1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe common core refers to the core standards of knowledge & skills that the government requires in public education.

I have a head canon now about your username origin that you, at least once in your life, had to face a horribly distempered ceiling fan, but just don't remember it because of the capitation.

So this reminds of this book I read called The Circle, in which everyone's fascination with technology and tracking and data collecting slippery-sloped at breakneck speed into 1984, except any stranger with an internet connection became your Big Brother.

We have many other environmental ways to encourage people to drive slower, like narrower lanes, or those long thin rumble-strip-style speed bumps, or landscaping with greenery.

BTW, why is it so hard to get information off google on traffic calming studies for freeways? Everything is about urban or suburban areas, smh. When I use "freeways" in quotes, suddenly I get a whole bunch of irrelevant results about people trying to get over their fear of driving on the freeway. Wtf google.

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If I could carry around a Limmings History Buff Fellowship member card with qr code links to sites like these, it'd be just handy dandy for the torturing-friends-and-family part.

Thanks for checking. I asked ChatGPT3.5 to make a solution with excel since I have limited access to it at work. CG came up with making my data a table with Power Query & using a Fill tool, but Fill>Down isn't doing what CG is saying it's supposed to do.

I hope I could do this at home though because I only have Onlyoffice & Libreoffice, & excel in the browser is so limited.

I definitely feel like saying it again - it works! Thank you. For sure, I can modify the if statement for what I'm working with. Thank you so much!

I bought a brother printer model J1010DW because it's brother, right? Also it was the cheapest brother printer in stock locally around the time I was sick & tired of detouring to the print shop.

The color cartridges still have tons of ink swashing in them, but the printer won't even print in b&w because it detects the other cartridges as empty. So I try the tape-over-the-ink-window method, and my printer says, HMM, I GUESS THERE'S INK NOW, BUT THESE MUST NOT BE BROTHER PRINTER CARTRIDGES, HURR DURR, and makes itself an overweight scanner.

I was so sad that Emerald's Battle Frontier island didn't make it to the sapphire/ruby remakes.

Have they changed the joystick material yet? The joysticks off my ol' 8bitdo pro (the original) kept shedding with use, so I stopped using it in lieu of the switch and steamdeck controllers. Gods, the controller was way more comfortable and sized just right than any other 3rd party controller for me. My google fu is weak, so I never found fitting thumbpad covers for it.

This is the post that convinced me way back when. It's been a while; I couldn't find yet if the egs software has changed since.

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Hohhh - THE PoppinKREAM!? I was in shock seeing your name pop up so soon in my time here, lol.

Okay to ask if you could add dates to the bullet pts? It'd be easier to visualize a timeline of these, I think.

Thanks. Now I could easily see the havoc one troll with a sign can do with over-regulating like this.

I read your comment before I could open the link, and now that I'd read a little past the chat-format part into chapter two, this spawn definitely smells of AI spunk. My nagging feeling reading it was - Iiiii'm pretty sure this author's never tried to teach before.

First giveaway for me was the sudden change in artstyles for the "projected slides". Also, for the first cat pic, why tf is there a bending-protected cord dangling from a wall switch? Tf?

So many adjectives used too, I bet, to give that futuristic feel, but overused, unnecessary. What the fuck is clear carbon fiber? No really, is that even real? And why do you need to describe people's desks or seats that way, when it would've been more effective to make a picture of the classroom than to detract from the learning material with a mystery virus that took out the professor just to needlessly bring in a sub? Was there going to be some plot twist? Is there a story?

And who tf thought that starting with binary was a great idea to introduce kids to computers/programming? Who tf thinks they'd convince someone who knows nothing about computers that binary is cool or even immediately useful?

I scrolled further and saw Darth Vader fighting Luke Skywalker. End rant, or else AI will give me cancer.

Scam author is trying to scam people with AI generated book.

To clarify the first, yes to your example, I think so. I'm trying to optimize my scanning process, so, optimally, yes, I would only record all A numeric values in one go, and not come back to them again for the rest of the list. Good question; I never thought about this as a complication. So, I have shelves among shelves with a strict naming convention and containers with a different naming convention. I'm figuring out how to help me and my family be lazier and just capture the shelf name, then all the stuff there, then move on to the next place.

To clarify the second concern, yeah, I meant to make the comma denote two separate cells. I'm not sure how to make a table on lemmy through the Boost app.

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Libre Calc photo

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Thank you for the archive .org one. I hadn't seen a direct response to the old reddit post, and the archive .org post really broke it down for me

Even moreso important to ctrl+s in case you trust autosave too much then it corrupts a file that closes too soon
looking at you ms publisher that one day the other week

I feel like every time I tell someone I know that I use linux mint, I'm coming across like I'm saying "I use Arch by the way" *eyebrow wiggle*

I see it as a stand-in for the inflection people sometimes make irl when seeking affirmation for what they're saying. Imo, it's not bad as a way to add tone or subtext ("I get this might be an unpopular opinion; what do you think?"), but it is not grammatically correct in a professional email

Like taxes on luxury goods?

I just bought the book off Nostarchpress last month

Brb, just gonna suck up my tears

Which features do you feel like you're missing out on?

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Same. YNAB is more focused on where you assign/shift tasks for your money to do rather than just tracking where all my money's gone. It's envelope budgeting with an app to me, and I'm way more conscious now of whether I can afford things or not.

The only thing I miss about classic YNAB is having a local desktop copy of my data, even when I had to sync through dropbox.

Edit: was considering linking the subreddit, but just found we have a decent lemmy instance:

Cue The Island, lol

I use Netguard to block internet access for half of my apps - the ones that shouldn't be using my mobile data anyway

Seconding Linux Mint!

I came to linux because I was building a new pc at the time win11 came out, and I saw how much more like apple it looked.

I wasn't afraid to try linux because I'd already done some easy mods to my steam deck (decky and retropi). Using the steam deck's computer desktop was almost like using older windows to me; I appreciated that.

Downloading programs was like android to me; using the system's app store, or sideload an app or a second app store, or follow the dev's readme.txt. Easy, fun, free, ad-free.

I downloaded different linux distributions to a bunch of spare thumb drives and tried them one at a time. I figured, the moment I had a problem that lasted more than an hour with one distro, I'd move on to the next. If I couldn't hack it past four tries, I'm going back to windows 10.

Linux Mint was the second attempt, and it's pretty intuitive to use, imo. It feels like the ease of using android, but with a desktop and my beloved windows-style taskbar.

We'll take a second moon, cut it in half, and use it as a shield for the first moon

I looked up octodad on steam - what's the difference between dadliest catch and student edition?

US based here. Saaaame, I didn't like Planet. I get Plant Folk oatmilk from Sam's club, and I now detest anything more thick or savory than that. If anything, Plant Folk's a little watery compared to most oat milks I tried locally.

For real. When one of my friends dropped his phone and cracked the screen ,we saved it by checking and backing up his stuff through samsung dex. Smart Switch doesn't work through dex though, so we still had to guess where the buttons were on an all white screen to work it through the phone.

I didn't realize til shopping around recently that most flagship phones' type C ports are only usb 2 instead of USB 3 like the Samsung S series phones. I reeeally wanted HDMI out in case I needed it in a pinch, too.


Good idea. 1.2x speed is how I save time on videos I expect to be long

Wait, I need an animated diagram

I think the comment that "Jesus wept" was meant as tears of joy that the first speaker accepted the kits, not meant as tears of sorrow.

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Ah, yes, when a man takes inspiration from insect-collecting in his childhood, he becomes the world's first child psychologist in directing and developing video games


Edit to clarify: you kept making downvoted assumptions in this thread about an existing source on Pokemon creators having targeted the young boys audience. It's only natural to think you could be misremembering all the articles that came out about Satoshi Tajiri's inspiration for the OG games coming from bug collecting as a young boy.