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@🐑🇸 🇭 🇪 🇪 🇵 🇱 🇪🐑@lemmy.world
17 Post – 572 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

FYI, the mountain was originally called "Six fathers" and was a holy site for the natives. The project was actually never approved or agreed upon by all parties, rather so spontaneously made and never completed.

In other words, it was desecration and utter disrespect. And then the project was even left unfinished

Edit: the person who desecrated six fathers by creating Rushmore, was apparently actually a KKK member and white supremacist

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No one is gonna buy any NFTs for millions lmao

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Drinking 10 beer in general is not normal. You got yourself pretty damaged by alcohol and now your body is suffering the wear and tear.

I recommend cutting it down to 1 or 2. Your body will thank you.

It's cryptocurrency. What did you expect. THAT garbage is bound to be poorly coded.

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It's unsurprising considering that just in September Elon Musk in an ego trip decided to ignore security and just started unplugging server cables at random, which caused damages lasting even today.

(Context: a server needed to be moved with incredibly careful procedures. Elmo thought he knew better and decided to ignore all the protocols that are meant to stop damage)

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Fun fact. Cops on average have lower IQ and often fail literacy tests. Furthermore it appears that critical thinking is discouraged in the job, with candidates being selected who lack critical thinking abilities over those that have them.

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Sowwy I skewed the statistics by drinking all the petrol I was thirsty 😖

Jessie what the fuck are you talking about

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Just give me a fucking normal monitor without spyware

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Nahh gotta place them where they're obvious in your face and a constant reminder of CONSUME PRODUCT and be accidently pressed! Can guarantee you it'll take up part of the space of a key hotspot

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Xmas for me was ruined because I found a guy that was robbed and dumped in the middle of nowhere during my drive.

Helping him fucked up my entire days plans and even the little festivities I wanted to take part in but bloody hell who robs someone on Xmas and then leaves them to die? Ofc I had to help.

The intense rain didn't help. I think I'm ill now.

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I'm stoked about having learned how to repair PCs in my last 6 hour hyperfixation, and then actually fixing two PCs.

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People overlook vegetarianism and semi-vegetarian lifestyles as an option too much and it is not helpful that real life examples of vegetarian cultures, get co-opted by Vegans purists as "Vegan cultures" in easily disproven claims- thus hurting the whole movement

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Lucky for us prions do not spread except via ingestion...

Realises that we wanted to eat the rich

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Probably devs, updates, the verification and review process for music, reports. Apparently they also create playlists by hand.

The annoying ads also won't create themselves. There's a lot of effort being put into making them as annoying as possible actually.

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As someone with an injured/handicapped leg. No this is not indicative of lying about your handicap and people need to stop being so miseducated about disabilities.

I can walk short distances even though I need a crutch usually. My leg will just hate me all day afterwards. I'd imagine this to be very much similar where he can in their walk but his quality of life is absolutely bad without his wheelchair

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Yeah but where the hell are we defending Nazis here LOL

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As a former chrome user it's so real. Chrome connects every device for you and once you ARE in the loop it's hard to leave it. Wanna switch to Firefox? Oops suddenly your authentication doesn't work anymore. Oh what about those useful Google logins tied to everything now? Good luck with that.

It took me huge effort to switch off chromium based browsers because the longer you use chrome, the more it worms it's way into all your services making it harder and harder to switch. I still can't figure out how to seperate my Yahoo account from my Gmail account

A huge reason I left is realising that if google decided I broke their TOS on something like say, YouTube ad blocking, they can just terminate by Google account and every service attached to it suddenly becomes unusable. I'd rather not be taken hostage like that

Edit: for all the wise people in the comments. I was trying to decouple entirely from Google products, not just chrome

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....you can see me upvoting furry porn?


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I prefer emotional support Firefox tabs

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I'll never understand Tate fans

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(Pig would absolutely hurt ya. Don't underestimate these cute fellas, they'll eat anything including cops)

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-Youtube gets anti adblock popup


-Playback gets stopped for people not giving up their private information


-Web integrity API destroys modern Internet

"Uh oh"

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(They're dating)

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Mostly due to repost bots.

Remove em and it becomes better.

Also 4chan shouldn't act like it's all original either. Nowadays they to a large degree copy from Twitter and Reddit.

The meme is also outdated and it shows. Tumblr became its own ecosystem in the last few years thanks to Elons dumb antics on Twitter.

9gag also directly steals from reddit. They run scraping bots specifically to steal popular reddit posts.

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Tbh the anger spiral helped me cut out toxic people from my life and made me less codependent on awful social groups.

I feel genuinely much better after completely cutting off an entire community of people

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Welcome to the Internet without corporate rot

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As a German, this word was compounded incorrectly anyway. Adjectives don't get compounded. So it would be "Beweglicher Torpfostenkrieg"

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Enshittification marches on

Fun fact. The reason orange cats are dumb is actually not inherent to it being orange!

Turns out it's just that male cats are MUCH more stupid than female cats and orange as a color just so happens to be tied to genes that are unlikely to emerge in female cats.

That means orange cats are more likely to be male, which makes them stupid.

The 19% of orange cats that are female, behave perfectly normal

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So sad that an innocent donkey got injured

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Is this loss

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My Adblocker is free

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My body is a temple

It's old decrepit and I'm pretty sure it's haunted

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Because AI doesn't fucking understand what it creates. It follows patterns and it shows intensely much when it tries to generate text. All it sees are "Patterned squiggles" and not processing words.

Did you expect the plagiarism machine to truly understand what it makes?

Unfathomably based

The analogy with the plugs and sockets is so lame anyways.

They want to compare a plug and a socket but the analogy falls apart once one takes a moment to realise that the penis analogy, a plug, is a receiver for electricity.

Do eggcells suddenly travel up dudes dicks and deposit babies inside them?

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Doom music intensifies

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