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He has a large majority of delegates. There is no way to force him out of the candidacy, he already won it.

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Fascism is not defined by selling arms to a country that committed a genocide. Trump did that too, but that's not the definition.

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So he would have been wrong if the Comey announcement didn't come out and turn people off from voting for Hillary. Bad process, right result.

So, obviously, people don't generally change their legal gender for an advantage somewhere. But if they do, that's a pretty good sign, not that it's too easy to change your gender, but that there's a gender bias in the law.

So arguably, the easier it is to change your legal gender, the less of a problem gender-based affirmative action is. Conservatives must love this! End liberal overreach in one easy step!

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The last time he was in the wider media discussion was because he negatively reviewed the Fisker Ocean and the Humane Pin and people were calling him a company killer.

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I think it's clear he's a fan of Apple and Tesla but he does make negative statements about them, the Cyber truck was not a positive review and he always criticized the fit and finish of Teslas. And he critiques Apple's idiosyncracies like the proprietary charger and lack of calculator app on the iPad.

I guess my point is that he's not a journalist he's a reviewer, we are tuning in for his judgement, his opinion. If he personally likes the products from a certain company, that's not a bias that impacts his capacity to do his job well.

Like movie reviewer giving Pixar a bunch of 10/10 reviews, and then criticizing Cars 2 as a mediocre cash grab. Maybe they are biased for Pixar, or maybe Pixar just puts out a lot of good movies. As long as you're calling out the bad moves, that's what we want from a reviewer.

The fair concern is when he gets exclusive access like this, I don't necessarily care about the puff piece interview but you hope it doesn't influence his future reviews.

He somehow monetized being a Trump reply guy back in 2016, every Trump tweet you'd see this guy with a snarky little "well actually I prefer an X that WASN'T Y" or whatever. Within seconds.

Non-politicized decisions are wacky, the Sackler decision had Gorsuch and Jackson in the majority and Kavanaugh and Sotomayor in the minority.

"Coincidentally," the abortion and gun rulings are all exactly the same 6-3 teams based on who appointed them.

It's pretty much settled fact that this Supreme Court puts ideology over impartiality.

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  1. It's a very progressive district, that's how she got elected in the first place. This is not a surprise.

  2. I bet my politics fit closer to the other guy, but I'd still vote for AOC between the two because she has a national influence and disproportionate power in the Caucus. If you're actually voting to influence Congress towards helping your district in particular, AOC might get that done even if it's secondary to her national political project. Some moderate guy in a safe D seat would absolutely never get anything for your district.

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There's no economic reason the nominal GDP of any country or the world in general has to continuously increase. The important metric is per capita production. As long as people get continuously more productive through innovation, standards of living will continue to increase.

At the national level, vying for long term economic power in the world, a higher and younger population is going to be a huge advantage very soon and countries should be trying to get as many immigrants in their borders as they can. But instead they are...going a different direction.

Dumb framing. They aren't panicking, they're framing the results so they can fit them to their narrative no matter what happens. Biden wins = he was on drugs, no way senile and incapable Biden could win otherwise. Biden loses = full proof he's senile and incapable.

Can't believe Harriet Tubman got all that infrastructure up.

The one example I'm familiar with is a name brand ice cream company that produces the store brand ice cream too...in that case the recipe is different, cheaper ingredients to cut costs to the bare minimum. But using the machines for a higher volume saves money.

I'm sure 'same exact item' does happen too but just 'same manufacturer' doesn't mean exactly the same item.

How often do you wear a suit? Dry clean as necessary, hang it up between uses. I've never ironed a suit.

I thought this was overblown at first glance but reading into it...

From Wikipedia:

Accountability software typically functions by continuously making screenshots of the user's mobile phone or computer screen and monitoring their internet traffic. It checks both for keywords (such as "gay" or "porn") and images associated with the behavior the software is intended to detect.

So like even if the Speaker is on a VPN securely viewing classified material, if it's on his phone or laptop, Covenant Eyes now has screenshots of it. That is very much a breech of national security if that is happening.

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Call me old fashioned but it seems like a flaw in the legal system if it takes slightly longer than one 4-year presidential term to prosecute someone for interference in a presidential election.

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With Netflix already having ads we are now 75% of the way to "cutting the cord" going back to reinventing cable again.

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Pretty dramatic headline for a 50/50 poll and a fundraising email.

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The uproar is the point.

The Satanic Temple makes it clear its members do not actually worship the devil or believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural.

But somehow conservative Christians believe that there are huge swaths of people who agree that their religion is 100% correct but worship the weak bad guy character.

(Which is not to mention that there are actually multiple bad guys who got combined, Satan and Lucifer and The Snake were originally different people)

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A real catch-22. If you can complete it, rejected. If you don't complete it, rejected.

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Boy. Isn't this a big one in the Hunter Biden conspiracy?

The big thing from Congressional Oversight Republicans, the one thing that seemed like evidence of the bribery they keep claiming, was that they got the "FD-1023" report of an informant that alleged the $5 million to Biden. Chuck Grassley put out a press release about it.

And now it appears like it was just some guy who lied about it.

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I hate the terminology of 'prosecutor set a trap' or 'perjury trap' if you remember when Mueller wanted to get Trump to testify under oath. It might be a trap in the sense of catching someone, but it gives off this sense of plotting and scheming to unjustly nab an unknowing innocent being that was just going about its business, like when you trap a rabbit or something.

It's not a trap. Trump doesn't have a good defense because he did do the thing he is accused of. A horseback cavalry charge against a machine gun isn't "a clever trap by the machine gunner" one side just has the tools to win, and the other side doesn't.

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It's very funny that his single biggest failure is so public. Like if The Boring Company couldn't find customers, it would just quietly shut down. Newsworthy, but only for like a day.

This is monthly stories about severe incompetence and petulance.

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The Twitter discourse is all conservatives saying "Dems HATE this but it's JOURNALISM! The LIBERAL MEDIA refuses to interview him and theyre calling it TREASON but HE'S RIGHT! They're hypocrites because they didn't call it treason when X LEFTIST journalist interviewed him years ago!

And at first I got a little swept up in it, I was thinking "yeah actually it is good to interview world leaders even if they are involved in wars, I agree with the Right on this.'

But then I just went to check on what actual left leaning people and journalists were actually tweeting. Left leaning people were saying it was going to be bad because Tucker isn't a journalist and he was going to make a puff piece for a dictator full of misinformation. So it wasn't that interviews with Putin are bad, it's that this interview will be bad.

Journalists are saying they've all had interview requests in for years, they want to interview him he just refuses Western media and the question is how Tucker got the interview. If he promised softball questions or gave editorial control to Putins team or something things could get real not-journalism-y fast.

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Breaking News, White Nationalist Likes Trump

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Kinda weird this has to be done at the bill level, there isn't a health agency that monitors these things and bans as necessary?

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They do little covert missions recording the organizations they consider to be political enemies, push employees to say things that appear bad, and release selectively edited videos that appear damning but end up being nothing much of substance.

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And of course nobody even contemplating the idea that they underfunded the resources invested in recovery and that's the change they need to make.

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Step 1: Fire 80% of your programmers

Step 2: Promise new features including getting into banking and ecommerce and literally doing "everything"

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit(?)

Seems like step 3 might involve stopping doing even the basics of keeping your existing client base happy.

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Hey wait I like a president who apologizes when he gets something wrong.

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Because they agree he lost a free and fair election right?


I don't want him to be president again and I don't think he will be, but this just isn't the case, and you're not going to get a favorable SCOTUS decision on it. It's an interesting idea to write a law school paper about, not a real legal theory.

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I don't think he's a useful idiot, he knows exactly what he's doing. 1980's Trump was a useful idiot, advocating for the end of the Western international order because it made him look and feel smart and powerful.

Tucker is participating in a quid pro quo. He gets a major interview which makes him the center of the conversation for a while and gives him negotiating leverage in his next project, Putin gets his preferred message out to the American Right.

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"France needs to accept that American Colonies will 'cede some territory' to Great Britain" Nobody could ever overpower the British Navy.

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According to the polls, both Biden and Trump will inevitably be nominated but neither Biden nor Trump can win.

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I just hired an employee who managed things as I was on a leave of absence and things went fine without me. Getting a little pushback from MY boss now because you know, this cheaper employee just did my job.

Of course, he did it for a portion of the year after I managed to complete 3 major projects early so he didn't have to deal with them and I left a month-by-month explanation of how to do everything he had to do. And the one problem that popped up went unresolved until I returned.

That is basically the situation with AI too. You still need someone knowledgeable in the loop to describe the things it needs to do, and handle exceptions.

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I honestly don't understand the math of not releasing movies and un-releasing games. People say tax purposes but I'd think streaming is essentially pure profit, hard to imagine not being able to make 20% of your money back or whatever credit you get for taxes.

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Haha. People in his fake stories literally always call him "Sir" it's such a tell.

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At first I thought this was about the Pebble smart watch from 2012. Pretty confused how that becomes a Mastadon instance.

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But they're black so HOAs hate them.