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the capitalists are unable to understand that the "eternal growth" their books mention is not feasible in real world and in fact it is a bug. There are physical upper limits that cannot be overcome. There will not be unlimited people that will always enrol in a new subscription. They need to somehow understand that at some point a company may reach their ceiling. This is not reason to do whatever panic change in order to show growth in the numbers. It will just not happen.

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If not, we can expect to see legal channels raising their prices again to cover the losses caused by piracy.

what a shitty take. Well, anyone who has better memory than only one month back can realize that the reason the people turned to piracy was that they raised their prices. There is no loss caused by piracy. They only missed potential gains. And the reason they raised their prices were not because they were loosing money. Was because they needed to "grow infinitely". If the free market evangelists are right, the free market will self regulate and the prices will go down in order to attract back the lost customers lol

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all religions are cancer. ALL. period. I can criticise any fanatic of any religion the same way I criticise the fanatics of the religion I grew up and was brainwashed to follow. I was able to leave. For some people it may be more difficult because of the situation in their country. However, the people who migrate in mostly atheistic west countries, they continue being fanatics by choice.

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and then be provided with a solution of a 10 years old tech that is barely applicable today. But if you read all the answers you may find an up to date suggestion in the comments of a non-accepted answer.

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it's amazing that in capitalism a company has to always show numbers rising like there is no physical upper boundary. The most logical and efficient economic model

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perfect demonstration of culture sharing for a newbie. Like advising them to always trust commands they find online without even explaining them what each command does!

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and WireMin

sorry this is not open source. Who is behind it, what is their gain and how do I trust whatever they claim in their website?

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Are there any predators smart enough to strategize like this?

it is the predators that build such passages. Have you ever seen any construction company building them? Even in the first photo that is under construction, there is not any human worker in sight

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That can only be sustained for so long before the parent company will need to see it begin to generate a positive revenue stream. The most straightforward way to do that is to increase subscription fees. Furthermore, the number of subscribers of Paramount+, MGM+ or even Disney+ is certainly not trending towards “infinite growth.”

then their model is flawed. They sell something at loss in order to attract customers because they know that if they sell it at higher profit margins customers will not come. Customers are willing to buy it as long as it is in a price that they are willing to compromise at. So, when they raise their prices, customers realize that now it is above the price they are willing to pay and step out. Their model is based on hoping that the customers will forget or be bored to cancel a subscription that they cannot afford anymore. However it is a subscription that they wouldn't had been willing to buy in this price in the first place.

So, their initial market share and adoption rate was what it was because of the price of the subscription and the rate of price/value-of-product. Customers are not willing to pay double price and they wouldn't had paid it in the first place. They are not loosing customers. They are not loosing potential profit. They are basing their numbers in a faked artificial audience that opted in only because it was a good deal in the initial price.

And while the free market evangelists would argue that the market would self regulate, you know what will they in reality do? Ask the government for stricter enforcement of anti-piracy laws because huge loss . Loss based on nothing but their imagination of imaginative potential profit based on "if everyone was continuing buying our product with the same adoption rate we would had X billions. So since we don't have X billions, this is a loss". Great math skills and applying of logic.

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it's not only in French. The word raid is quite connotated with an armed police raid, at least in non native speakers.

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it gets more interesting if you calculate how much of the percentage of a user's subscription goes to spotify, how much goes to labels and how much ends up in the artists themselves.

the reason they are not doing it is because the ads are personalized. So if they want to bake an ad onto a video they will end up with countless videos each on with their own unique ads which is not viable logistically. So they can only do it on-the-fly. But re-encoding each video on-the-fly for each user is also a nightmare logistically, if not impossible at all.

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Attractive people simply don’t need the apps.

and funnily enough, attractive people are being "promoted" by the apps. By "promoted" I mean, that people who receive a lot of right-swipes are pushed higher in the stack of appearing to users because if users were seeing not-attractive users, they would ditch the app.

I'm not against learning or understanding the nature of the issue so that I'm in position to form a correct solution. But I find it kinda funny that topics are locked with "duplicate", and the question linked has for example an accepted answer written in PHP5. I believe that SO should invent a way that such cases can be updated without the current "hacks". Now, even if somebody puts the effort to write an up-to-date answer, it will be at the end of answers and it will take a lot of time, if ever, to reach a higher position. Also the "accepted" answer will always be the old one.

Another issue is that in some cases, the accepted answer becomes a wiki. Edit upon edit by users with required reputation adding new up-to-date info. In the end the answer is nothing close to what the original answer was, but it keeps the originally acquired score. So it can reach to a case that you see a +100 upvoted answer, which in fact has only been proof-read by 2-3 people, the ones that are needed to accept the edited answer.

short answer: not possible without real moderation by people who are getting paid for that.

We don’t need to personally see that stuff

I find it difficult to understand that something should be banned because some people "don't need" to see it. Then don't look at it? And I'm talking specifically for war reporting now. I'm not talking for generic gore. It is war reporting. It is something that happens. By hiding it it only helps to enlarge our safe bubble and live in it. Sorry, this is not the world. If you want to live in your safe bubble it is up to you, but making it sound like the "correct way to handle reality" is wrong imo

because of the eternal growth principle of capitalism. Objectively there is a point that a company cannot grow anymore. For example there cannot be infinite bands that will constantly enter bandcamp to increase their numbers. At that point the company holders find different paths, like temporarily increasing numbers by reducing the number of employees. In periods of recession and uncertainty this has a domino effect.

I think for a lot of people the word raid has connotation with an armed police raid.

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thanks for your input but it looks different. I mean when I power it off with the button, then it is possible to boot without issues. Also it doesn't freeze randomly. It freezes only if it plays videos. Now it is 10 days on uninterrupted since I stopped playing videos.

when this happened to me, I filled it around 2am the day before my follow up appointment but had no time to print it so I went there hoping I would be able to email it to them.

narrator: they didn't want to accept it by email

always felt the confused look of people when I tell them I don’t have Whatsapp wasn’t enough.

the worst part is that most people cannot fathom that you don't have Whatsapp and you want to continue not having. The confused look is because their way of thinking is "ok you don't have, so what, open an account, it's taking 10 seconds".

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and they seem to struggle with it.

they never struggled. The just cannot adhere to the "eternal growth" which is different than "struggle". They were making millions. The "problem" was that they wanted each quarter to make more millions that the previous quarter. CEOs believe that there is an infinite amount of potential subscribers or even if they manage to make everyone on earth subscribe then they will eternally increase their prices every quarter. Or I don't know, maybe their system has some flaws

There are certainly consumers out there with this kind of mentality, but it’s a common sales strategy to lure new customers with a reduced subscription fee for the first months only. It evidently works, because businesses have been doing this long before SVOD services, or even the internet for that matter, existed.

Your claim that this is a tactic happening since for ever doesn't take into account the differences between subscription model and traditional businesses. In traditional businesses, yes, a business may decrease the prices in order to lure customers, but this was never their business model. This was limited time "get to know us". I don't think there was for example any supermarket operating at loss for 5 years before they decide to "ok, lets put the real prices on the shelves now".

I don’t think it’s fair to call this a fake audience, because these are real users of which a certain percentage will be retained.

of course it is a fake audience. The fact that some users will be retained doesn't make the 100% of the audience real. And also by fake audience it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole 100% of the audience is fake. However, when they present their numbers, and they claim that "because of piracy we lost 5 million subscribers" this is based on the 5 million subscribers who potentially would never be subscribers if they had their "real" price upfront, instead of a price in which they operate at loss.

However, when people are charged for piracy, they are charged based on imaginative loses who are based on a potential profit which would had been achieved if their 100% of customer base had been continuing paying a subscription which they would had never agreed paying if the price was not faked in order to attract them.

The free market effect will gradually resolve this as services that are all currently operating at a loss will correct their price models, which is what I believe is currently happening.

the free market will turn to the government to cover their losses and they will push for stricter anti piracy law enforcement. The free market evangelists just want a free to control market. I don't think they will be "ok, customers are leaving after our latest increase in price, then let's just decrease the price to get them back on board"

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its her mother. Of course she still has hope. The parents keep hoping for their children are alive until the day they see them being buried in the ground. There are parents that are still hoping after 40 years of their child being missing if there is no body found.

However her mother has neither talked with her or even seen her in a video that for example is alive in an ICU if she can't talk.

US americans are complaining for nasa, public schools if they don't have kids, public health sector, even for bike lanes because they use no bikes, but almost never for all the military expenses on the other side of the earth.

do you think someone will be capable to write an essay if it is literally the first essay they ever write, since they were using AI all the previous times? This is like reading solved math equations and believing that in a test you'll be able to solve them on the spot, without having tried to solve any by yourself before.

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enshitification has nothing to do with it. This is just plain definition of capitalism.

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thank god capitalism is the most efficient system people ever imagined!

ublock does it too if you enable the "block annoyances" option in the settings

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650MB CD media. The game itself was 40-50MB and the rest 500-600MB was the audio in wav (CD player compatible) type

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you can understand how subtraction or multiplication works, but if you don't do them repeatedly in your head and on paper you will end up needing a calculator for the most ridiculous things. Like getting change or splitting a bill with a friend, or whatever.

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twitter is/was not doing that on purpose but twitter had been used for political organizing and quick news spreading during mass protests in multiple countries. There are cases that it was the main means of communication of the people protesting bypassing censorship or downplay of the local news agencies.

boo-hoo-hoo poor mega corps, I'm pretty sure the CEOs of these companies were paying by their own money the price difference of the true cost and the decreased subscription price of all the customers and they will walk out poorer. Not with millions in their pockets.

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I don’t think we should underestimate the savvy programmers out there

you can't imagine how many programmers out there are living their life without adblocks. Even before this last month's shitshow

also add that we, millennials, grew up with the common knowledge that internet is a wild place, never give out your personal data, credit card numbers or personal photos. Gen-z grew up in a world that they needed to purposefully upload their whole life on the cloud.

i will try it but I'm quite confident that it will be unresponsive/not reachable since if the kernel was listening it would respond to the alt + PrntScr + REISUB by unmounting the drives and I would see it when I examine the logs afterwards

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isn't this more or less what they're doing now? The difference is that the ads are coming from different server and have an overlay on top with a timer and a skip. As long as the ads are coming from a different server they will be detectable. Also as long as the ads have overlays they are also detectable. They would need to make the ads be served from the same server that serves the video and eliminate the overlays.

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and to top that up, OP could had just bought an additional care package by paying by his own pocket in the health clinic that he initially was. Completely free to do it if he wanted to pay 3 times the price. People don't understand that in the so called free market there are actually unwritten rules set by the ones in power. They think that they would somehow be benefited from the lack of regulations while the regulations should be there in order to protect them from the greed of the mega-corps.

it's not about idiocity. It is because of for many non native speakers, this word has almost always been seen in that context.