1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

You should definitely ask a bunch of random people on lemmy what to do instead of what the doctors say...

Ah yes, the update nobody actually wants...

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For-profit prisons and hospitals.

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Any time I've ever had a server of any kind connected to the net it's gotten endless 'doorknob turning' from bots scanning for stuff. At the very least, bots trying ssh passwords on common accounts.

I don't have any specific jellyfin advice, but random attempts from all over is pretty usual on the net these days.

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Command line is a lot more powerful for a lot of cases. Most CLI programs are written with the idea that the caller might be another program, so they tend to be easy to chain with pipes and redirection. So you have tons of simple tools that you can combine however you need.

Mint is my go-to linux newbie distro suggestion.

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Absolutely not. And they can fuck right off with that whole needing an account to use a terminal thing.

Annnnd that ended any curiosity at all I may have had for it...

I like it. Everyone these days seems to want web pages that are 5MB of dynamically generated junk.

My little website is just static hugo-generated stuff.

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My take: I don't recommend distros like mint because they're windows-y, I do it because they're good 'shit just works' starting points and Linux newbies probably don't need to be spending 2 hours figuring out why audio doesn't work or whatever. Once they get their feet under them and learn their way around a shell, etc then they can start playing around with other distros if they like.

Found in a time capsule in 2150: hey guys, we left you a little something over there by'll thank us later. And you better not have built a McDonald's on it...

Compiling code converts it from human readable source code into optimized machine code which the processor understands how to execute. For a lot of software you can just unpack the source code, run ./configure, run 'make', and then 'make install'. This can vary a lot and is a simplified explanation, but it's a start...

Probably depends how you define things. Like, is Xubuntu Xubuntu or Ubuntu with Xfce included by default? How much change is necessary before it's not "debian with added bits"?

A terminal that uses Electron? Hah, no...not a chance. I'll stick with wezterm.

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Who the fuck knows? I don't really give a shit, personally...

(Did you see them?)

Dragonslayer was pretty good.

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Wezterm. I love some of it's features (quick search).

I don't. Modern computers have a LOT of resources. The whole 'minimalist computing' thing some people go on about is really odd to me. And I say that as someone who remembers when 16K was impressive. I can see it for restricted environments, where every byte counts, but not for desktops.

I amuse myself with coding, and for the last couple of years, slowly teaching myself spanish. I know it's a little thing that will probably never matter to anyone, but it feels kind of cool that I can open mexican newspapers and not go "Wtf is this gibberish?"

It means OP should probably lay off the paint chips.

GEOS on the C64 (and possibly others)? A desktop environment before machines really had the power to pull it off decently.

The Discworld series, the Culture series by Iain Banks, Tolkien, Illuminatus!, GEB: The Eternal Golden Braid, The Book of Swords...

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Yeah, if it's black and blue and hurts that much then you should definitely see a doctor. It may be fractured and you don't want that healing badly.

I feel like you'd probably enjoy wandering through the halfbakery...

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Weechat. Terminal based, flexible scripting system using a handful of languages, still actively developed, and I can make it work the way I want it to work.

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Fediverse and RSS mostly.

Mid-2022. I'd heard about it and finally decided to give it a try, though I didn't post a lot. These days I mostly only go to reddit when searches for information lead me to a post there, and occasionally for stuff that doesn't exist/is dead here (emacs, hydrohomies...)

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Just adding my congrats. Good job, OP. Regex is super useful stuff.

ReadEra on android and Calibre's reader on Xubuntu desktop.

Might look into some of the stuff suggested here.

Root Mean Square.

Vivaldi has said they will as long as the code is in Chromium, and are planning on it going away by June of next year.

No idea about Brave, I don't use it and never will.

This did give me the motivation to switch to back to Firefox, and later possibly Librewolf though, so thanks Google.

No. I checked it out twice, looked around, and noped out. Haven't been back since.

No. I can't prove he doesn't exist but I've seen no proof he does, and it seems extremely unlikely.

So how did you end up with an assignment like this while apparently knowing little if any python? This feels like someone signed up for a class, blew it off, and now suddenly has tests and stuff to turn in.

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Using Obsidian with mega on desktop and FolderSync covering syncing the android side of it. Works fine.

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Personally I use ksnip. Pretty sure it doesn't do video though. It does do assorted image capture, OCR (if you have Tesseract installed), and supports uploading to imgur, FTP, and anything you can manage to do with a script.

There isn't really a perfect replacement for ShareX that I know of.

Either SoX running in Termux on my phone with:

play -n synth brownnoise synth pinknoise mix synth 0 0 0 10 10 40 trapezium amod 0.1 30

(originally yoinked from I can't remember who, in the early days of Mastodon)

or more recently, a 10-hour loop of the Sardukar chant from Dune. It's right about the right frequency to block a lot of the noise around here and it isn't anything intelligible for my brain to keep me awake thinking about.

If I just want some noise-blocking sound while I'm trying to code or something then myNoise has a vast array of sound generators. It was well worth kicking them $5 a while back.

Digital. I can adjust fonts/sizes, search for content, skip around, and whether I have 10 or 10,000 books, I can carry them around in my pocket.

Yes. I'd like to donate my body to science too, but I want to see if there's a way to do it non-profit. I'm not interested in helping make someone rich.

Thirded. I send everyone that asks over to Mint until they want to try something different.