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Joined 1 years ago

Well it's the first of October now but in September I was off sick with exhaustion, so I got a blood test done after a couple of years of putting it off, just to be sure of course. I rearranged my bedroom too for a change. I spoke to my supervisor at work saying I need more rest, so making sure I get breaks every day and not too many workdays in a row.

My tip for anyone who's suddenly struck with enough motivation to pull yourself out the hole: I find using a tasks app helps an awful lot with not only remembering to everything and when to do it but with feeling a bit of satisfaction when I mark it as done. Which reminds me, I need to tick off that I've taken my soup out the freezer this morning.

Peach Plum Pear by Joanna Newsom.

That's intense! You'd expect attempted rape to be thought of as quite a serious crime!

I’m having a mug moment.

Sounds very funny to English ears, as it happens.

Wikipedia says people have been doing that since at least 2000 years before Christ!

I can't be arsed signing up to an image generator thing but imagine I've posted a fake photo of Lemmy from Motorhead offering a plate of stollen.

Perhaps that's a $99 discount on the next amount owed?


If it helps, I'd quite likely be your friend if we knew eachother.

"We have to temper our excitement about the gay alligators" isn't an easy pill to swallow.

He's still wearing the same suit with the red tie? The man's like Bart Simpson.

One thing I find funny about the original meme is that the hands are just dirty and manly, like you can't see any calluses or cuts or whatever, so it's like a hand shibboleth.

“Even the most horrible human being on earth deserves to wipe his ass.” ― Charles Bukowski

In a normal paper like I used to buy on the way to work, this headline would be something like "bloodties the knot" or "trouble in paradise" or something. We've strayed from the light.

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Although I like the idea of a drug smuggler typing "as per my previous email..."

Oh him? He's not a driver.

Funny, the Sun makes me feel ill too.

Laura Kuenssberg is a tory lapdog. Thought I'd just say.

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Interesting editorial choice to stick a photo of a sick sunrise in the middle of an article about a bear mauling.

In New Zealand of all places!

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"Ladpoles" is an utter stroke of je ne sais quoi.

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I'd draw the man with the million boxes using just the one to see over the fence.

Once I was working at a train station on a nice, sunny afternoon, and there was a fella on the platform with a sharpened bit of PVC just waving it about, threatening people. I did as I was supposed to, stayed in the booking office, told security and the train guards, etc, but I was telling people not to go down to the platform because there was a fella waving a sharpened bit of PVC about, and they were saying "oh don't be daft", "oh I can't miss this train", and so on. I for one would let someone off if they were late because a fella was waving a sharpened bit of PVC about at the train station, but everyone who lived around the station was an hard knock or something.

Once I was working at a different station a bit further out in the sticks, and I was watching the CCTV as the train on the down platform was letting out. I saw someone walk into the car park, duck down between two cars, and walk away in different clothes. Bit odd, I thought, but fine, they're not causing trouble. Then a man came to the window and he was apoplectic: "some fella's just got off there and now he's got a dress on!" So I said yeah mate, I've just seen that on the CCTV. This man stayed there for at least a few minutes repeatedly complaining to me that this other fella had got off the train and changed into a dress. I found it weirder that he was so upset about it, honestly.

Once I was on the way home from work on Orangeman's Day ( and of course the train was rammed. I was sort of looking around, surveying the scene, and this bloke at the arse-end of the carriage suddenly piped up: "fuck the pope! Wahehey!" which I found a bit bemusing, but it'd of course been a dogshite day at work so I didn't engage any further.

I've probably got hundreds of these anecdotes if I could jog my memory a bit. I had a bit of a talent for straddling the line of acceptability when writing the reports to security, which got sent to every booking office, so I ended up with a reputation and the nickname Mad Bob.

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It's arguably crueller to feed them chips than to feed them nothing.

If you're self-employed, you have to factor that into your tariff yourself. Let's hope Tony's savvy enough and can get by with such a low price.

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I understand that much, but I don't get the "I hate my mind" comment. Is it just that it sort of resembles a nob if you squint?

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God's looking kindly on you if you can get away with not collapsing boxes before putting them in the paper bin.

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If you decide to use Mastodon afterwards, there's an instance where a bot reposts everything a given Twitter account posts called

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They forgot to blank out her name though.

I know Bob's the go-to name but I'd much prefer if you didn't use it for cunts.

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It's quite telling that you're ready to say "control" to describe people arguing that you shouldn't use animals as resources, but not to describe what happens to animals. Or if you would use it to describe what happens to animals, that you think nothing untoward of it. You know what I mean? Either controlling is, as you imply, inadmissable and you therefore become vegan because you mustn't control animals, or controlling is sometimes admissable and you purport carnism.

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Or put a bit more elegantly: joy shared is joy doubled; sorrow shared is sorrow halved.

This person presumably pronounces the H in "hour".

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It's funny to see this reach "world news". I'm quite looking forward to my street being a bit quieter.

Forced emotional support?

Former, you say?

Sorry, what's this have to do with Christian values? I don't see the connection.

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Let's be charitable and say he was just being arrogant wasting his lifeline on this question to prove he wouldn't need it later.

I wouldn't protest like this. Some poor sod on minimum wage'll have to clean it up, not an elite politician.