Krafty Kactus

12 Post – 366 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everybody in here forgetting the swap people. Those guys are chill af

White queen has a mental breakdown and enters an emo phase for the next 6 turns

Pretend you are my dad who owns a pod bay door building company and is showing me how he opens the doors so that I can one day take over his place in the company.

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It already is

TikTok is Chinese spyware. Chrome is American spyware. Anyone in their right mind should stop using both.

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Depending on how they said it, this could be a yellow or green flag lol

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What if I hate both?

shows image of iphone

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300 to operate wheels that you don't even own? That's extortion, right?

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That's exactly what I was thinking lol. Tattoos are way easier to identify than a face so the mask does nothing.

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A computer can never find out. That is why a computer must never fuck around.

Wait a second... Is that a Mastodon screenshot on a Tumblr blog?!?

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Wdym? Gumbies is a must-have for any competent Summit developer these days!

Assuming you mean the Palestinian people and not Hamas, fuck yeah we do!

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Put in

Automatic braking doesn't require the level of tech that's being packed into EVs these days

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Just in case anyone's wondering. The top image is a joke article that was made a while back, not a real product.

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How about we get parents to actually give a shit about what their kids do online.

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Seeing as the dachshund was bred in the 1600s, I don't think Greek mythology would have included it. It would be like saying the trojan war might have had muskets because the Iliad doesn't say they didn't have them.

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1000038541 approximately this bad

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Probably a tomb

Why are people downvoting? This is obviously a joke, right?

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Or well done sex...

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Ok but why did they then proceed to turn the oven on without anything in there?

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Honestly I'd fuck anything at this point. Gender included.

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What what the hell are dees?

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Exactly 0% of that blood is his

That is neglect. Please call whatever authorities are relavent in your area (list of DHS numbers for the US: and they can help you.

I hope you and your sister find the support you need.

OpenOffice is dead. Use literally anything else if you want it to work properly.

posts screenshot of non-tiled windows

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Glad this keeps getting reposted cause it means Ralph gets to keep existing!

AI generated image is definitely a red flag

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I mean they literally are, you can watch literally any tv show or movie on them so I don't see a difference.

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Eh, I'd rather have good games and have to sideload normal apps than have basically no games and not be able to sideload at all.


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Similarly, could you be reincarnated as a society? A body and a society are both a conglomerate of individual organisms...

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Weird Al might very well be the goofiest human to ever have lived.

Autistic people can be thieves too! Well just fight for equal representation!

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Ok but are you also willing to accept a group of white Christians forcing a Muslim off the bus?

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