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Joined 9 months ago

This must be the absolute epitome of this AI replication poor taste... The person who thought it would be a good idea to do this with Carlin, probably the one human who hated human bullshit more than anyone else to have ever existed, is either so out of touch they don't even vibrate at the same frequency as the rest of existence, or so far up their own ass that they're staring at their pancreas... An absolutely disgusting move.

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This must be the most 90s thing I've seen in a decade.

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Jesus Christ... Whyyy is this guy still running companies? Why does absolutely anyone take him seriously at this point?

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Puh-leaaase, I've built a career on procrastinating until the very last minute then burning myself out a day before the deadline by finishing a week's worth of work in 12 hours!😎 It's not a pleasant career, nor am I ok, tho'...

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Picard, hands on face

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Now, I'm all for a Socialist utopia, but that guy did NOT do it right.

More, please. I like where this is going, would totes sub!

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Ssooo... a cable package?

"Quick, fresh bubble, flood the market!"

My initial reaction was to laugh my ass off at the extra drop of crap in the collective cup. Upon a second take however... considering what a horrifying den of depravity ActiBlizz became during the past years, this may turn out to be for the best in the long run...

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Let's turn that frown upside down! Instead of saying "Google failed to generate a useful LLM to bolster its search feature," say "Google successfully replicated the output of an average Reddit troll!"

This'll only happen once education is restructured almost entirely. Critical Thinking has not been on the menu for a long time (if ever), and it's not in the interest of the Powers That Be to increase critical thinking in individuals - people who really think tend to ask relevant, but uncomfortable questions.

Conspiracy theories are a side-effect of biased education.

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Oh, yeah?! What' your DPS (depressions per semester)?

Agreed, I dumped a lot of hours in that game's grind and it's marginally worth it at best. They seem to have loosened up the payouts lately (been playing on and off for the past year), but the real fun (VTOL jets, railgun tanks, subs, orbital lasers, etc.) is locked behind millions of funbucks, which are immensely difficult to accrue. Plus it's infested with modders and cheaters at this point, so not using mod menus is relatively synonymous to shooting yourself in the foot before running a marathon...

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S'all good, Capitalism subsumes criticism of itself and sells it back to us.

Heeey! It's not, like... JUST that, okay?! No, I'm not in denial, shut up!

I knew it! That kitchen table's ruining my life! And my hips!!!

I'd stuff my .mp3 library under my mattress, I swear :(

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Honestly, the most painful part of this is the dichotomy between the internet's potential to become an evolutionary point for us and help us develop as a species, and the way we're using it... We have the entirety of human existence digitised for our convenience and available at the push of a button and we just use it to terrorise and hurt eachother...

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Yes, 100% my point! Who needs to know stuff when the Government and rich people are already looking out for our best interests? Poverty is a non-issue, everyone owns 2.5 houses per capita, this is a utopia! Books just ruin everything!


cracks knuckles Time to make a new fake account and nuke them with shitposting and Grandma Memes!

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"Twist-o Eyeball-o!"

This says more about us than it does about the chatbots, considering the data on which they're trained...

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100% agree with this, shouldn't even need to be said!

However, I would posit that we need an inclusive equivalent for everyone, as the ethos of "dude/dudette" is, in my opinion, well worth keeping - some people simply are THAT cool!

I'm nowhere near smart enough to come up with new words (barely smart enough to use the ones we have...), but I'd totally want to have that sentiment preserved.

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This should be a do-or-die grade in the finals, globally. And don't let anyone know when or where they'll be evaluated and graded, make'em think the Civics teacher/professor will stalk them around town, putting together their resupply patterns, and grading their mall etiquette. That'll put the fear o'God in'em!

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Hooo, boy, this'll be mountains of fun!

"The Children of Asuryan haven't received any new models since the 90s, y'know..."

Do you want Warhammer 40k? Because this is how you get Warhammer 40k.

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The system works! /s

Ugh... ugh-ugh. Uah! AAAH! AAAH, AAAH! URGH! *hits table with keyboard triumphantly

Oh, just oscillate between the two states on a minute-by-minute basis, the whiplash'll make you want to sleep for a year straight. Problem solved! (/s, of course)

Exactly, pointing fingers just eats into problem-solving time at this point. Just shovel'em aside and start digging that drainage ditch, s'what I say... Once the job's done, we'll have all the time in the world to poke eachother in the eyes.

Not slighting the dismissal of those who didn't partake, don't get me wrong! Every situation has nuance, not denying that! I was referring to the overall culture which took root there, and from that the purely utilitarian observation that it's easier to change the mentality if you change the people (in one way or another).

Without the slightest hint of sarcasm or irony, this made me want to give you a hug.

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Well... from the perspective of billions of microorganisms living on our skin, every shower is at least mass murder, soo...

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QA Engineer, same boat:))

Getting an orange in there can't be easy:-?


We really need to get our shit together and pull a Revolution again... Our political system is in need of a good slappin'...