
10 Post – 1105 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


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It was clear from the beginning that 23 and me wasnt selling these far below cost out of the goodness of their heart. They were going to use it to profit one way or the other. The question was how not if.

Nintendo fans are so weirdly protective of nintendo. Like... there have been death threats from pokemon fans over palworld and it just baffles me that someone would waste their life defending the honor of a multibillion dollar gaming company like that. Nintendo fans I say this with the utmost respect: Go the fuck outside.

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The economy sure is doing well /s

You cant afford a new house. You cant afford a new car. Healthcare costs are the single largest cause of bankrupcy and financial strain is the single largest cause of divorce. But at least the billionaires are thriving.

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If there are 10 nazis at a table and you decide to sit among them, there are 11 nazis sitting at that table.

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"Chemicals" in food. Literally every substance, every food and people are composed of them. The common usage has bastardized the meaning and latched on to the naturalistic fallacy. Snake venom is natural. Cyanide is natural. Arsenic and Uranium are natural. Botulinum toxin is natural. Something being naturally occurring does not automatically make it good for you just as something being made in a lab does not equate to being bad for you.

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The party of "patriotism" everyone. This is their guy... the same guy whose defense for trying to overthrow the government and install himself as dictator is "I never said I swore an oath to uphold the constitution"

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Cook said he continues to make the videos, from which he earns $2,000 to $3,000 a month.

Professional asshole gets shot and learns nothing. All over 2 to 3k a month. Dude could literally work at mcdonalds and make that kind of money.

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I don't know what is more dissappointing: the lack of creativity in how these murders are covered up or that Russia is in such a sorry state that the powers that be see no need to bother.

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I think Ill pass on reading that article if theyre going to sell my data to this many "partners"

830 partners

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You always hear about how innovative the US is but the moment there is any talk about requiring industry to find an alternative to something youd think this place was as economically crippled as north korea. An economy so flimsy and industry so devoid of flexibility that it will collapse if required to find an alternative to x y and z but simultaneously supposedly the strongest and most resilient economy in the world.

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"Just be yourself"

Ask any neurodivergent person how that goes.

We mask because we are often punished for being ourselves most of the time.

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Get mad at the court that forced them to take the story down not at Reuters.

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Good. Maybe this could put a stop to the attempts by companies to gut their payroll and replace artists with software.

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It costs people nothing to use someones' preferred pronouns and yet here we are.

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Brain drain due to idiotic state governance will do that

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My old job stored chemical waste longer than what the law allowed in containers that werent labeled correctly. No one knew for sure what the waste was because the guy that was responsible for that before me would just mix different wastes together. The solvent fridge (just a normal fridge from the 90s against a wall in the prep area out in the open) had about 10 gallons of flammable liquids (old solvents and reagents from the 400 level labs and organic classes) and 3 one liter containers of 15 year old diethyl ether which is almost certainly chock full of organic peroxides. (These are explosive) There was another container of ~100g dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) in the flammables cabinet no one paid any attention to for quite some time. It was a good thing that it never became dry as that would need to be handled by the bomb squad. (Previous guy found an old crusty jar of picric acid (a friction sensitive explosive) that resulted in the bomb squad coming to the lab. That shut down part of that campus until it was dealt with) And then theres a waste container that I found at one of the outlying campuses that according to the label, had nitric acid, ammonia and bleach which is... not great.

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Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Easy.

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His followers like him because hes a terrible person not in spite of it.

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Where are all those people that said Cannon "wouldnt ruin her career" doing something like this after it was pointed out that Trump appointed her?

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Nfters and not thinking ahead: name a more iconic duo

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That only really happens if there is no immediate threat of doom. If there is, I am the most productive person on the face of the Earth but only due to the sheer terror that results from last second procrastination.

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Omg its true: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/12/29/it-took-just-four-days-from-elon-gleefully-admitting-hed-unplugged-a-server-rack-for-twitter-to-have-a-major-outage/

This guy is the trump of the tech industry. Every time he does shit like this it makes you think "no... he couldnt have... could he?" Look it up, find out its true and have the first wtf of the day.

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Cannon was appointed by Trump and people are surprised that this happened

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Why in the hell are we not always requiring masks in a medical setting!?

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My great aunt's husband. I had a bad feeling about him the moment I met him when I was a kid. Turns out he was a paedophile that got two of his granddaughters pregnant and was sent to prison. He died a few years ago and the family held a wake for him and I had to explain why I wanted nothing to do with him. WTF.

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Republicans are assholes.

The more stories like this I see, the less I sympathise with gun owners. If you all are so cowardly that youll kill anyone that stepped on your property or looked at you "the wrong way" or was black or a child in school, I want your hobby taken away.

You should have reigned in your crazies if you wanted to not be seen as a threat to society.

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Intentionally tone deaf system strikes again.

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History will not be kind to Florida

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If you are bad at your job, you lose your job. If the CEO is bad at their job, you lose your job. If the CEO is REALLY bad at their job, they get a golden parachute.

  1. Antiwork accomplished nothing of consequence aside from embarassing itself.

  2. That mod didn't represent a huge chunk of the community that was in that sub which is why people broke off to form another sub that did.

The sad thing is that all FOX really had to do is let this mod speak on what their beliefs were. No dishonest editing to make them look bad was needed. They did that all on their own.

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Late stage capitalism? They were doing shit like this in the 1800s. It IS capitalism.

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Kellogg would be rotating in his grave. The dude was OBSESSED with the healthfulness of cereal (or at least his weird version of it) and his company namesake basically peddles candy in cereal form to children.

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Wasnt there an issue where certain devs' accounts were compromised and malware was being distributed?

EDIT: that wasnt why. Kde connect was removed until its sms functionality was removed due to new security policies: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/mobile/kde-connect-kicked-from-google-play-returns-less-the-app-it-was/

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OP just discovered people treat animals really really badly and wonders why we dont want to do the same with people

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Antimaskers, antivaxxers, "stop the steal" assholes, homophobes/terfs/bigots in general. If your ideas injure and kill others, I am going to treat you like someone that spreads ideas that injure and kill others not as someone to be debated in a "civil" manner.

The title is a bit misleading. The state went after him because he doesn't have an engineering license in the state. I used to be a P&C insurance agent and one of the things that we were cautioned about was using our expertise in insurance outside of our job duties. There is a degree of liability there that you don't really want to be taking on. While on the job, you are covered by professional liability insurance if you make a mistake that causes harm to clients. Outside of your job though, the company you work for has no obligation to protect you as you aren't acting as an agent of that company on your own time. In this case, itd be a bit of a stretch to equate the two in that there isn't really a scenario where him talking about the infrastructure causes the state harm as far as a court would be concerned but I can kind of see where the case might have even gotten to court in the first place rather than dismissed off the bat as frivolous by the judge.

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The youtuber is 6 foot 5. Someone that tall is going to be intimidating if they get in your face and will not fuck off when asked regardless of what your prior experiences are. This guy knows he scares people. Thats the point of his channel. I mean the dude calls himself the goon squad. He knows hes being an asshole. He gets into peoples' faces, scares the shit out of them and films the reaction.