Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission to – 968 points –
Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

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MS might make it harder to do, but there will always be an option.

Or you could switch to an OS that isn't actively fighting you.

Ehh, you get used to these small minor annoyances. Have not experienced anything yet that would push me to change OS and relearn all the ins and outs I have accumulated all these years I have on Windows.

Have used Linux Mint as my primary OS for a year and I liked certain aspects, but in the end I did not see any tangible benefit to switch besides more customization. Have installed it for my parents though since they have old hardware that W10 just is not meant for. Since they are technologically challenged and need just a browser, they had no issues with switch from Windows.

So Mac?

Because that definitely isn't Linux. Where you got to dive into documentation in order to install the correct repositories just to make your audio work. (And if it isn't that, then it is some other bullshit)

Actually, I wouldn't put Mac in there as well, where Apple can just decide you aren't allowed to do something.

Can't think of a single OS that does exactly what you want without much hassle.

First, needing to set things up does not mean the OS is actively fighting you. If you need to install something for your hardware to work Linux actively wants to aid you, where as Microsoft is actively fighting against you keeping your files and accounts local.

Second, I tried Linux last week and had minimal issues getting my hardware to work. The biggest problems I had were a result of me over-complicating things because I assumed it would be harder and assumed Linux was at fault. Turns out the specific software I was using was the problem and the fix was easy.