I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to News@lemmy.world – 768 points –
I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

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I think the comment that "Jesus wept" was meant as tears of joy that the first speaker accepted the kits, not meant as tears of sorrow.

No, it's a cry of exasperation at the ignorance/stupidity of the kit buyer.

But what in this story indicates ignorance or stupidity on the part of the buyer?

Much like you, she doesn't know what feminism is.

And you’re seriously going to pretend you’ve never encountered feminism as female supremacy? Not even once?

You mean "have I encountered other people who also do not know what feminism is"? Yes, I have encountered more than one person who doesn't know what feminism is, and makes up their own definitions to support their personal cause which has nothing to do with feminism.
