2 Post – 359 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ran away from reddit, trying to wrap my head around this Fediverse thing.

tl;dr never buy anything Roku, ever again. Got it.

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Why run if there's no more a carrot dangling from the string?

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It's like watching a kid doing a thing that he, and only he, thinks would make you very angry. They're so deep in their propaganda cult hole that they have their own subterranean culture. You know, like molochs.

Why is everyone so opposed to cancer Threads coming to the Fediverse?

Apple sponsored fear mongering, I'd say. It's almost like they had an interest in keeping people away from the alternative.

Gee, now it makes me think there's an ulterior motive to conquering Taiwan..

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What is truly surprising is that people still pay attention to this kind of show.

What does "learn another client" even means?

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Guys, it was a job interview. He's not a real journalist.

must have actual land
Mentions Sealand

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And it took THREE YEARS for such a simple case?

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Wow, was your porn that much questionable?

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Not a smart move, right before the IPO. And what was this 'warning' about?

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It's called an escape hatch.

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Why should we? What's in it for us?

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Lead in the water, micro plastics in the food, Reagan in the air.

Oh, do they mean the unconstitutional arrests of peaceful protesters?

Because the best move when you have a team that gave you a Game Of The Year is to dismantle it.. GeNiUs

That's a Pepe face ancestor..!

They probably just wanted to see if it's really bulletproof..

"LOL so what?" was the answer of Fuhrer Netanyau.

"It's not a problem until it touches me"

It almost makes me regret deleting all of my comments..

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..and if I want "instant access to knowledge", a Wikipedia bookmark will do the job.

Still wandering what use has such a simple machine like a fridge for a 32" screen..

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"well, with how things are going.."
"You'll find out soon enough"
"You know about mice and ships..?"
Refuse to elaborate further.

China, Russia, and open source? Hahaha

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We'll go full circle and return to site directories.

Oh no, my thousands of identical messages!

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That's cropped porn, isn't it.

You don't need them, what you need is to make a good movie.. if that has an all black or all female cast is irrelevant.

Mein Fuhreer..
Take me hoome..
To the plaace..
We ban boooks..

I don't get the aim of this comment. It IS a news, maybe not world-shaking but it is. So what would define a real news for you?

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Like knowyourmeme?

I've yet to understand how that was even legal. "Hey you know those colors we sold you? Now that you used them to do a painting, we'll take a % on how much you sold it for"

A little part of me like to think that's how they got infected and died, and the reason why there's less of them.

You see, what I fear in Tyson is not his height, but his arms.

Even thou there are Samsung phones that go over $1000.. people really are stupid.

More like "the goal was to get rid of all those filthy animals and raze their territory to get all that delicious free real estate", but I agree.

"Now we hope to understand in better detail how these works and what to do with them"

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