Not what my claim was for but it definitely impacted it to ADHD – 867 points –

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Hey Bob, another ADHD claim came in.

Bob: send them the extra long questionnaire, they’ll never finish!

I know Bob's the go-to name but I'd much prefer if you didn't use it for cunts.

Karen: Hey Bob! Why you always mad?

Bob: Because people with my name keep doing cunty things.

Karen: ...

Grow a spine Bob.

And what do you expect me to do with this second spine? Should I grow a pair of balls too? You want me to lumber about with two spines and four balls?

Sorry I’ll use a different name next time.

Nah, fuck Bob.

This is....needlessly hostile considering the post above the one your replying to, is by a user named Bob...😬

It's just jokes on the internet.

Besides, that bastard knows what he did.