Aaron Rodgers says AIDS was created by the U.S. government in the 1980s

jeffw@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 363 points –
Aaron Rodgers says AIDS was created by the U.S. government in the 1980s

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Who cares what he thinks? He’s famous for mastering the art of spiral throwing a ball, which is a skill perfected by cavemen using spears to hunt with. He is no smarter or more educated than those cavemen were. In fact way less so due to the brain damage.

No kidding, will news outlets stop giving platforms to people famous for unrelated reasons?

::: spoiler spoiler No, clicks are a perverse incentive. :::

He actually is very intelligent, as are most NFL quarterbacks. He supposedly scored a 1310 on the SAT, and got a 35 on the NFL's Wonderlic test (well above average). Also QBs don't suffer nearly as much brain damage as most NFL positions, especially Rogers.

That said, he's an idiot.

you can't trust the grades of athletes in the first place, there are documented scandals which make this plain. The more important you are to the team (ie the more profitable you are to the school, filling seats and winning championships) the more likely you are to be given good grades even if you didn't do the work.

Not to say it applies to this guy, but fair warning...

You understand less about his job than he understands about AIDS.