I was working for one of the largest corporations in the world during this period and we were congratulated on 20% growth even though we did nothing. Of course we didn’t get an extra bonus or anything but they acted like we had an incredible year when we really just had an average year with a massive tax cut.

Then the next year, our goal was to grow at 20% again and when we missed it by 17%, no one got a bonus or raise.

This timeline is the stupid one.

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I quit smoking and saved the money every day until I had enough to buy a TV. Would have been a good way to incentivize myself to quit smoking and not crazy but I started smoking again immediately after buying the TV.

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It’s also cheaper to keep people in jail forever than put them to death because of all the appeals. And despite being more careful, we still get it wrong.

This is one of the least likely scenarios.

We had considered moving from our high cost of living area to a cheaper state but ultimately didn’t because of our young kids. We’re squeezed pretty hard here and we could all live very comfortably on my salary in another state. But I couldn’t find a place with remotely acceptable schools. And who would our kids friends be? Very worried about the influence of their peers, raised by racist homophonic garbage.

And beyond maternal care, healthcare in most “affordable” states is just bad. We have the best healthcare system in the country where we’re at. What if we move to a state in the bottom third of the country and one of us got sick? The healthcare stories from rural America are very chilling.

And then once the kids grow up, what do they do then? No jobs, no decent higher education, lots of heroin, etc. Their options will likely be leave or fail unless something dramatically changes in the next decade. This might not really apply to Texas or the southwest but I’m on the east coast.

Just from my anecdotal experience with painfully stupid family members, it seems like the most important issue to them at any given moment is whatever the Facebook algorithm is pushing at the time. Whoever has that wrangled is really driving the narrative. They spend all their free time plugged in to Facebook seething over their perceived political enemies. Besides the fact that they’re stupid as shit, it’s pathetic and sad.

Well my dad does too and he worked his ass off to prevent it. Baby boomers are just stupid as shit, there’s not really much you can do.

I did eventually quit permanently and I did have more money to buy cool shit

Fraud is a crime that can come with jail time though.

Linux wsl has really come a long way

Speaker is usually end game. For politicians who want it, that’s where their career peaks. Party leaders pretty much always end up unpopular. That’s why Paul Ryan was reluctant to do it and now his career is tanked. John Boehner is a full time lobbyist now. Pelosi will probably never leave Congress.

But no one has ever wanted to be speaker more than Kev. He’s not really smart or popular enough to get any higher anyway. The fact that such a dim witted sad sack got as high as he did is a miracle by itself.

The federal government is the largest employer in the United States and the hardcore R base isn’t big enough for them to get away with pissing off people on the margins. Sure, the true believers will blame democrats. But if a relatively small percentage of Republican voters get pissed and don’t bother voting, they’re not only not going to win the White House, they could easily lose the house and their shot at controlling the senate. And what pisses people off more than not getting paid?

According to the Reddit terms of service, the person that posts the content owns the copyright. So Reddit itself can’t make you take it down. The person that wrote it could since they hold the copyright.

The legal thing to do would be to ask permission from whoever wrote it.

And one of the more likely scenarios is the non-freedom caucus GOP cuts a deal with Democrats to neuter freedom caucus’ power.

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When I first joined, I hopped around instances and tried out a bunch. But eventually I settled on this one and I haven’t logged in to any other account in a while. I probably count as like 5 inactive users. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of that.

Posts are going up pretty steady, that matters more.

Anecdotal but all of the Catholics I know have either converted to the episcopal church or they just never go to mass or talk about it but say they’re catholic so grandma doesn’t get sad. You go to mass, and there are no young people whatsoever. I don’t have hard data to back this up but it seems like the Catholic Church in the US could just collapse before a significant schism reaches us.

There is evidence listening to music in your native language is good for language development. Probably any pop music is more educational than classical music to a baby.

They’re suing Amazon for punishing sellers who don’t use Amazon fulfillment services. It’s a good thing but hardly “the big one.” They aren’t breaking them up, it’s only the big one in the sense that this is the biggest they’ll ever be brave enough to do.

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Texas is particularly important. It’s their electoral counter balance against California’s machine number of electoral votes. If Texas ever durably flips blue, there will never be a Republican President again and they will be very unlikely to win the senate.

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Maybe but as long as old people vote more reliably than young people, everything else will break before that happens.

Answering the door holding back an aggressive dog helps

The Intellij plugin ecosystem is pretty good. Granted my day job is 80% Java/Kotlin but I also need python and ruby and go and the plug-ins have never let me down. I don’t have pycharm or Ruby Mine or Goland installed.

The license also explicitly lets you use your work license for personal stuff or your personal license for work stuff. The only difference is who pays. You also don’t need a license to use the community edition.

It’s also pretty good at CSV and markdown files. I might be biased because I spend probably 60 hours a week using Intellij but I don’t find any of your points against it to be accurate.

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In my experience, Comcast shit never shows up on your credit report. I have had this exact same experience and got no where arguing with them so I just ignored it forever and nothing happened. This was over 7 years ago.

If it does hit your credit, you can dispute it and there’s a decent chance you’ll win. I’ve had that issue with direct TV where they claimed I never returned equipment I had returned. But these companies get in to this situation because they are terrible at record keeping.

Also, any time your speed dips below advertised, file a complaint with the FCC. They won’t get in trouble but it will annoy them enough you’ll get fast tracked customer service. I used to have some VPs phone number and I tried for like 40 minutes to get her to just admit to being evil. She wouldn’t. But they changed the phone number because I posted it everywhere after I stopped having to have Comcast or I would give it to you.

I hate Comcast with every fiber of my being.

At least with brewing beer, it’s offset by the price of beer. It costs about half the cost of a commercial corny keg to brew 5 gallons.

If you’re disciplined and brew frequently (and drink unhealthy amounts of beer,) you can pretty easily break even or save money. I calculated something like 10 brews to break even on my set up and didn’t buy anything extra until after 10 brews. You can get great deals on used stuff too since people frequently get sober and drop out of the hobby and liquidate all their equipment. This is the dark side of the hobby.

Kinda dorky but I have a spread sheet tracking all of my brewing expenses. I also calculate how much that beer would have cost of I bought it and subtract my brewing expenses from it. The goal is to keep that number from being negative. Right now I’m pretty close to 0 because I upgraded my temperature control abilities to brew lagers.

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Yeah I totally believe you. Interesting how you post some product, then a few random posts to seem like a real account, then some other product. Go away.

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I don’t buy the he’s a “smart trump” argument. His presidential bid was an obvious mistake that could have never ended any other way. But he did it anyway out of ego and narcissism. He’s not a smart trump, he’s trump without the charisma or timing.