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Joined 11 months ago

That is because of the brown sprinkles.

My favorite flavor is itching.

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They aren't stranded because there is the emergency capsule to get them back.

Classic corporate doublespeak and half truths.

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Isn't she wearing an Apple watch?

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That portion of the country wouldn't vote for any Democrat anyways.

Their linguistic prowess is limited but hilarious.

My bird knows probably a dozen or more human vocalizations and their rough usage. He has maracas that he likes to fiddle with and sometimes he will tap it against his head, which makes it rattle, and he will say "stahp eht"(stop it). He has a hatred of things that rattle or jingle and he loves to destroy things to make them stop. He is trying to tell the maracas to stop making noise that he causes. He will approach a toy that rattles and will say "stahp eht", and then pick it up or knock it about as if telling it to not make noise will make it not make noise; entirely absent is the concept that he is causing it to make noise.

It is quite funny to be told by a 63g bird to "shaddap" when the TV is too loud for him to sleep in his covered cage at night.

I do wish he would use "bed tyme" more appropriately for when he wants to be put to bed and not just whenever he wants to take one of his 6-10 naps a day. Close enough for an Amazonian Hitler pigeon with a final solution to the rattle and jingle question, I guess.

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All solvents are gay. That includes water, the gayest of solvents.

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Kill a half hour working out and/or go for a jog. You don't even need weight, just do bodyweight.

Take up hiking, it is nearly free, you get sun and exercise. You can even take a trash bag with you and clean up litter.

Find someone to stalk and murder.

Fishing is a great and cheap waste of time and you get sun.

Find an unsolved mystery in your area and work on solving it.

Start collecting pinecones, cool rocks, or used syringes.

Birdwatching can obliterate free-time and you might meet some widowed GILF to be your sugar momma.

Go places and give them Google or yelp reviews, be derrainged in your writing style like Hunter S Thompson with a head injury.

Take up meditation and have a false sense of superiority because you practice socially acceptable rotting with a calming mentally healthy spiritual guise.

Yoga is a thing, I'm sure you can make yoga pants look great.

Taxidermy roadkill armies don't assemble themselves, you can even find a tabletop game event to unlease your army upon and meet new people. Worst case you learn about the criminal justice system and that will kill even more time.

Befriend a murder of crows and receive their gifts.

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As GIMP cries in the corner.

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That is a BS fine. That is a rounding error for an hour of operation. They willfully endanger their employees and should be fined a percentage of gross profit, no other way they will have incentive to not harm their employees.

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2,004,717,056 seconds is 63.569 years. Stephen Hawking died at 76. 76 minus 63.569 is 12.43.

He was diagnosed when he was 21, so the spell duration should be 1,734,480,000 seconds.

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They could have more kids and more people if he wasn't sending the men to die in another country.

Family values.

Sex work is work, no shade on her but the hypocrisy is Gates and Co are abhorrent.

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Wait, has anybody bothered to ask AI how to fix itself? How much Avocado testing does it do? Can AI pull itself up by its own boot partition, or does it expect the administrator to just give it everything?

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Get out of the house, get away from the SO, enjoy the outdoors, the thrill of catching a big fish that fights like hell, acquiring food for practically nothing, socially acceptable pretext for casual morning alcoholism, light rain is good for fishing, cloudy weather is good for fishing, some people like to start the day off slow and relaxing and that can be hard to do in some households.

I don't even fish, but I know people who do and it makes some sense to me.

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I think he is a product of copaganda. If he was a vet, he wasn't combat.

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You can buy breast milk in America.

I would rather get it straight from the jugs instead of out of a jug.

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He has another trial in Florida they had to schedule around.

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I used to work at a pet store.

Being someone who loves animals, I tried to make sure the parrots(conures) got plenty of socializing to help make them better pets and to meet their social needs to prevent them from developing bad behaviour and mental issues. Luckily our location didn't sell many, probably because we made sure people understood that they are toddlers with a nutcracker for a face and how much of a responsibility they are, so I could spend a lot of time with them.

The bird I ended up taking home had a great personality and was fairly well behaved. While he was still merchandise, I would have him out for 50% of my shift. He wasn't a fan of most women and didn't really spend much time with the other dude working there, so I was his best friend.

We wore polos and my hair was long at the time so he would love to crawl under my hair and sleep between my collar and my neck. The only indication that he was there was his crimson red tail sticking out a couple inches from behind my head. His preferred resting place was not a problem because he was secure and I could still do all of my work responsibilities without having to consider him.

When he was all rested he would crawl out from my hair and socialize. His napping place was quite the surprise when I was talking to a customer and a bird would appear out of nowhere and say "Hi!" with an upwards inflection.

He also liked to sit in the crotch of the open button fly of my shirt with his back to my chest. I think he just liked to see what was going on and that spot was more warm and secure than my shoulder. He would sometimes crawl out from under my hair and then slip into my collar and pop his head and chest out to get into his observation post.

Imagine talking to the guy at the pet store and a suprise bird slithering out from behind his head and into his shirt, coming halfway back out and greeting you. More than a few customers would pause mid sentence or lose focus on what I was saying when he did that, derailing the conversation about everything else so the bird became the topic.

As you can imagine, he was very attached to me. He was so acclimated to the store environment and felt so safe with me that he wouldn't fly off in fear no matter what noises he heard. I could grab him off my shoulder and throw him in a direction, he would fly right back to me like a boomerang. I would let him stand on counters and when I would walk away he would fly right to my shoulder.

He wasn't happy when I shaved my head and made sure to express his loss of hiding spot by getting all poofed up and babbling angrily when I took him out that day. He pretty much only stayed in my shirt after that.

I eventually took him home. I got him for half off by abusing the hell out of my employee discount and coupons, still spending half of my meager paycheck on him and the rest of my check on a small cage, supplies, and an assortment of toys for him to destroy. On the car ride home he got carsick and shook his head violently, spraying bird vomit all over the side of my head and speckled about my car's interior. It wasn't a great start to our cohabitation, but it was how it started.

I was a young man and that bird learned to curse after I took him home. While my current bird shows my maturation by telling me to "shaddap" when I am too loud after his bedtime, that first bird would tell me to "Shat tha fuck up!" with a clear tone of agitation. Being cursed out by a bird because I laughed too loud after bedtime humbles a man like a parent yelling at you for waking them up when they have work tomorrow during your summer break.

He eventually died after $2,100 in bird specialist vet bills and weeks of unknown illness, we had 12 years of good times and incessant snuggles.

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"Women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" transcribes to "Men should be shirtless and mentally ill in the garage."

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Behaviour psychologists should have a morality clause in their oath.

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I got nothing recent, but here are a few from the past.

I was once reading a magazine and tried to pinch-zoom a photo. I tried multiple times before I understood the depths of my stupidity.

I once took my new car into the dealer about a month after I got it for warranty work because the washer fluid wasn't working anymore. This was after I looked it over and couldn't find the cause, so I assumed it was a body control module or maybe the stalk was bad. I was pushing the stalk forward instead of pulling it backwards. The tech, service writer, and myself had a good laugh about how I had forgotten how to use the damn thing. There is a freaking icon with "pull" on the stalk. I had been using it just fine and then caught the stupid one day.

I once remarked that they should invent vizine, but for your mouth while I had cottonmouth. Before anyone steals my idea, water was invented over 12 billion years ago.

I tried to take photos of hallucinations to show others. Yes, photos, plural.

Before you worry, I am dedicated child-free.

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It is more that they are not growing, and that means dying in their business model. By not reporting an accurate metric of user engagement, they are hiding the stagnation or loss. Background logins from apps are likely also hiding the real picture of user engagement. Without active user engagement they lose their revenue, data harvesting and advertising.

So there are signs that they are in a downturn, which will lead to irrelevance and failure.

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I once had a bloody nose while walking, I was about a half hour away from home. Since I don't carry tissues, I did what made the most sense and just held my thumb over my nostril. Once I got home I grabbed a tissue and took my thumb away while leaning over the bathroom sink. Nothing came out, but my nose was plugged. I twisted the tissue and inserted it, removing it pulled out a 3 inch long bloodclot cast of the inside of my sinus that fell onto the palm of my weak hand. It was like a slug made of blood. The feeling of it slithering from my face was what I imagine to be the closest approximation of what the loving embrace of a benevolent god feels like while cumming. It was a transcendental natural high that no experience has come close to.

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If the internet has taught me anything, this is not a 100% true statement.

Masturbate, max out my credit cards on clothes and same-day sex toys, body hair removal, stab myself in the eye with mascara and eyeliner pencil, book tubal ligation, get period stopping birth control, septum ring, mani-pedi, smash gashes with lasses, fuck myself sore.

Day 2 would be a self-care day of cozy sweaters, cocoa, movies, and trying to vibrate my clit off.

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When I had an old Super Beetle, the joy of watching two strangers randomly hit one another while I was driving made up for the headache of owning one.

Waiting at stoplights and hearing some middle schooler yell "SLUG BUG!!!" and swing on his friend's arm is great fun for 2/3rds of people involved.

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He unfortunately is paranoid, skittish, and believes a phone can steal his soul; so recording him doing cute stuff is nigh impossible. If I can catch him in the act and remember, you'll get delivery.

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I think most of their locations are in malls or upscale shopping districts. So if you don't go to the mall or upscale shopping districts you probably would never know they existed.

Also if you are a single guy or a guy with a low maintenance lady, even less likely to know about them.

Older ones do, newer ones have a diagnostic port you plug an adapter into for use.

You don't need to use it unless you are rewriting modules or performing certain diagnostic tests because the center display has access to all the information you would need via a diagnostic mode.

The data available is extensive, you can look at fault codes, and perform standard maintenance procedures like coolant bleeding. Listing what data is available would take entirely too long because it is literally everything the car monitors.

Supposedly the diagnostic mode has more features if you are in a service center, but I can't confirm that.

Tesla uses SS301 stainless. DeLorean used SS304.

301 is cheaper, less resistant to corrosion, can resist more force applied to it before failure, formes better in stamping, doesn't tolerate high-temperatures as well.

My guess is they used 301 due to cost and forming properties. Supposedly they use 301 on the Starships, so bulk pricing would help keep production costs low. Had they used 304 the raw material cost and cost of production at volume would be higher but they would be less likely to have these corrosion issues, assuming they aren't welding the panels.

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"Lisa, I want to buy your rock."

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It should be revoked upon conviction in the same filing. It isn't, which creates a delay and that is a problem. They shouldn't be pursuing it, it should already be revoked and a sheriff or state police should have taken it from him after conviction.

I don't necessarily agree with revoking rights for non-violent felonies without exigent circumstances, but he would fit my exemption.

Nothing in them and leather has a memory.

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Also that Homelander was someone to idolize.

They found his passport, Hamas ID, frequent Jihadi card with 9 punches, copy of his dental records, and most of his renowned holographic Pokemon card misprint collection.

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She is dedicated, resourceful, and persistent. We don't know if she showed up at his place at 3am just to watch him sleep, so jury is out on the crazy.

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If you read the instructions, that is for body hair and not your lady junk and starfish. You are also suppose to test the hair melting cream out on a small spot to make sure you don't have an abnormal reaction. There is a nair for sensitive areas. You will have to wait it out.

The burning will stop, but things may get pretty gnarly looking and you will want to apply a moisturizing lotion to help with dry skin or scabs. You may want to seek medical care if it is like road rash bad or doesn't calm the fuck down.

Remember voting records when you consider voting for an incumbent.

While I was working downtown one summer, I stopped off in a CVS in the center of the main part of the city to buy some water.

On my way into the store I walked past a homeless black man. He had on a thigh-length coat with a hoodie under it, jeans, and boots that were half laced. The cornea of one eye was milky, presumably damaged at some point and probably blind or nearly so.

I grabbed my water and went to the back of the line, a few feet from that homeless guy. He got a look at me and said with a giant smile "Hi Death_Equity!" like greeting an old friend. I said "Hey man." hiding how surprised I was and he walked away. I was too caught off guard to find out who he was, I was reeling that he knew my name. I have no idea who he was, but he somehow knew my name. I didn't have a name tag on, nobody else was in the store with me that could have said my name, I didn't have a credit card out that he could have read. He either was a voodoo priest who gave his eye for sight beyond sight, or he is someone who knew me and I did not know or recognize him.

When I got back to the truck, I told my coworker about it and was fairly freaked out about this random half-blind homeless guy that knew me by name.

I have spent hours since trying to figure out who that man was to me. I feel horrible knowing that he must have been someone I knew and have forgotten about him as society has. Maybe I went to school with him as a kid? Maybe I met him through work before he was homeless? I wish I knew, but he surprised the fuck out of me.