1 Post – 733 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

DM me cute anime girls.

We tried to warn you, yet you banned the porn anyways.

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This will pass at the same time as the healthcare, world peace, and word hunger bills.

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They sound pretty shady. Think we should defederate?

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Early 30s. Outside is a scam. Everything there involves spending money and dealing with people. I'll talk and play games with my friends online but don't see people unless I am at work or forced to go out.

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You suck all the dopamine out of something and move on leaving the drained husk of your former hobby behind. Hopefully the dopamine runs out before you put money into it.

I swear as soon as I put money into a hobby, I lose interest. I got a guitar I can't play, a hackRF I can't be bothered to relearn, a box of half built eletronics, an unknown amount of Raspberry Pis and Arduinos with no purpose...

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'No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Business Where This Regularly Happen

“Every dollar you set aside will compound.”

Out of touch as fuck. If the fees don't take it, the inflation will.

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Never trust a girl that's not running on local hardware.

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Have they considered offering better content and services than the free options?

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Im betting porn only has a year or 2 left on reddit. They already been slowly purging for years. Got to keep the advertisers happy.

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All creativity leaves your body as you are buying a domain.

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Not to mention the people that defend it as if it was a good thing. Good things don't send you from overwhelmingly positive to mixed over the weekend.

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100% intentional. If you spoof your browser signature most work just fine

The first one was beautiful. The second one was ruined by censorship. The third is pure desperation, its not even April 1st.

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either because they hadn’t been offered them or because they didn’t take their company up on the offer

Are they talking about the "Get fired for depression" button on the company website that no one presses because entering in all your personal info is the oppsite of anonymous?

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Hard work gets rewarded with addition work. Im half assing for my own sanity. If I was paid enough to be comfortable things could be different.

I say "god damn you" to unwork the broken blessing system.

I vote for angry mob with convenient access to an active volcano.

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If only someone could appreciate my excitement and not my commitment.

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How many times are we going to have to teach you this lesson, old man. Don't fuck with the task bar.

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You don't truly appreciate a good pair a boots till you park a 2 ton pallet jack on your toes and laugh it off.

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Nuked a 11 year old account. Occasionally your need info and it's the only place that may have the answer, although I try to avoid giving them traffic.

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I liked lock down. It made me feel normal and accepted for being a shut-in for once. Now, I'm just a loser again.

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Trump sycophant Laura Loomer wrote on X that “the Democrats’ Taylor Swift election interference psyop is happening in the open… They are going to use Taylor Swift as the poster child for their pro-abortion GOTV Campaign.”

This shit sounds like deepfried AI hallucinations, but I know people are actually that dumb.

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I spent good money on all those hentai games. I'm not hiding them.

They get to put a sticker on that inflates the value by $600, then fill it with spyware.

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They can all be free, I'm still not touching your launcher.

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I can't wait till someone dose this, but open source and running on not billionaire hardware.

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I'm down 6 trilly in sales. I'm not selling anything but its the potential that counts.

"Heres your hourly reminder to rent worthless garbage we want you to pay monthy for, per server"

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The ever growing pile of "I'm excited to buy it once you get your shit together" games.

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Want to jerk off without being cucked by the government? With Nor...

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Power plants still need power to operate and even your own supply is not free.

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They just pay up and do it again. It's a business expense, not a punishment.

Our cash grab was so shameless that we killed off our fanbase. We need you loyalist to pay for our losses.

Thanks, I will go out of my way to avoid this link once I get home.

Implying anyone would flirt with me.

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Real life whistleblowers endanger the real life rich.

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No where near the poop knife, but people are weirded out that I use a power drill for dishes. I don't have a washer and the drill dose things a rag could never conceive of.

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