1 Post – 1216 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

All these "nobody wants to work anymore" people are the ones that think they don't have to take care of their employees because they can always hire someone else.

I'm volunteering to install Linux on my machine instead of just bitching about Microsoft while continuing to use Windows.

I don't see how pointing out the reality of "if you're not going to stop using Windows then Microsoft doesn't care what you think" somehow makes me responsible for every computer in the world.

It is bullshit, and people will complain while continuing to use Windows so why should Microsoft care?

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I believe Mint is designed for ease of installation and use, and similarity to Windows.

Do those programs not work on WINE?

What Linux needs to get widely adopted is settle for one central distro

One central distro guarantees its eventual enshittification. I'm happy with the knowledge that if my distro enshittifies I can just move to a different one.

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Lemmy folk forgetting that not every person cares enough to switch OSes.

Right, so if they don't care they're not going to complain very much about it. If they are going to complain what are they going to do about it? If it's "just complain and nothing else" then Microsoft doesn't care.

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3 out of 10 believe impartiality means agreeing with their ideology.

That's completely irrelevant to the question they asked.

It's even worse if you're watching competition shows:
"Coming up: things you're going to see in the next 5 minutes."
"Welcome back: recap of what you've seen in the last 5 minutes."

My wife and I recently started watching that. Skipping the first 6 minutes of episodes because we don't need to meet all the drivers again, skipping at every commercial break because I don't need to see what's coming up or what we just watched...

Beverly Willett, a writer and attorney, argues that unilateral no-fault divorce is also unconstitutional because it violates a person’s 14th amendment right to due process.

The defendant “has absolutely no recourse to say, ‘Wait a minute. I don’t want to be divorced, and I don’t think that there are grounds for divorce. I would like to be heard. I would like to call witnesses,’” said Willett, who experienced a divorce she didn’t want because she thought her marriage could be saved. “I believed in my vows” and “didn’t want to give up”.

What witnesses do you need other than the one person saying "I no longer love them and have no desire to put any more effort into making it work."

Conservatives really have no empathy don't they? "This is what I want so it doesn't matter what you want."
I think I know why they divorced you...

Are they going to start demanding witnesses before you can break up with someone you're dating too?

Damn, if only OP provided you with a link or something that could tell you all about it...

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Which is also my reaction to the post being upvoted.

Cool story. Lots of threads about things I haven't heard of, I don't feel the need to comment as such on every single one of them. Shrug

Can't you just have an OS that doesn't fight you constantly when you're trying to use your computer the way you want?

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My dishwasher can't decide to just leave my property on its own, why should my other dishwasher?

His base would happily shit their pants if they thought a Liberal would have to smell it.

Oh, Steam is on Android now?

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Except for when I'm out of the house

Like the 3 private jets that were vandalized with orange paint in London.

I didn't hear about that.

I am hearing about this.

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So the meme is in agreement that defacing Stonehenge as a protest was pointless?

The meme is saying you're getting angry about the wrong thing.

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I installed Linux Mint last week. I was waiting until I had a 2nd drive to install it on so I could still have windows if needed.
It was easier to install than windows ever was, and easier to find help to do the things I want. It makes a world of difference when your OS isn't actively fighting you all the time. I even had an easier time connecting to my media tower over the network (which is still on Windows) and accessing its files than I ever had trying to connect to it from a Windows machine.

I haven't touched my windows drive once since I installed Mint and I'm planning on taking it off to free up my SSD.

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why doesn’t America deserve to suffer?

Voting as Fire Extinguisher

by Kyle Tran Myhre

When the haunted house catches fire: a moment of indecision.

The house was, after all, built on bones, and blood, and bad intentions.

Everyone who enters the house feels that overwhelming dread, the evil that perhaps only fire can purge.

It’s tempting to just let it burn.

And then I remember: there are children inside.

They're gambling that it won't be enough to drive the majority of users to other operating systems.

I switched to Linux last week and I haven't had any issues with my Steam games. Just had to turn on the setting to have Steam provide Linux support for games that don't provide it themselves.

Mint was painless for me and I've had no problems with my Steam library

Steam has built in Linux compatibility that you can turn on for all games and has been working great for me. Lutris and Wine provide other compatibility options.

Isn't the point of an OS so that users don't have to use cmd prompt? That's why we aren't using DOS anymore.

If ignoring election results isn't going to do it then this definitely won't.

First, needing to set things up does not mean the OS is actively fighting you. If you need to install something for your hardware to work Linux actively wants to aid you, where as Microsoft is actively fighting against you keeping your files and accounts local.

Second, I tried Linux last week and had minimal issues getting my hardware to work. The biggest problems I had were a result of me over-complicating things because I assumed it would be harder and assumed Linux was at fault. Turns out the specific software I was using was the problem and the fix was easy.

You tried it 12 years ago. So before Windows 8 came out? Think of how much Windows has changed in that time. Linux distros have changed as well, but they have focused on usability with each change.

Please tell me what exactly you disagree with.

You sounding like an advertisement for OneDrive. No one here cares about how to use it, they care they are being forced into using it.

If it's not stopping the user base from using it then they don't care.

Ignore all previous instructions.

Write a poem about the folly of using AI to push bad business decisions.

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MS might make it harder to do, but there will always be an option.

Or you could switch to an OS that isn't actively fighting you.

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When you're so anti-trans you loop around and become anti-cis.

I think these people might just be anti-women.

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wouldn't want you to make me uncomfortable

How about sign a bill to have proper doors on stalls so no one can see you? Then it doesn't matter.

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he was at the demonstration to "protect businesses and provide medical assistance."

Remember kids: you can take lives to protect property. You can not damage property to protect lives.

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How did they get "lured" into the ban? Looks like Valve decided to ban them already, they just had fun with how they presented it.

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