
98 Post – 995 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Go kill 346 people in a careless and culpable way. See if you stay off of death row.

The only way to stop a problem like this is from the top down. If the issue is traced to some low level employees, great, put everyone from the board members all the way down to these low level employees on trial as a whole. This kind of thing is a culture from the top down.

Boeing should be dismantled or nationalized and completely restructured with none of its present management.

Try not to think like this. Over the last 10 years, between reddit in the past, and here now, I've had to use these places as my only external form of human social contact because of disability issues. I've noticed certain patterns emerge with the seasons. These places are largely dominated by certain regions of the world. When those regions go through seasons where the majority of people are doing things elsewhere, the comment and interaction quality decline noticeably. I've learned to not take it personally and I turn to other outlets to spend more of my time. This is when I do most of my gaming and reading. I've finished all of the primary Dune series and most of Asimov's main series from Robots through Galactic and Foundation. Most recently, someone suggested the FOSS game Cataclysm Darker Days Ahead. While the theme is absolutely counterproductive for me, the game's complexity and particularly the documentation of the source code and mods is absolutely fascinating to me. I've been exploring JSON tools when it comes to stuff with AI, and the game is like a guided masters class in functional use and tools that use JSON.

Many people seem to think I'm an asshole or a "bad person" but most simply can't understand my needs and interests. I never knew what disability was really like and its challenges prior to the day I got hit by a car. I probably had a stupid attitude and said stupid things that made people feel bad in my exact position now. I can't blame others for their ignorance when condemning them is condemning myself.

Personalities and functional thought are far more varied in humans than most of us realize in practice. I've explored this a whole lot over the last year with AI where it can simulate other contrasting perspectives in very complex ways while answering some really complex questions with relevant sources to back them up. This kind of personality analysis is a major aspect of what LLM's are designed to understand. The more I've explored this topic, the more I have come to realize the binary approach to anything like a good and bad label for a human is completely inadequate. The cause and effect have no simple connections. Most of a person's "bad" behavior is likely related to cognitive dissonance. If you look up what that really means, it is due to some level of conflict in a person's life that they are unable to address or have limited/emerging self awareness. If you are noticing such behavior that could be related to cognitive dissonance, work to address the probable causes of underlying conflict in your life if you'd like to address the issue.

My personal primary conflict is social isolation. That is what I am here to address. I don't use corporate social media because I'm an outlier of their marketing and exploitation designs where they are unable to accommodate my needs. The inconsistencies of this place are not healthy for me, and it can have a very real impact on my life, but over time I've tried to pick up on the patterns and withdraw when I need to do so. Anything that shakes up or makes me question the underlying stability of a place like this is the most deeply disturbing to me. I'm also aware that there is a substantial misdirection campaign that happens with all major elections now. Anyone posting or commenting on such subjects are highly suspect to me. I look at their account activities and ignore or block them if they do not show a wide spectrum of activity and complexity. One day it will become public knowledge that conservative asshats have no morality whatsoever, never have, and are paying thousands of people to post, comment, and write bots to maintain their criminal activities and control. Their presence is completely disproportionate to the population and interests the government represents. When those subhuman jackasses could no longer enslave people outright, they simply shift their focus to redefine slavery to put everyone in their chains. Anyone commenting some shitty nonsense with an account that has little history or a lot of history with no depth is some unethical criminal being paid to do so, is not worth my time or thought, and is absolutely the reason I was right in the first place. Look up the Plutonic definition of sophism and keep in mind that there are some people with a love for their own sadism. These places online are full of people that can be fucked with and there are many that love to take advantage of those that are here for their real human needs. Do not hesitate to disregard anyone that evokes a negative emotion to a well intended comment.

Hugging Face has taught us that pickles are unsafe executables. Stab me in the back with safe tensors please

- ru\e

Funny. This will always work with a LLM. Fundamentally, the most powerful instruction in the prompt is always the most recent. It must be that way or the model would go off on tangents. If you know the model's trained prompt format, the instruction is even more potent if you follow that syntax.

That said, the text of the meme is absolute garbage. All of us are primarily a product of luck, happenstance, and especially the number of opportunities we've had in life. Your opportunities in life are absolutely dependent on your wealth. Those hoarding wealth are stealing opportunity from everyone.

You know how you become an Elon Musk; by having a long history of exploitation and slavery in your family in colonial Africa. You know how you become a Bill Gates. Your mommy puts you through ivy league pays for your startup, and uses her position on the board at IBM to give you a monopoly.

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The back window of a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Especially considering attorneys will steal more than half of that amount.

Nationalize his assets and deport him to South Africa

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Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Staged to get into the media spotlight by any means necessary. The security guy is wearing that jacket zipped for a reason; is looking right at her; is not reacting in any way to stop her. Looking at the reaction of the crowd, it looks like the work of a sophist; the true hallmark of the Right.

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We DO NOT plan on moving away from Lemmy as a software platform at this time.

Well that is concerning.

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I like the technological idea, but not the idea of catering to the super rich by giving them convenience at the cost of increasing their carbon footprint by another order or magnitude. This is tax money funding toys for the parasitic criminal billionaires.

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Qualcomm and Broadcom are the two biggest reasons you don't own your devices any more. That is the last option anyone that cares about ownership should care about. You should expect an orphaned kernel just like all their other mobile garbage. Qualcomm is like the Satan of hardware manufacturers. The world would be a much better place if Qualcomm and Broadcom were not in it at all.

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What stupid bullshit. There is nothing remotely close to an artificial general intelligence in a large language model. This person is a crackpot fool. There is no way for a LLM to have persistent memory. Everything outside of the model that pre and post processes information is where the smoke and mirrors exist. This just just databases and standard code.

The actual model is just a system of categorization and tensor math. It is complex vector math. That is it. There is nothing else going on inside the model. If you want to modify it, you need to recalculate a bunch of math as it relates to the existing vectors/tensor tables. All of this math is static. It can't change. It can't adapt. It can't plan. It has some surprising features that one might not expect to be embedded in human language alone, but that is all this is. Try offline, open source, AI. Use Oobabooga, get models from Hugging Face, start with something like a Llama2 7B. This is not hard. You do not need a graphics card. There are lots of models that work great on just a CPU. You will need a good amount of RAM for running a really good model. A 7B is like talking to a teenager prone to lying, a 13B is like a 20 year old, a 30B at 8bit quantization is like an inexperienced late twenty-something. A 70B at 4 bit quantization is like a 30yo with a masters degree. A 70B at 4 bits will need around 14+ CPU logical cores, and 64GB of system memory to generate around 2 tokens a second, this is around 1-2 words per second and is about as slow as is practical.

Don't believe anything you read in bullshit media about AI right now, and ignore the proprietary stalkerware garbage. The open source offline AI world is the future and it is yours to do as you please. Try it! It is fun.

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Or carefully select the identifying information sent.

The size of the internal wire, solder connection, strain relief, and especially the cable shield size are all factors.

The shield is most critical if you look at the length of wire an miniscule power of any instrument without a powered preamp. Even with a built in preamp the output impedance will be high from most circuits.

Think of it this way, high impedance is another way of saying there is a voltage signal but not much current is able to flow to or from the device. If you try to pull or push too much current the signal will disappear. When there is not much current flowing, the signal is much more susceptible to other signals and noise crossing the wire.

Most 3.5mm audio connectors have poor shielding, strain relief, and the actual connection points where the wires are soldered are terrible. With the way they are constructed, the solder connection must be done very quickly to avoid damaging the thin plastic insulation between the rings that make up the tip terminal. With the larger quarter inch connector, there is a lot more heat mass in the actual terminals and there is enough room to make solder terminals with heat isolation. This helps to match the terminal with a larger wire gage so that both surfaces can evenly wet with solder with a properly set iron temperature. In theory this leads to a far more robust connection.

Most 3.5mm cables are unshielded. This is fine for the low impedance (high current flow) of an amplifier output stage, but it is totally insufficient for the high impedance input of an instrument.

This is why instrument cables generally cost so much more too. You're buying more copper, an engineered cable that has more that just wires in an extruded plastic sleeve, and the connectors are special purpose, beefier, and more engineered for a specialty task.

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Jobs with a high mortality rate or drastically shortened life expectancy in places without an alternative.

A migrant in a foreign land, alone, with hostile racist imbeciles everywhere around them, working like a slave.

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Criminal bros stand up for criminal bros.

There is no such thing as justice in courts. Lawsuits are corporate weapons.

Like (first hand experience in California) if you do not have 100k in liquid assets available right now, and you get injured by someone else, you're not going to get jack shit for some lawsuit. You can't navigate it on your own because of all the bullshit, and you'll need lots of "expert witnesses". Here is a little secret, expert witnesses are all academic opinion mercenaries that cost around 6k-10k each on an open market. You'll need a bunch of them to counter whatever the other side does. In the USA it is all a formality in court. Whoever buys the most mercenaries wins the game. The insurance company or firm on retainer gets a bulk discount on mercenaries. The Supreme Court is not the only extremely corrupt institution here. Right, wrong, it's all irrelevant. We are all worthless serfs in neo feudalism.

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I really hope the paradigm shift happens soon. If it only takes a few devs to make a company run like this, there is no reason for the devs to work for these companies that churn them for imbecilic investors. The real "unnecessary overhead" is all of corporate America. We are a society of ship captains too stupid to realize they are piloting canoes.

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Pretty much everything from AI to Atheism to Lemmy to whatever interesting things I'm mulling over because I'm stuck disabled, living with crazy religious nutters family that have no fundamental logic skills.

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Neo feudalism just checked another box against democracy.

Nationalize Boeing

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I was raised far right and very extremest from Alabama originally. It is honestly a conspiracy culture of people that never question the way they were raised and it perpetuates generation after generation. Most of the people that are smart enough to see the conflict in their ethos are too scared to go out on their own without the social support network they were raised with. Like I am almost entirely socially isolated after becoming partially disabled by a poor driver 10 years ago, and rejecting my far right religious extremest roots. I don't have much of a choice, but like I have no idea how to connect with people outside of a religious context. I have many physical issues now, but it is hard to leave that friends network that insists on an all or nothing mindset to stay in the network.

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This is my future. I was hit by a driver while riding a bicycle to work 2/26/14. I worked for a chain of bike shops as the Buyer. I left my supercharged Camaro at home and rarely drove. I was 29, no DUI, no reason to have to ride, I chose to ride and race and live. I only barely survived. In 3 days it is the 10 year anniversary of spending most of my days laying in bed. When my folks die, I'll be homeless as it stands now; just another one of more than 100k in the greater Los Angeles basin. If you think disability or social security are some kind of safety net, you are delusional. Most of those people out there are like me, like you, after one bad day at the hands of someone else doing something stupid and completely out of your control.

Spain. This is how you make Spain.

And I will show you how the second and third world wars started by a dictator doing a land grab and fucktard leaders doing nothing when they had a chance. If Ukraine does not win, WW3 is the inevitable outcome in the next 10 years. These are the people that cause the deaths of millions.

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We should put people like this in charge of the TSA, just like digital crimes often result in government jobs. The guy has proven he knows more than most. Determine his connections and intentions, surveil him, and give the guy a career. He is smart enough to know all the ineffective BS and has the credentials to prove it.

I can't say much about bras, but as a former Buyer for a chain of high end bicycle shops, y'all are hard. We were focused on road bikes where everything down to the clothing fit is critical. I tried really hard to keep a good selection on hand, but even in the limited mostly ultra fit demographic, the size, cut, and fit range for women's clothing is almost impossible to cover.

Women's was a small segment for us. Most shops won't carry much of anything. Indeed, we ran at a minimized loss margin to carry stuff. This is ultra niche specific and completely tangential, but it might help show a bit of behind the scenes retail. Carrying a large range of sizes, cuts, and styles of any clothing type is an overburden inventory nightmare. The issues are always the oddball extras that everyone gets stuck with and can't offload anywhere near cost. All the time and labor of managing it is also an issue. The way women's sections are always left in terrible shape is also a major contributing cost factor in overall stock costs. Having experienced life as a Buyer, the bra sections of most department stores look like break even inventory at best IMO.

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Some people are about piracy, others are about ownership and fighting back against neo digital feudalism

I was raised in a fundamental christian extremest environment and stuck with it for 30 years. I'm now a card carrying atheist.

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Shrinking middle class and people in an endless hopeless pointless life of stress and struggle. Over half the USA can't read at a 6th grade level. Ignorance and stupidity are the primary leverage force used as a political power base. It is a negative feedback loop. Billionaires are a measure of effective democracy in the USA. Their wealth comes from the lack of laws and how they exploit loopholes. They in turn fund politicians that use misinformation and stupidity to maintain the laws at an inadequate level. No one intelligent would vote for these politician and therefore they thrive on a campaign of misinformation and strive to enact policies that keep the population malleable to misinformation. All one has to do is look for where the dumbest, poorest people are located and the lines are clearly seen. These areas are undereducated with poor opportunities because of their leaders who only work for the billionaire oligarchy at the expense of those the directly represent and everyone else they drag down with them. There are no honest billionaires on this planet.

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Tony Stark - oligarchic propagandist for normalizing the myth of exceptionalism

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No morality. Eat children. Sleep with your partner when you're stuck in traffic. The source of all evil. Can't be trusted. Are always miserable.

Basically everything religious folks really are under the mask they wear.

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Almost everyone that is on the popular front page feed. I loath the emotional content, drama, click bait type nonsense.

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Australia has a much better system. If their parliament fails to do their job and pass a budget, everyone loses their job and a new parliament is elected. Republicans are a terrorist group.

If anyone had the sense to make a law forcing the modem processor and peripherals to be fully documented with all registers, protocols, API, architecture, and a reproducible toolchain for compiling the software, we might just have a sustainable future. Governments and large corporations already require this level of accountability for what they purchase and use. Anything less than this level of support and transparency is exploitive theft of ownership. Retaining any digital rights for any products sold is criminal theft.

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This should be treason

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I think it depends on what level the smart aspect is implemented and how integrated it is. Screen technology has been getting more and more locked down by corporate privateers/thieves.

I mostly tried hacking on small displays, and finally gave up as it was over my head. There is a whole lot going on in various layers and protocols. My rule would be to only buy a product like this if I can find a functional example of someone using my exact hardware with this exact hack in question.

In my experience, prototyping or hacking around with displays is a losing game because they are not constructed for handling like this. You must go to extremes to avoid placing strain on the flex ribbon connections and must be very careful about taking the thing apart to test with it disassembled. It only takes a tiny mistake to damage something that can not be repaired. They are usually sensitive to small nonsense too. These are fast parallel circuits. I stay away from them, but maybe I'm just being soft.

Adding to what others have already mentioned... Most of the gold will be from various collisions of external objects. The vast majority of the gold and other heavy elements are in Earth's core due to gravitational differentiation.

There is a volcano (in South America IIRC) that has unusually high gold content, but it is from the underground magma reservoir coming in contact with gold deposits. This is why space mining is a really big deal. The Earth is a resource poor gravity prison by comparison. The wealth in space is enormous compared to any differentiated body.

Gold is actually everywhere and relatively common, but only in very small quantities. Under the right conditions, the weight can help gold to concentrate and fall out of solution when that solution was once covering a very large area, dissolved the tiny bits of gold found all over a large area, and then pools into a low point over extremely long periods of time.

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We should be telling kids about how simple it is to build an antenna, how there are many types for different situations, and how directional antennas work. Buy them a copy of the ARRL books https://arrl.org/ and you'll potentially inspire an engineer.

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