Not what my claim was for but it definitely impacted it to ADHD – 873 points –

A real catch-22. If you can complete it, rejected. If you don't complete it, rejected.

So maybe the answer is to just partially complete it?

Or draw a dinosaur instead. Worked in high school.

I remember taking a short test that the psychiatrist who diagnosed me used as a small part of her assessment. She kept asking every minute or two if I was done, which I would later come to realize was just part of the test. Probably fifteen minutes later, once I was done writing half a page of answers in the unusually tiny spaces between lines, I handed it back to her. She took one look at it, gave it back to me, and pointed at the instructions at the top of the page which basically said to just circle the right answer, something that wasn't at all clear from context alone unless you actually read the instructions first. It wasn't multiple choice but all I had to do was circle a word in each sentence which wouldn't have taken me much more than about thirty seconds. That was apparently the real test, not the actual questions, and so I failed (or passed?) miserably.

I once had over 100% in a class before taking the final

I liked the teacher, so I took the final anyways. I didn't even read the questions, I spent 40 minutes turning the exam into an elaborate Christmas card

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Hey Bob, another ADHD claim came in.

Bob: send them the extra long questionnaire, they’ll never finish!

I know Bob's the go-to name but I'd much prefer if you didn't use it for cunts.

Karen: Hey Bob! Why you always mad?

Bob: Because people with my name keep doing cunty things.

Karen: ...

Grow a spine Bob.

And what do you expect me to do with this second spine? Should I grow a pair of balls too? You want me to lumber about with two spines and four balls?

Sorry I’ll use a different name next time.

Nah, fuck Bob.

This is....needlessly hostile considering the post above the one your replying to, is by a user named Bob...😬

It's just jokes on the internet.

Besides, that bastard knows what he did.

There are organizations that provide free assistance to help people navigate through applying for disability programs. Google around to find one in your area

Also don't forget your mandatory call to the doc each month for every refill
and don't forget to call a day early when it lands on a weekend
and don't forget to setup the mandatory appointment every 6 months
and don't forget to actually go to the appointment
and don't forget to schedule a drug test once every whatever-amount-of-time it is for your state
and don't forget to not eat or drink or take the medication the morning of the drug test

Cause if you forget just 1 of those they'll obviously have no choice but to deny you the medication you've been taking every day for 10 years. But you understand because punishing disabled people for mistakes/crimes of able-minded people (who don't find those things challeging), is clearly the only option they have.

What's up with the drug test part?

In certain states in the US they require a drug test to make sure you are infact taking the medication yourself. Its almost like a reverse drug test; you get in trouble if you're not taking drugs.

So I guess also don't forget and/or try to get off the medication otherwise you'll fail the drug test and also loose access.

The punishment for not taking the drug is that they don't let you take the drug?

That makes as much sense as suspending a student for not attending classes.

You're just making the problem worse.

I believe their goal is to prevent people from selling the drug.

The punishment for not taking the drug is that they don't let you take the drug?

Yep. because if you're not taking it, obviously you must be selling it.

And it gets more stupid because you know the test is coming, its not like its a surprise test. So for people who are coordinatedly selling it, they can easily defeat the system by saving like a weeks worth and then take it every day the week before the test. The test can't detect beyond 1 week for any of the top 3 ADHD controlled substances.

People who need these can’t be functioning people without them. If you aren’t taking them then you’re definitely selling or giving them away.

As a retired medic who has had to literally chased naked people down the street at 6am or simply be assaulted by them whenever, there are an amazing number of people that just go off their meds regularly. And the only way to know if they are following their treatment plan is to literally do a drug test. There are an amazing number of people who end up needing to be dealt with every day because they go off their meds.

And no, social workers don't seem to want to get up off their asses and out into the community to do much about it. So ambulances and ERs and police get tied up trying to deal with the problems. And none of us have the proper tools or training to deal with them.

lol it’s the fault of the social workers and not the government who won’t pay to hire social workers. Seriously?

You ever try to get a social worker to chase a naked woman down a street at 6am? Or deal with a naked 6'7" 300lbs man off his meds and preaching hellfire and brimstone at 3am in the middle of a severe thunderstorm? I have, more than once or thrice.

It was just me and a deputy sheriff trying to catch the naked woman and then both of us pleading on our phones with our respective bosses for somewhere to take her - but there were no openings at the moment. And more importantly - I was informed by the "on call" social worker to "figure it out ourselves" to find a place for her. We ended up having to simply take her to jail to hold her until more people showed up to work to deal with it. (I did get a nasty email from her social worker though).

It was just me trying to talk that naked "preacher" into the back of my rig for a "little trip to a place he could preach." And me hoping I wasn't about to be assaulted for the 3rd time that month. I managed to talk the man into the 40 mile ride with me - unrestrained in the back of the ambulance. But I was on pins and needles the whole time.

Just like Jesus, no social worker was ever there to help me with ANY of those types of calls on scene. And just like little green apples and sunshine, I also knew that I would be seeing those two again in a couple of months.

ADHD meds ≠ Anti-Psychotic meds.

Just so you know. Because it doesn't seem like you know.😬

Yeah this person is on the warpath, it's really weird.

The meds these people were supposed to be taking weren't for ADHD, (as a medic I MIGHT know a bit more about these medications than you). You don't chase people with ADHD naked down the street.

Just so YOU know...........

That's what I'm saying. You're making the comparison between people not taking their Anti-Psychotic meds and people not taking their ADHD meds.....not me.

Those are the people who need a social worker the most. They are supposed to be checking in on these poor people far more often than they do to prevent them from needing me to chase them down or me getting assaulted by them in the first place.

But again, you ain't never going to see a social worker working outside of a 9 to 5 office.

Any credibility you had was washed away with that comment. Sorry, but a medic is bupkiss as far as medical knowledge is concerned but I do concede that you will have had extraordinary medical training compared to the average person.

You mentioned that you are retired. Things are most definitely different now than they were even 5 years ago. The severity of the problem, the number of people affected, the costs, it's all worse. That said, we are also finally TRYING to fix it now that enough Boomers have aged enough that Reagan's hatred for social care is no longer relevant.

Yes. My husband is a social worker and works in a housing-first organization. He has 25 formerly homeless clients, all of whom are dealing with some form of substance abuse and mental health issues. Yes, he deals with exactly what you just said every day of his life.

Whatever your anger is has nothing to do with social workers and honestly sounds like someone who listens to too much Fox News.

I don't do fox news or any other conservative outlet.

Again in nearly 20 years in the back of the bus, just like Jesus I have never had help from a social worker at a scene. But I have had such group homes like your husband works at call 911 so me or someone like me could deal with people who they couldn't control though. I guess it was better to have me get assaulted than themselves - been there, done that, got the tee shirts.........

You're the only person outside of those who obsessively watch Fox who hate social workers. Nobody except extreme right wingers hate social workers.

I do not hate social workers per se. I hate how the public thinks social workers are the answer to every social ill. And I hate how many times I had to get assaulted at 2am because one of them didn't do their job. But yeah, social workers are perfect and are just not being paid enough to do their job.

You get out there and do a few psych calls. You go out there and get hit and bitten while trying to restrain a violent patient and not hurting them. Or better yet, take a call for a suicide at an address of one of those frequent fliers that got all the help from their social worker. I got that tee shirt too. Maybe you need to "earn" that one too.

I don't want to discredit your work, medics are underappreciated and do arguably the most valuable work of any job. I feel like we should be on the same side; we both want people to take medication they need. I'm saying the current establishment isnt helping in the slightest.

Absolutely zero, not a soul in the universe with ADHD now or forever, is going to be more likely to take their meds because once every 2 years theres a drug test. Literally having a surpise drug test would be better because it doesnt involve planning and showing up AND it would actually prevent sellers from duping the system.

It just depends on the doctor. The prescribing guidelines suggest it but I've only ever had one doctor actually do it.

That's kinda tricky though, what if you are taking your medication but you don't take it every day? What they should really check for is that your prescription bottles are in your possession and how many pills you have left in the bottles 😊 💡

They're primarily checking for proof that you're taking the medication.

  • If levels are too low: they assume you're not using it, and if you're not using it you must be selling it.
  • Levels too high: you're abusing it.
  • Levels of something else (usually alcohol or cannabis): you're a junkie.

All three can get your prescription revoked, and the testing requirements change based on the weather and what your doctor had for breakfast last Tuesday.

Some providers will refuse to provide prescription drugs like Adderall if you fail a drug test because if you're an "illicit drug user" then you shouldn't be given any drugs. Adderall is a scheduled substance so some providers are still pretty locked down about it

Some providers also gave out opioids like the was candy so it’s easier to just say that some people suck.

I get drug tested every 3 months when I need my refills, which are mandatory.

As somebody on disability for psychological disability reasons, you're usually allowed to have somebody else fill those out for you. That's what I had to do.

Luckily the ones they send you afterwards every few years to check if you're still disabled are much shorter, and if you've got a detailed medical record of your disability sometimes they can't shut it off no matter how you answer the questions, such as in my case. Even if I wrote "I'm cured. You can turn off my disability now," they can't do that because they have guidelines that make you auto-qualify, and if your medical records still show that you meet those guidelines they can't legally shut it off.

Generally speaking, one term used for this kind of arrangement is “patient advocate”.

Try googling that to see if services are available. I once had a woman from my church offer to advocate for me when I got kicked out of MassHealth by the random fluctuations of bureaucratic bullshit. I was in total crisis and she just came to my appointments with me, in a good state of mind, and helped me get back into the system.

I used chatgpt to answer the questions and then got lazy to copy and paste it and mail it out. So.... Yay?

I had ChatGPT make a step by step plan for addressing the mold issue in my apartment. It was a life saver.

I actually get SSI and a large part of my diagnosis is ADHD. I had a caseworker bring me in to the office and do that part in person. I was never able to coherently do doctor visits, but I am very not bound by human norms. So I faxed the SSA office repeatedly and eventually had typed over 100 pages detailing every little detail of how a frontal lobe injury at age 2 affected me and exactly how I differ from humans. I typed on days where it was just me typing what my day contained and for long enough they got to see my energy go from very wow in one way to very wow in another. The judge eventually approved my case before the hearing. Remember they don't know you. You are just someone like any other unless you somehow let them see who you are. Tons and tons and tons of people with no incomestopping disability at all simply give an attorney a chunk of what they will get and have the attorney make it happen. If you, like me, are not capable of wading through the infinite beauracracy, I believe you have to do something beyond the norm to let them see you can't. Yes the system is set up wrong. Mentally normal people can wade through the muck easy. People the system is meant for cannot.

Really though the government of the place we call home should be something we are proud of

seems it's up to us to make it this way since it starts so bad

Not OP, but in a same situation. Thanks. I'll remember this. And by that I mean I'm screenshotting it because I find it valuable.

I had to get illegal adhd meds in order to get through the process of getting my medical approval to take legal adhd meds

when this happened to me, I filled it around 2am the day before my follow up appointment but had no time to print it so I went there hoping I would be able to email it to them.

narrator: they didn't want to accept it by email

… there's forms you can fill out yourself? Late 20s, i was sent a 40 page workbook and told to give it to my parents. My parents were dead (and they would've never helped me anyway), so I was rejected before i'd even seen a doctor.

A nurse suggested getting an old teacher to fill it out. They're all dead or retired. On the opposite side of the planet. And they speak a different language. And they wouldn't recognise me or my name. Every single one of them would invariably describe me as violent and lazy, just like my parents did. but apparently i need a neurotypical to vouch for my disability in person, and this neurotypical has to be someone who had power over me as a child. Countless referrals from other psychologists do not count. Partners and friends I've known for decades also do not count, and they matter even less if they are also neurodivergent.

Damn I haven't heard about Katie Charm in a while, I hope she's doing ok.

if you're able to complete disability paperwork, then you're not disabled...

there's actually a fair amount of lawyers who specialize in getting people their disability rights, rather than let malicious compliance keep disabled people homeless and impoverished

if you're able to complete disability paperwork, then you're not disabled...

Sending this to my friend in a wheelchair. He's gonna be THRILLED to walk again!

i was making a joke bruh
but to be very accurate: this was about mental disabilities... as was op

I was riffing off your joke!

[Edit] Oh shit you got downvoted to hell for it. Sorry, I did not contribute to the dogpile I swear

ah well, jokes about disability are always going to get some knee jerk reactions...
but i did think you were mad at me :)

Your second statement makes that very clear but I'm guessing people didn't get that far.

Unfortunately there is some truth that if you have a qualifying (mental) condition you almost be definition are incapable of jumping through the hoops to actually be bureaucratically qualified.

there's a lot of truth to it.
i mean, it's almost completely true.
people at social security have been downright abusive to my brother, who has been qualifyingly disabled since about 15 years old...

I pulled my down vote after reading further and realizing your were making a joke. The problem is that I've met too many people who actually believe that.

Lmao this reminds me of this tweet

Hopefully more people see your convo with glimse and understand that this is a joke

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