What's the smartest or most insightful thing you figured out as a kid that stays with you today?

cheese_greater@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 114 points –

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People hate what they fear and fear what they don't understand. The path, then, to fight against hate is specifically understanding

I learned this by watching The Crocodile Hunter as a child. I remember very vaguely a point Steve Irwin made about how people are terrified and act to harm animals they know nothing about. Either he went on to further say, or I extrapolated it myself, that knowing how an animal will act informs YOU on how to approach the situation; No need for fear or hate if you understand the reality of the situation. I then further extrapolated this race relations. It's a little general, but a white person may be racist against a black person because they think they're dangerous, just as someone might see a snake they know nothing about and think it dangerous

Yeah, you should never mistread animals unless you can profit from it through a TV show. He was truly inspirational.

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