Youtube client that supports saving searches as a playlist? to – 25 points –

Title says it all. I've been looking for a youtube client similar to freetube or youtube-tui that will allow me to save a search as a playlist. I.e., I end up with a playlist that's populated with whatever the most recent VanillaOS videos are or whatever. I've done a bit of searching but thought I'd see if anyone knew of one, since I keep learning about nifty things I've somehow missed here.


I use ytfzf to search/watch videos on YouTube, Peertube, Odysee.
It has several add-ons including one for playlists. I didn't try it though.

This is a bash script I wrote:

As far as searches go:

  • s option: Search using a keyword/phrase
  • h option: Watch history
  • j option: Search history

If I understand correctly, in your case: let's say you search for a term , i.e. vanillaOS. You will be able to select from a list of videos, with a preview image and other data ( data, views, channel etc). If on a later date you wish to search again for this term, by selecting the j option, you can easily repeat the same search, with any new videos available included.

Ideally I'd like it as a playlist, sort of like youtube-tui's library, but this seems like it might be a workable solution. Also, even if it turns out not to be, very nice script. I've always sucked terribly at bash scripting.