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Joined 12 months ago

Sounds like you've been fortunate lol

It is illegal.

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Shot vs deaths

I heard that line in Bill Wurtz voice for some reason

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You just unknowingly downloaded this picture of Zoboomafoo. It is now on your storage drive in the form of a cached image file. It's temporary, and will be removed the next time your cache is cleared if you ever do that. Otherwise, it will sit there for some time, lurking in your system. Good thing it's only Zoboomafoo!


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Lol, get a load of this guy wanting a position getting paid 35k a year to have a degree.

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Buddy, I hate to break it to you, but our government neglected us long before this war and will continue to neglect us long after.

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Why waste time with lots of quest when few quest do trick

The only reason someone would get offended at the mere mention of gay people existing to elementary school kids is that they don't want gay people to exist. Take a look at yourself and ask why this upsets you.

Yes, you have described performing work. Many people do the same, but with emails, and get paid.

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In a temporary cache directory. If you're on Android, you can clear it by going to your app settings, viewing storage usage on whichever app you used to view this, and clearing the cache. For example, the app I use for lemmy currently has 100MB in it's cache. My Firefox app on my phone currently has 555MB is cached files. This can includes things such as web pages, JavaScript files, and the images I've encountered while visiting the web who knows when, I rarely clear that shit.

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Have you ever thought about the crazy stupid things people did in the past? From using lead pipes in ancient Rome while knowing it was toxic, to blood letting, to witch trials? I used to think, "Man, we humans sure used to be stupid."

No. We still are and have always been collectively stupid. Now, the stupidest of us just have the same potential platform as the rest of us to reach out to the other stupid people via the internet.

That said, the leaded gasoline certainly did us no favours...

Unrelated, but seeing "2025," my first thought was "haha that's so far in the future". Jesus, for something that's six months away, that's a futuristic ass sounding date

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Yes. Language can show what sort of media people consume and the sorts of groups they socialize with, especially when it comes to the internet.

If someone is using incel language, there will be a strong initial assumption they spend time within incel circles consuming toxic content like Andrew Tate and will remain under that assumption until proven otherwise. Sorry, not sorry?

...but like, so do fossil fuels, you just don't immediately see it. It's lead to so much contamination and death you'll never directly witness and is actively destroying everything vs "oh no, that pretty hill!".

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Lol "if". This thing is going to be a massive target.

The point is the co-creator only had one son who was gay and had died in the 90s, so has no living heir to fight for his recognition. By surprise twist, his gay son had a daughter! That's the whole thing. That's why it's interesting.

Oh god, the humanity, the children!!

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(It happens frequently. Like more often then it doesn't huehuehue)

Rule rule

Man, that guy must really like pride

*Citation not found

PHP is horrible, I hate it, and I will not elaborate. Good day, sir.

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The hospital would have provided that help if they didn't fear potential legal action. She wouldn't have flushed the fetus if she didn't fear legal action.

The problem here is the laws.

Also, it's a non viable fetus. It was never alive. It was never given a birth certificate nor a death certificate. Do you believe she should go to prison for a year after all the trauma she's been through because she flushed it in a state where the law is against her in every way if they find out this even happened?

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If it makes you feel any better, once it gets that bad, society will eventually break down and our CO2 levels will naturally return to normal over the next several centuries while the Earth is reclaimed by nature as we go extinct.

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Because capitalism! FREEDOOOOM! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

(assuming you're white and straight, preferably male)

hell he recommended injecting bleach

Okay...first and foremost: Trump is a fascist moron, an absolute danger to everyone, and can go fuck himself. However, he did not recommend injecting bleach. He VERY STUPIDLY asked his task force if it was something we could do.

Source: https://youtu.be/zicGxU5MfwE?t=35

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So, protip for future developers: is there a nicer lot next to yours that you want? Build a house on it and go "whoopsie" and offer tradesies

Jesus fucking Christ, how did you not just die on the spot?

I hate that I ever even bought that line. No shit they operate out of mosques and shit. Where the hell else would they operate out of in such a limited region.

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I just want to step in here and say: you're arguing over the dumbest thing. Stop trying to pick a fight when you agree with the overall sentiment of what they're trying to say.

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I feel like that's some pro-worker framing, but this could just as easily be framed in an anti-worker fashion...

That's a yikes from me.

I guess all I can really say is...what the fuck is wrong with you, man?

the most robust

Imma have to stop you right there...

There are a lot of differing opinions on what should be used, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, etc, etc. I appreciate what inclusive acronyms try to do, but it does get very burdensome for non-queer people. I typically just use "queer", personally, though you obviously have to be a little careful with that one depending on context and perhaps it isn't always entirely encompassing. E.g. are intersex people "queer"? They just have abnormal sex chromosomes.

-A queer

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Not to support Amazon, but those trucks on optimized delivery routes are likely better for the environment than individials each driving their own cars to box stores...

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Bro really said Elon Musk

A ground war in the US would be over before it begins. Infiltrating via the internet and collapsing the social fabric, on the other hand, is a very viable strategy that we're watching right before our eyes :D