The Pokemon Company releases a statement regarding Palworld: Inquiries Regarding Other Companies’ Games to – 116 points –
他社ゲームに関するお問い合わせについて|株式会社ポケモン|The Pokémon Company

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Nintendo fans are so weirdly protective of nintendo. Like... there have been death threats from pokemon fans over palworld and it just baffles me that someone would waste their life defending the honor of a multibillion dollar gaming company like that. Nintendo fans I say this with the utmost respect: Go the fuck outside.

Had a friend unironically trying to convince me that Palworld is evil because it brainwashes people into liking human enslavement and shooting at civilians.

His favourite game is Pokémon, a game where you bond with your fire lizard by pitting it against other animals in a government-sanctioned tournament.

Of course he's also one of those people who spends hours lamenting the state of current Pokémon games, while also buying both versions of each game at day 1.

Pokemon is famous for being the first game to employ child psychologists in its development Team, to analyse what young boys like the most, and to feed that to them.

Your friend, is playing, due to corporate manipulation, when they were young, which triggered all the things in them, they wanted to trigger.

Dark, but true. I'll try and find a source on this later, when I have some time.

Ah, yes, when a man takes inspiration from insect-collecting in his childhood, he becomes the world's first child psychologist in directing and developing video games


Edit to clarify: you kept making downvoted assumptions in this thread about an existing source on Pokemon creators having targeted the young boys audience. It's only natural to think you could be misremembering all the articles that came out about Satoshi Tajiri's inspiration for the OG games coming from bug collecting as a young boy.

You linked to the director, not the psychologists they onboarded for the project.

I really like palworld and never cared about pokemon at all. After playing palworld for some times, i looked up what pokemon is even up to, after over 20 years of experience. And apparently they released the absolutely most laughable pokemon game on the swith last year.

I've also been playing palworld and have never played or been interested in any Pokémon games. For me, the "catching pals" aspect detracts from the survival crafting aspects. Base automation is also in a weird place where stuff is mostly automated, but you can't really automate everything like you can in a game like Factorio.

Despite all this I've put about ten hours into the game and loved every minute of it. I'm just a little off the mark of the game's target audience, which makes the early access lack of polish a little harder to put up with. I would still absolutely recommend the game, though.

I think that version 1.0 will have pals taking things out of furnaces and such and putting them in chests. With endgame you will just order stuff up on a terminal and you will see the pals scramble around to get everything together and alert you to lacking resources that you will have to sort out.

With the current version 0.1x, it feels like 75% of the game is missing. I think they have released what they released because they didn't have the rest of the game planned out. They are saying "This is what we have, what do you think we should do with it?" The community will speak up and actually add meat to the bones of the game with their suggestions/comments/wishes/etc.

I think back to Minecraft alpha and how much the community and modders influenced the end product and can't help but see a similar thing developing with Palworld.

it brainwashes people into liking human enslavement and shooting at civilians.

Neither of those things are actually encouraged by the game. Attacking civilians causes guards to come after you, and nothing in the UI indicates you can capture humans (you don't get a catch % when holding a ball and targeting them like you do with monsters). It's only when you do throw a ball at them that you find out it is possible, but the catch rate sucks and they're not worth using.

Meanwhile it's made abundantly clear that Pokemon are sentient, so the brainwashing and dogfighting rings aren't any more ethical if you want to argue that way.

Alternately, it's a game. I'm against war but I play plenty of war games.

Palworld is evil because it brainwashes people into liking human enslavement and shooting at civilians.

Those are the headlining features that make the game unique.

I legitimately know someone who speaks about Nintendo religiously. Like, he says "Miyamoto almighty" and I reeeeaaaaally wanna believe he's doing it ironically, but I don't know if even he recognizes it as ironic now. He is defensive of every of nintendo's actions, all of them, justifying everything they've done while condemning other companies for doing the same. It looks like nationalism applied to a specific corporation

Like, I'm a big nintendo fan, but I cannot fathom the zealotry that I have personally witnessed coming from this person

I have a switch only for my nephew. My last console was a gamecube. I thought about buying mario kart, everyone loves mario kart. It was 60 or so bucks and i didn't buy it, I bought it second hand. I made a forum post in a nintendo sub and asked why a 9 year old game is still 60 bucks and why they try to sell their dlc on the select schreen. You know that game for children. I caught so much shit for that and they called me a troll and that 60 bucks for the game is very fair and i should just buy the dlc ab shut up. Somehow the overwatch community is less toxic than Nintendo fanboys

I'm a die hard Nintendo fan. Been playing Nintendo since I was like 4.
Pokémon is one of my favourite gaming series ever.
However, I also play games that are basically Pokémon but with a different name. So long as there's not actual copyright being broken, who cares? Pokémon is an insanely successful franchise, if other companies want to try using the idea for their games in hopes of success. Go for it! It's fun seeing all the variants.
I get why people hate seeing their favourite game 'ripped off', but if Nintendo see it as an issue, they'll deal with it themselves. People need to chill out, I'm pretty sure Nintendo are capable of fighting their own battles. It's not like they're a small company of 10 people who might of not seen the game.

Pokemon is famous for being the first game to employ child psychologists in its development Team, to analyse what young boys like the most, and to feed that to them.

You my friend, are playing, due to corporate manipulation, when you were young, which triggered all the things in you, they wanted to trigger.

Dark, but true. I'll try and find a source on this later when I have some time.

tons of people eat mcdonalds for the same reason, that doesnt make it taste bad.

It absolutely is perfect to play, as they manipulate using their knowledge of character traits of boys, to give them exactly what they want. Pokemon tastes better than any other game to a young boy. It's all science.

It's similar to how gambling companies design games to meet their target audience. Triggering endorphins at the right time, to encourage more usage.

Good or bad, that's a whole separate debate. However, it's scientifically designed to manipulate based on desires of that demographic.

You assume that because I play games that I'm a young boy?
I'm a woman in her 30s. Ive been playing games since I was 4. Ive played sega, Nintendo, playstation, Xbox and pc games. I also play d&d.
I play a wide range of games from Pokémon, Zelda, animal crossing to doom, overwatch, diablo, the dark pictures games, Alan wake, baldurs gate, mass effect, slay the spire.
I'm not playing due to corporate manipulation. I play because I want to play, because I enjoy engaging my brain and being able to focus on something fun. So please, continue to shit on things people enjoy instead of actually focusing on the things you enjoy.

I don't assume anything. I'm discussing the developers, and how they designed it.

I'm talking about the original games. The first ever game driven by child psychologists, based on what 12 year old boys love. Collecting things, and winning / dominating. They succeeded. The game has been wildly popular. The franchise continues of course, and with age will go through many ups and downs, but the base psychology still remains.

This is just fact. I'll try and dig up some sources. It's been a long time since #1 was released, but I'm sure there's still some info out there on the original development.

So they designed something specifically for their target market? I'm not seeing the evil here.

I'll try and dig up some sources

You keep saying that. Maybe you should dig up a source instead of constantly posting the same comment.

"perfectly?" have you played any main series titles? theyre all rushed with underbaked plots, and who the hell said anything about needing to be a boy to like them?

I'm talking about the original games. The made a game driven by child psychologists, based on what 12 year old boys love. Collecting things, and winning / dominating. They succeeded. The game has been wildly popular. The franchise continues of course, and with age will go through many ups and downs, but the base psychology still remains.

Nintendo doesn't even make particularly good Pokémon games anymore so it's extra weird that somebody would defend them.

My friend made a Pokémon game in high school and it was better than anything that was available at the time from Nintendo. Mostly because the game was actually balanced and you didn't necessarily win every match.

It's jarring to see people are taking such pains over what's at worst a knockoff. Have they never played with knockoff toys?

There was someone the other day going on about how violent Palworld is and you have to be a psychopath to enjoy that, so they're just going to stick to Counterstrike instead.

I have no words.

As a Nintendo fan personally I completely agree Who ever says Nintendo is perfect is so wrong

They are so close yet they countine to do stupid things that make zero sense

Agree. I know it's way too similar in several aspects (saw a Vtuber ask repeatedly "what game am I playing?"), but if an Early access is doing better than your megamillions company, start asking yourselves some questions.

I'm not a Nintendo fan, but:

  1. Palworld fans are toxic as fuck. Not nearly as bad as sending death threats, instead more like in a way they can't express their love for the game by also not shitting on something else, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  2. Most of the criticisms are also in really bad faith, with often the "multibillion dollar company" being used to deflect how bad faith those criticisms are.

How is it bad faith to point out the comparative scale of the companies involved? I don't think imitating Disney and imitating small independent artists ought to be treated the same way. One might argue this is "principles" but to me that's lacking perspective.

I’m not a Nintendo fan, but:

Why does this read the same to me as "I am not racist, but:"

Dude, I don't even own a single Nintendo hardware! I just think the Palworld fans are utterly toxic, a lot of Nintendo haters' only argument seeming to be "muh unreal engine", with everything else just being there as a deflection once someone points out it.