Echo Dot

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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, there was a BBC documentary with him in it, and they actually demonstrate this. Various scammers are arrested and even sentenced, and then for some totally innocent reason a mistrial gets called, and it all has to go to trial again, and surprise surprise in the intervening time the police have managed to lose all of the evidence.

The only good thing about that whole case was that when they were arrested the scammers faces were broadcast all over national television in both India and the UK. Not that been shown in the UK will do everything, but I'm sure they don't have a great time in India because the locals hate them. Oh and also when the police are showing off their scammers, for some reason they make them hold hands with the police. It's really funny how unhappy they look about it.

They already are illegal. The problem is the police are corrupt and they're bought off, and the central government doesn't really care that much, so they don't do anything about it.

If you actually report these people sometimes they do get arrested, it just depends on who the chief of police in that area is. There's a reason they're all in the same part of India and it's because the police in that area have been bought off.

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Your comprehension of this technology is so limited that you actually think that's how it works.

The letter simply indicates that the physical wiring in the cable is different to a previous iteration of the USB standard. There isn't a great deal of reason that they would change that now it has a pretty good potential for energy transfer and high data transfer speeds. In 15 years they might be looking at changing it but not any time soon.

Usb and B came out at the same time in the '90s for god's sake.

Military experts say Ukraine's ability to use Western-supplied weapons in Russia is aiding its fightback.

Wow, thank God for that expert analysis.

I'm sure that will be really helpful, I bet they're really well trained and have lots of modern equipment that isn't just painted wood.

The best tactic Ukraine could have at this point would just be to encourage the North Koreans to defect. Can't imagine it'll be particularly difficult, "hey switch sides and we won't kill you, and here's a free house with electricity, water and indoor plumbing".

It would be like trying to convince people to leave the 15th century.

Pretty well paid then

Pretty asymmetric that isn't it. On one side you have a nation that is rapidly running out of, well basically everything, and on the other side you've got an alliance of nation states which contain among many other things the largest most powerful military on the planet.

Finally the nation that is running out of resources is now getting military support from quite possibly the worst place they could get it from.

It's going to be one of those ridiculous situations that only happens in Civilization, where you're bombing cavemen with nukes because your adversary has failed to advance through the tech tree fast enough.

If I traveled 100 years into the future I actually wouldn't be surprised if they're still using USB-C. A different version of USBC but it'll still be the same cable, the only reason they would upgrade to another cable is if they decided for some reason that it needed to be able to carry enough current to vaporize you.

Well fortunately we have you. Who contribute a great deal I'm sure

It's a bit first but if their primary motivation was performance improvements they wouldn't be soldering 16 GB.

If you're going to weld shoes to your feet, you better at least make sure that they're good shoes.

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No you don't understand the architecture is different and so the laws of physics don't apply. Constantly energizing and de-energizing capacitors can only increase life expectancy, everyone knows that.

Yeah I used to be guilty of this. Although in slight defense of myself I never used to use random sites like that I always used to pull everything from Google CDN since I can't see that changing hands.

They may very well shut it down without warning, but they're probably not going to sell it to anyone.

Obvious troll is obvious. Grow up

I will never understand why the American military think it's a good idea to send them tanks that are so complicated. Especially when they're going up against cold war era relics.

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I'll remember this the next time I feel like going to the US

Yeah but if you're only putting 8 GB of RAM on then you're also going to be constantly querying the hard drive. So any performance gain you get from soldering, is lost by going all the way to the hard drive every 3 microseconds.

It's only better performance on paper in reality there's no real benefit. If you can run an application entirely entirely within the 8 GB of RAM, and assuming you're not running anything else, then maybe you get better performance.

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I can't tell if you're a stooge or if you really think that. I hope you are stooge, because otherwise that's a really stupid position you've decided to take and you clearly don't actually understand the issue.

It never leads anywhere though. North Korea has always been fobbed off with decades-old technology,it's not like they will know.

So everyone continues to ignore them because they continue not to be a threat. It's not in Russia's interest to give them anything really advanced, assuming they have anything left to give them. The best thing Russia could give them would be infrastructure engineers but they're probably not interested in their own populace enough to consider that a worthy exchange.

Good God, what an arsehole.

We apologize for the confusion...

Confusion? No, there was no confusion. You announced a policy that was terrible, but there was nothing confusing about it, it was just stupid. I wasn't at all confused you condescending twat, I fully understood what was being announced, as did everyone else, hence the backlash.

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Because the US is controlled by corporations

Asia for the most part doesn't care

Australia is run by right wing nut jobs

New Zealand is quiet so they probably do do something like this but we haven't heard about it.

Japan is Japan. Civil rights isn't really a thing.

And China and Russia love invasion of privacy it's basically the entire basis of their countries.

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So what of the kids going to do instead? People like this always demand that children go outside but there's literally nothing for them to do.

When I was a kid we used to sellotape each other to the swings and other wholesome activities. But we can't do that anymore because the park activities have been removed apparently due to "vandalism" i.e normal wear and tear that took place over 10 years has occurred, but we cannot afford to fix it because central government hasn't given us any money since 2014.

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Because it's a festival in the middle of the fucking desert. It's an utterly ridiculous place to have it and totally extravagant.

They'll go there claiming there to be going I to some kind of getting away from civilisation, hippie commune thing but the amount of effort and infrastructure to make that environment survivable is ridiculous they actually doing more damage to the environment by being there than if they just stayed in the city.

No one's glad someone died but their death has nothing to do with the ultimate problem of them all being there, and without being too macabre, people die music festivals all of the time, usually because of drugs. Most music festivals are held in a field, where it's at least reasonably possible to have basic infrastructure without huge expenses of money and effort.

I've read this about five times and I still don't understand what you're getting at.

Are you accusing OP of being a Russian shill because I don't see where your getting that from.

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I still don't get why people buy Tesla products. You know what they're like now. What are you doing?

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I always knew Antarctica couldn't be trusted.

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Hello I am Tim from Microsoft Apple Your computer has a virus and I need you to do the needful

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Greatest country on earth ladies and gentlemen, land of the free my arse.

Look at this idiot, he even looks like a republican.

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There are still people who think that Starship Troopers should be taken seriously. This despite the fact that it has Neil Patrick Harris in it, a man who sings and dances in every possible opportunity.

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Any new battery technology news needs to be taken with grain of salt.

Well yeah, it's sodium.

No one should buy HP products anymore. Seriously everything they make is terrible and then they break it more when they get bored of you and want you to buy another one.

Use measurement units damnit

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Whoever posted this is not a programmer. Does no conditional on that code so it would run on every browser on every session so where's the check for Firefox?

Unless they are claiming that it is injected at runtime. But that's easily provable/disprovable with agent spoofing.

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The processing was done server-side as it is with the other thing. If you find a way to do it client-side let me know otherwise I'm not interested in your dumb product.

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How on earth do you accidentally buy medical grade lighting? Like it must have been really expensive and no one at any point that "why are these light bulbs so expensive". Also, why didn't the shipping company think it was weird that a hospitality venue they wanted hundreds and hundreds of medical decontamination lights?

And presumably electricians fitted them and their non-standard design didn't raise any eyebrows?

Literally everyone involved in this story is a massive idiot.

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I might actually bother getting it now.

It's kind of ridiculous nowadays that games are released, and then developed afterwards.

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It's not on, it really isn't, the Chinese shouldn't be allowed to engage in the free market. They're supposed to be the enemy.

They should be sanctioned so that Western car makers can continue to put out vehicles for ludicrous prices, the way God intends.

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I was always told not to quote Wikipedia. They told everyone this because people would constantly quote Wikipedia and then someone would edit it so that the paragraph was now different. It was a right pain even if the information was correct.

What you do is you check Wikipedia's sources and then quote those sources. Hopefully they're quoting academic papers and not blog posts because otherwise you're just kicking the cam down the road.

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Whether you like it, or not, history is on our side. We will bury you

Because we all know the Soviet Union and Russia are exactly the same thing and the Russian military is definitely as powerful and as capable as the Soviet Union, no doubt. Please pay no attention to the complete lack of victory in Ukraine.

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Most conservatives around the world claim that they want to be small government, but really what they want is to control everything everybody does and if it all possible thinks. They literally are the opposite of conservatism.

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