
1 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One day I was in Hannover on holiday. We were walking on a nice street somewhere when this weirdly beautiful pigeon landed on the ground right in front of me. It was a really gorgeous bird. An unusually pretty pigeon. And it landed in front of me almost intentionally as if to stop me. I stopped my friend who was walking alongside me, pointed at the bird and said "wow look at that beautiful pi-". Right at that moment, the winged rat looked me straight in the eyes, took a big runny shit on the ground, and fucked off. The end.

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You damn millenials with your short attention spans can't even read a caption unless it's shorter than 8 sentences smh

I stopped doing frontend work when responsive design became important. Super unpleasant work. Now I'm happier at the backend where I don't have to worry about how my shit looks on the 7 million possible screen sizes people are likely to use. Life is more peaceful here.

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Ad blockers don't protect you against dumbass frontend devs who serve 5mb png files to be stuffed into 600x400 boxes.

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Also important, will it be available and affordable. I don't much care about arm laptops if they cost an arm (heh) and a leg to buy and then a couple fingers to import into the mythical and exotic land of not-US.

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In my company we have a very modern agile workflow where QA is top priority.

At least that what we advertise. In reality it's all an unorganized clusterfuck where I'm pretty sure I am the only one who bothers to write automated tests. Who's got time to write tests bro just push that shit out ASAP we'll deal with it when the client calls us in the middle of the night to complain about previously-working shit being broken now.

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Lmao yoavweiss seems to have recently broken the 4 year hiatus on his personal blog to make a new post about how the discussions around this retarded proposal are not constructive enough.

The most constructive that can ever be said about this is "fuck right off" dude.

This. Everyone knows that windows is a perfectly safe and secure environment with no exploits and vulnerabilities whatsoever.

There are plenty of tires that are puncture-proof. But they all have other major downsides. They're all a different combination of expensive, loud, uncomfortable, and unsafe. That's why none of them ever caught on beyond some specific applications.

I think what they meant was forcing people to do it all by hand invites mistakes, which are then fined.

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IIRC the game already has a native Linux build.

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I'm not pointing a Linux noob to any site that puts a big ol star nex to "suitable for daily use" under Gentoo.

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There's no version of this reality where Jobs isn't a good businessman. You might not like the company or their products, but they've somehow managed to build a huge and successful business selling those overpriced toys to tons of people. They managed to create a cult around expensive consumer electronics. That is a massive success no matter how you slice it. And you can't deny that Jobs played a big part in that.

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Many Linux package managers themselves tell you you should reboot your system after updates, especially if the update has touched system packages. You can definitely run into problems that will leave you scratching your head if you don't.

None of those had a point nearly as questionable as this headset thing. The ipod was an advanced mp3 player, which was very popular and common tech at the time. The iPhone was an advanced phone with a large touchscreen, which was rapidly becoming very common at the time. The iPad was an advanced tablet, which was a concept that had already been tried many times by many other companies by then. The air pods are just advanced wireless earbuds, which nobody could ever deny were rapidly becoming more popular.

VR headsets are fundamentally different from all of those, in that there's no technological and social precedence quite like it. People used mp3 players and watches and phones before Apple did something new. Nobody was wondering the point of a better mp3 player that could hold massive amounts of songs. But the history of humankind says nothing about the masses' willingness to walk around in public with big ass high tech ski goggles strapped to their faces. VR is much, much more unknown compared to those.

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If you've written a "usage" section that showcases more than one uselessly simple example that doesn't even work in the project's current state, you're already far ahead of the average.

Captchas is one of the reason why I ditched Google as my default engine because I started having nightmares about blurry low res pictures of motorcycles and busses and pedestrian crossings broken up into squares.

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The API fees clearly weren't made to make money directly though, it was meant to get rid of 3rd party clients so they could more effectively do what the OP is about.

I chowned yo mama's pussy last night

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No. Asahi unfortunately has a long way to go. Last I checked it didn't even have proper audio.

Yes who can forget about Henry the Magnificent and his onion hat.

I got that. I myself live in a hot climate where the cars turn into disgusting saunas when left 1 minute too long in the sun. Never have I ever even considered driving through someone's yard to park in the shade of their tree, even when I knew the the alternative was returning to a steering wheel that's too hot to touch.

No need to look for a conspiracy, this sort of thing happens all the time to all sorts of companies. Maybe it's a patent they want, maybe they want the talent, maybe they want the assets, maybe they want to remove a competitor... It's really not that unusual.

But it's so unbearably slow.

Me when my computer that has a typical uptime of 37 days boots up in 7 seconds with systemd instead of 5.5 seconds with runit: 😡😡😡😡

Drugs kill germs by messing with their biological systems. They target specific processes, like preventing enzyme from properly bonding so that it fails to do something important in the reproductive cycle or whatever. If a new generation of bacteria evolve such that that specific process works differently, it could kill the effectiveness of the drug. And that's what happens when something becomes resistant to a certain drug. Suddenly the aforementioned enzyme and the reproductive cycle are ever so slightly different, and as a result the drug can't do what it used to do, at least not as effectively.

But UV just straight up breaks up the bonds between molecules. There's nothing biological about it, its destruciveness is entirely physical. The photons get in there and start destroying molecules, living or not. It's not easy or likely at all for a strain of bacteria to randomly evolve resistance against physical destruction at a molecular level. They're generally too small to have a protective layer to shield them against that, like our skin does.

Code reviews mean fuck all when the "senior" developer doing the review is someone who implements an entire API endpoint group in one single thousand-something lines magic function that is impossible to decipher for mere humans.

The OS has no concept of an "fn" key. The keyboard never sends an fn keycode to the host machine. It's a feature that's entirely handled by the keyboard firmware itself. Your computer either receives an F2 key or a "brightness down" key, but it has no idea an fn key was involved in that one way or another.

So you could maybe modify your keymap to swap things out yourself. Intercept the "brightness down" keycode and manually map it to F2 or whatever. That's the only in-software solution I can think of. That's basically what the BIOS toggles do, as far as I know. Less than ideal to do yourself, though.

I can download from mirrors at the same speeds as torrents. The trick is to have a terrible internet subscription that's easily saturated by either of them.

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Make it install temple OS, so that it can save not only the planet but also our souls. Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Oh look, another old laptop with Nvidia Optimus having trouble with suspension.

Running a pi-hole doesn't require much juice. It's a fancy DNS server, not a router. First gen raspberry pis were pretty weak and even those things didn't even break a sweat.

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It is. The concept of hunger was also invented by the marketing department of Mars in 1947 to drive Snickers sales.

? Who said anything about excluding anything or anyone? I'm just saying I don't like the work that has to go into making sure nobody's excluded. In a way, I'm not excluding anyone by excluding everyone now. I quit frontend altogether, left other people to deal with it. At the backend I don't have to worry about what kind of screen the other end might be using to view the JSON string I sent them. You don't get "I just looked at your response headers on my 32:9 monitor that I divided into 9 randomly sized tiles and it looks like shit, please fix" calls when you work backend.

Eeeh. Apple's App Store fees can be a bit much, but all told the company doesn't have enough power on any market to warrant such a huge intervention I think. Just forcing them to make their ecosystem more open would be enough. Like how the EU wants to force them to allow 3rd party package managers on iOS.

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I also find ORMs and query builders much easier to debug than most mative SQL database queries. Mostly because native SQL error messages tend to be some of the most unhelpful, most undescriptive crap out there, and ORMs help a bit with that.

Seriously, fuck MySQL error messages. 9 times out of 10 shit boils down to "you got some sort of error somewhere roughly over there, go fix".

Using a foreign language only delays the "enemy", which might be tactically valuable depending on the situation but the message will eventually get cracked, have no doubt about that. It's not a secure way of hiding your information and it's foolish to even consider it. Some forensic dude's gonna analyze your shit and it's all going to become 100% transparent in no time at all.

Encryption, on the other hand, can be mathematically proven to be EXTREMELY unlikely to be cracked even by the best efforts of well funded experts, when properly implemented and used.

Well I kinda care. Right now lemmy is kinda... boring? The content variety is very limited and the alternatives to the niche communities I enjoy(ed) on reddit are mostly just barren deserts. That's all because of the rather small and relatively homogenous user base. It's a bit too echo chamber-y too.

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Last christmas I gave [ya ma heart] but the very next day, you gave it [away]. This year, ??? from tears, I'll give it to [someone] special.

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Pi-hole's not a router, just a fancy DNS server. Your network traffic doesn't go through it, so its impact on your speeds is negligible. Since all it does is respond to DNS queries and keep logs, it also doesn't require a lot of processing power. I used to run it on the first gen raspberry pi, and even that puny thing could easily handle the job. Your Synology box should be able to do it just fine.

Excuse my ignorance but how is this a violation?

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