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Joined 8 months ago

I'm a lady; I like spiders. I like a lot of other things too, like other bugs, and snakes, and other oft-unappreciated creepy critters. I like Heavy Metal, and D&D, and Victorian things, and videogames, and anime, and I also like to fuck

Theoretically, having multiple streaming platforms should be good, as it prevents a monopoly. Problem is, they all have monopolies, on specific shows. Choosing the streaming services you want isn't about choosing the better product, but on which shows you have. All streaming shows should have all shows available. That's the only way to properly decide which service is worth paying for

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Still having 0 problems on Firefox with just Ublock Origin and adguard. Hopefully it stays that way

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Ah yes, Audio AI. I can't wait for this rapidly-approaching future where you literally won't be able to trust the validity of anything your senses tell you anymore

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Ok if mods are cheating, that's fine. Who cares if people cheat on their own experience of a game they bought? Oh no, someone is "cheating" at Megaman 🙄. Someone is cheating at Resident Evil. So what, Capcom? Why does it matter? Who are they impacting besides themselves?

Online issues? Different story, so just make sure those people can't play online. Gotta tell ya, though, the overwhelming majority of mods don't do that, and when they do, the devs have already put something in there to deter it. Most mods on multiplayer games are model swaps and reskins (really, it's all just big titty mods)

Instead, Capcom, give us mod tools. Do what Bethesda does and give us a whole-ass creation kit, that way, your game can remain relevant for over a decade and make bank every couple years when you rerelease it. Skyrim isn't beloved for the vanilla experience

-Sincerely, a Monster Hunter modder

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The game that spend 10 years removing things from AC Black Flag

Kindness to animals. Just all animals, generally

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Imagine selling a service by virtue of the quality of your service. Ridiculous

That tactic for his crazy monster designs is a classic psychological trick, but I can't remember what it's called. It's a thing where you're more likely to get someone's help by first asking for more help than you want/need, and then when rejected, you can scale it back, and they'll more likely concede

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I'm not really answering the spirit of the question, but have y'all ever thought about how weird taxidermy is?

"Dang, this space in my house needs some decoration. Missing something. I think I'll put a posed carcass there"

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I believe that my consciousness is a thing I can point to as being my essence. You could maybe call that a soul, or you could maybe not. Either way, my consciousness is the collective consciousness of countless single-celled organisms all working to make my singular self function. You could maybe call the manifestation of all these processes into a greater thinking singularity as a "soul", more akin to the way in which a city might have a "soul" made up by the people that live in it. I don't believe I have a ghost, and I believe that my consciousness is conditional, derived from my biology, but consciousness itself is as good as anything to call a soul

So I guess, in short, no XD

But that's not what's going on here? Nintendo is suing a mod creator who modded their actual IP into the game, and furthermore locked that mod through a paywall (Patreon), so, you know, profiting off of unlicensed distribution of another's intellectual property

Regarding genre, yeah, nintendo has no leg to stand on, and they know it anyway. You can't claim ownership of art styles or game mechanics, but that's neither the article nor the situation

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Almost like that's what his supporters wanted anyway

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I'm monogamous myself, but personally know two different polyamorous relationships. 1 is pretty damn good, and the other is rife with drama. Besides that, I tangentially know of others, and all of those are rough, though since I'm hearing of these from mutual friends and acquaintances, I could just be getting the juicy drama and none of the good parts. Could very well be that my info on those are bad

It does seem to mirror the general expectation, though, that most are unstable, and I wouldn't call it surprising. Relationships are complicated, and anything that has more moving parts is going to be more complicated. I'm not trying to suggest here that monogamy is the way to go by any means--different people have different wants and needs, and some people are just good for polyamory. I just think that a working arrangement like this is tough to pull off

Besides, this gets asked a lot about polyamorous relationships, but there are so many fucked heteronormative relationships, and you never see the argument that monogamy is wrong, so yeah. Just whatever makes you happy

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lmao AI is going to be used by the capitalists to, well, not end humanity, but certainly to make capitalism better at taking your money. Capitalism will be what ends humanity

Now ideally, AI is supposed to do away with capitalism, lead us to that full automation where we are free to enjoy orgies and wine like the Greeks of old had always hoped, but capitalists are tenacious and shrewd, and will devour, co-opt, and vomit back anything used against it like so many Che Guevara shirts in a Hot Topic. As long as AI is held by the rich--as long as anything is held by the rich and made to be paid for, requiring either your money or your time, the rich will always have more of it, and they will then use it against you

If you want AI to benefit humanity, you have to do away with capitalism first. You have to put in place a system that allows for people to not only survive, but truly live, despite all the jobs taken by automation. Capitalists don't want this. They need poor people to exist in order to have power, and they use the power they already have to maintain capitalism, including AI

You can use technology in the best interest of mankind, but capitalism will always use it to benefit capitalism

This subject keeps popping up, and I think the part that's really upsetting me besides the whole "I bought this, Capcom, let me do with it what I want" is the idea that you can have a game where the solution to your problems is blowing someone's head off with a shotgun, but god forbid Chun Li have exposed tits

I'm not here saying that Capcom should just stop putting violence in its games, or that it should just sexualize all of its games. What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It's not even a capcom thing. That's just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

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having an hour appointment in the afternoon can basically block out your entire day

I feel this bullshit so hard. Nobody gets it

I'm using "scare" a little loosely here, but I was waaaay to young to have seen clips of Alien when I did. It really fucked up to the point that I wasn't able to sleep in pitch black into my adulthood. Nowadays, Alien is one of my favorite movies, specifically because it's so scary, but I avoided horror movies like the plague at least up until high school

I can certainly watch that movie no problem now, and I wouldn't say it scares me in the same way it did when I was little, but I wouldn't love it as a horror movie if it wasn't still one of the most frightening pieces of cinema

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Well that's an unsub. Literally the only thing from them I ever watched

In any case, I look forward to whatever he's got cooked up. Hope he keeps doing stuff like extra punctuation as well

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Used to be reddit. I'm here now because I can't be on reddit anymore, but this place (maybe thankfully) just isn't the abyss to suck me into, so now, my online time is mostly on discord

I'm not counting videogames. Though I do play some online stuff, I don't consider it the same as something like browsing a website. It's a different activity. If you do count it, then yeah, it's games. My computer time is largely games

I don't suspect it will, but they got the better adaptation. I love Witcher more than Cyberpunk by a wide margin, but holy shit is Edgerunners pure gold, whereas Netflix Witcher on the other hand.... Just a real waste of Henry Cavill

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"It's not a sequel or a remake, it doesn't take 400 hours to beat, has zero microtransactions, no pointless open world grinding..."

All of that sounds pretty great, though. I hadn't heard of this game until now, so I'm wondering how efficient they were with that 40 mil in marketing

Or maybe the idea is good, but the execution is bad. Maybe meeting strict deadlines meant the game had to be pushed out unfinished, or concepts had to be cut or changed. I don't know jack shit about this game, but there are a lot of things worth looking into besides "These games just don't sell these days"

Editing to add that it's currently 60% off on steam, sitting at a "mostly positive"

"Hah! Germ theory? Preposterous! I should think these 'germs' no more real than the tooth fairy. Why should the patient sit in their agony while you rinse your hands when there is surgery to perform? Why, it's downright disrespectful, wasting the patient's time like that, as if you care more for the tidiness of your person than their well-being. I should hope that no poor, beleaguered soul has the misfortune to find themselves under your care"

"Snitches will find themselves in a situation in which stitches would be desirable"

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I like submissive men, and generally am downright turned-off by dominant men. Am I the norm? Probably not. I think there are more subs than Doms just in general, but especially among women

But I'm just answering your question as presented. Another has already commented some decent love advice if you're asking about this stuff as pertaining to you

I will add, though, that while strictly in a D/s dynamic, women are subs more often than Dommes, in any dynamic that strays from BDSM, the submissive tendencies are just sort of a spice when they come up, and that, if you're using the word submissive to describe a man who isn't conventionally masculine (Or maybe toxic masculine), you're probably better off. We wanna feel safe with who we're with, and outside of BDSM, you'll probably have better luck as a gentle, emotionally intelligent, confident person. Some people might describe that as submissive

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As someone who has written songs... We get them, and I don't think it's particularly ironic

Not saying there aren't people who don't like the vanilla experience, but it's success would be nowhere near as huge if not for the modding community. Skyrim is the two biggest mod communities one Nexus, and the top 5 are all Bethesda games. In the top 8, 6 of them are Bethesda games. Skyrim has been on top since I've been using nexus, and I've been using it for a decade or more, and that's to say nothing of the other sites out there. Clearly modding is a tremendous part of Skyrim's appeal

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How do I cope? Poorly

I legitimately know someone who speaks about Nintendo religiously. Like, he says "Miyamoto almighty" and I reeeeaaaaally wanna believe he's doing it ironically, but I don't know if even he recognizes it as ironic now. He is defensive of every of nintendo's actions, all of them, justifying everything they've done while condemning other companies for doing the same. It looks like nationalism applied to a specific corporation

Like, I'm a big nintendo fan, but I cannot fathom the zealotry that I have personally witnessed coming from this person

I remember thinking him a unicorn among capitalists when he was pushing for Tesla as a means to combat climate change

But ah well, he was a piece of shit all along

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My best drinking story is one told to me by my parents, because I don't even remember it. See, it was actually my birthday party in which I got very drunk. Also, I was 2

So apparently these old boomers thought "Oh it's only one tiny sip, she'll be fine. doesn't matter that she's 2", but they all had that same idea, and after a few "one tiny sips" I was one tiny drink toddler. Thanks mom and dad. Probably didn't help my brain develop very well :/

Anyway, that's the best drinking story I have because I don't drink. Not even because of this; I just don't much care for the taste or the feeling, so yeah

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Maybe I'm misremembering because it was a while ago, but I remember a time in the early 00's when it seemed like mod support was practically the norm. It's when I switched to PC gaming, and WHY I switched to PC gaming. Games used to specifically have mod sections in their main menus. It was encouraged. RTS' especially were great with that, coming out with map-makers and creation kits. Mod support keeps games alive, and I can't believe how game devs haven't looked at the financial success of Skyrim and not realized it's because the player base gave everything bigger titties and skimpier outfits

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How do I cope? Poorly

People hate what they fear and fear what they don't understand. The path, then, to fight against hate is specifically understanding

I learned this by watching The Crocodile Hunter as a child. I remember very vaguely a point Steve Irwin made about how people are terrified and act to harm animals they know nothing about. Either he went on to further say, or I extrapolated it myself, that knowing how an animal will act informs YOU on how to approach the situation; No need for fear or hate if you understand the reality of the situation. I then further extrapolated this race relations. It's a little general, but a white person may be racist against a black person because they think they're dangerous, just as someone might see a snake they know nothing about and think it dangerous

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So I totally wouldn't be surprised, but I'm gonna need a source on that. I'm hardly pro-American, but this is still stuff that you shouldn't just throw out there. Definitely not the kind of thing that should be taken seriously as just a shower thought

I just remember that it is impossible to be unfathomably wealthy and a good person. You cannot get that rich without being shitty

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Trauma, really. Therapy helps, and time has as well, but yeah

If you go around yelling at people to put down the hamburger, people are gonna tell you to mind your own business. That's why people think vegans are insufferable. The ones who don't do this, you never know they're vegans because they mind their own business. Really fucks with the numbers, so I'll clarify and say that someone who makes it a point to steer a conversation to how they're vegan is a yellow flag. Veganism itself is not at all a problem

I welcome a world in which factory farms are gone. The amount of actual cruelty needed to sustain our population and capitalist demand is insane and depressing, but we are nowhere near winning that fight with boycotting animal products, and we never will. It won't make a difference. The improvement of substitute meat with systemic and legislative change will do that, and that's what we need to push for

So yeah, I'm not offended because a vegan told me not to eat a hamburger. I'm annoyed because a vegan went out of their way to steer the conversation towards their own moral superiority

So I'll apologize for having reacted so defensively, but I don't think that eating meat and having empathy for animals is mutually exclusive. It sure just seemed to me like you were telling me that veganism should be a green flag for me, and it just really isn't. It's whatever. If I find out a person is a vegan, I'm not gonna be more attracted to them; I'll just now know not to offer them a chicken nugget

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And most mods aren't actually cheating anyway. They are cosmetic changes, new equipment, gamepleay alterations, and sure, some are intended to make the games easier, but there are those that make them harder too

Lincoln was a smart man

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I think it's really cool that you think we need more random kindness. I agree ^^