5 Post – 273 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hey Bob, another ADHD claim came in.

Bob: send them the extra long questionnaire, they’ll never finish!

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The funny thing is that Spez didn’t even come up with the idea of Reddit. Him and Ohanian showed up with some other dumb idea and Paul Graham was like, that’s stupid, try this idea of mine.

Then Spez put together some shitty code in Lisp of all languages, which Aaron Schwartz had to rewrite in Python. The site was so unstable that Spez slept with his laptop so he could reboot it in the middle of the night.

They used sock puppets because nobody was posting enough content. Then they cashed out and fucked off, leaving Aaron to rewrite it, and Erik Martin to actually make a proper community out of it.

Then Spez comes riding back into town over a decade later to claim credit while he fucks the whole site up by selling out.

Truly a masterclass in incompetent white male privilege.

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“Mayor Eric Adams said he was vetoing a police accountability bill passed by the City Council because it would “handcuff the police.””

Yeah, that’s the idea.

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Capitalism is forgetting that the number one rule of being a parasite is that you don’t kill the host.

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It was ever thus:

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

Winston Churchill

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I don’t see a solution to this one and we’re just going to have to live with people making pictures of whatever they want. It’s not like TS can stop me making an oil painting of her humping a dolphin or whatever.

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Nice burn:

  • "Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges. If Republicans want to name something after him, I'd suggest they find a federal prison," said Rep. Gerry Connolly, a Democrat who represents part of Dulles.

Silly geese - the redesign isn’t for the users, it’s for the investors, for the upcoming IPO. It’s like staging a house for sale. The point isn’t to make the house livable, it’s to make it desirable to buyers.

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The popular story is that, on Groucho's 1950s TV quiz show "You Bet Your Life," a female contestant said that the reason she had 22 kids was "because I love children, and I think that's our purpose here on earth, and I love my husband." To which Groucho supposedly replied: "I love my cigar, too, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while."


Liberty, guns, beer, turd.

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There’s no emotional sensitivity, they’re just afraid of the guillotine.

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How the fuck are you not making a profit on $800M annual revenue? Just how much is Spez salary?

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The publicity inspired me to install it, so great job Nintendo.

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Amazon will settle for no admission of guilt for 0.000000001% of their profit. The FTC chair will then join the board of Amazon after declaring success.

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During the bubonic plague there was a gene mutation that made people less likely to die from the plague, but unfortunately it causes more autoimmune problems:

Wow the article actually acknowledges immune damage from Covid as a causative factor. I’m amazed and happy that people are finally waking up to this.

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The conman despises the mark, all the while fleecing them.

It would have been more newsworthy if he wasn’t being backed by a conservative think tank.

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See, even quotes with errors in them get upvoted before someone can come along and correct them :)

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Are the “Hamas tunnels” in the room with us right now?

Who cares what he thinks? He’s famous for mastering the art of spiral throwing a ball, which is a skill perfected by cavemen using spears to hunt with. He is no smarter or more educated than those cavemen were. In fact way less so due to the brain damage.

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Paintball. So many times in the 90s I’ve fantasized about this while at the mall.

Always establish outside communication channels with coworkers.

For those who actually paid for gold and awards, chargeback time.

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I’ve only been on there to search for specific things and I’ve noticed a lot more spam in the search results.

Nirvana famously said they knew they had made it when Weird Al did a parody of Smells Like Teen Spirit.

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Funny how obsessed he was with guys sucking each others dicks. Repressing something?

We’d like you to be “agile” by following these very specific and rigid set of rules and procedures.

They tighten their belts, we tighten our belts, everybody loses. All because they got to have all the money and never leave anything on the table for the working class.

50??? How about 100….percent?

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At 25% humidity in Sudan, that temperature gets them into the wet bulb death zone:

They just combined a Vita with a Virtual Boy. This fits with my theory that the Echo is just a cylinder with an unsold Fire phone inside.

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Trying to hold back the tide.

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P<0.05 means one in 20 studies are relevant just by chance. If you have 20 researchers studying the same thing then the 19 researchers who get non significant results don’t get published and get thrown in the trash and the one that gets a “result” sees the light of day.

Thats why publishing negative results is important but it’s rarely done because nobody gets credit for a failed experiment. Also why it’s important to wait for replication. One swallow does not make a summer no matter how much breathless science reporting happens whenever someone announces a positive result from a novel study.

TL;DR - math is hard

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Instead of threatening to kill Trump, should the SCOTUS rule in favor of immunity, Biden should threaten to kill SCOTUS. Then they’ll sit up and pay attention.

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