4 Post – 1197 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Get a better repost system than leaving comments

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I don't generally have a problem with bots making posts but I find it incredibly annoying when they leave comments

I try not to be all "that's not ADHD that's just normal" here but yeah this one has nothing to do with ADHD.

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I forgot this guy existed and I preferred it that way.

He makes edgy content for kids. Of course he's a creeper.

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His target demographic is literal children and kids seem to love loud, obnoxious personalities.

This would be more suited for asklemmy, this community isn't for opinion discussions

Art Vandelay...

Why are you replying in the first place? Was there something you were trying to accomplish or do you just get off to downvotes?

To that, Rogan responded, “Oh, so [Trump] fucked up.” Nickal commented, “That’s the thing about media these days. You gotta look into it.”

Hey fucko, you're a part of the media

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To all the people rushing to sarcastically comment how surprised they are: Yes, we all saw it happen. But..

It's important that studies are being conducted and the fact that the finding match our lived experience is still noteworthy.

This is why OP posted it. Science isn't feelings, you need data.

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Digg redesign vibes

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I downvote a lot of posts here because I don't think they're questions appropriate for this community. They're either loaded questions, opinions, obvious bait, or asklemmy material.

If this community is supposed to be the Lemmy version of r/nostupidquestions, the questions should be things that you think should know but don't. Things that might make you feel stupid asking.

A good question for this sub is "How often do I actually have to wash a hoodie?"

A bad question is "Why is [company] doing [something anti consumer]"

We get a LOT more of the latter here.

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Oh no, now what will I watch while autopilot launches me into the side of a truck?

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It's the internet equivalent of a sovereign citizen putting a fake license plate on their car.

The ones they're trying to "protect themselves" from do not give a shit.

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He's getting exactly what he wanted by having an article written about it and having it shared across social media. But wow, it feels so good that he got mocked in the process...

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Answer: the vast majority of people don't use 7 USB devices at a time. You are an outlier and should have purchased accordingly

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The conclusion is moot when the premise itself is wrong. Twitter was only "a neoliberal place" if you're only looking at the neoliberal part of it. It's like saying "YouTube is a site about sports highlights" because that's all you watch.

If you used Twitter and only saw neoliberal garbage, that's on you for following neoliberals. It completely ignores the majority of communities.

When I was active on there, if I saw a political tweet it was pro-socialist 95% of the time.

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Putting a giant TV on a tiny stand is not normal.. Be mildly infuriated at yourself, not the manufacturer

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This is great news IMO

He'll run on his own Freedom Party ticket and we'll get a 3-party election. Oh no, now the rightwing votes are split. Bummer!

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“There’s nothing that I see even worth that,” Brattin said when asked if he planned to apologize. “We’ve done nothing and, you know, I have no comment.”

Yeah definitely sue this guy

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if you're able to complete disability paperwork, then you're not disabled...

Sending this to my friend in a wheelchair. He's gonna be THRILLED to walk again!

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The #1 thing that helps me is having a partner for whatever the thing is. If someone has the same goal as me, I will put 150% into getting it done.

But if the thing only benefits me? Well, then I'll just go ahead and shoot myself right in the foot

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There's an old tweet that explains it well, I'm sure you've seen it.

(Paraphrased) "Elon Musk talked about cars. I don't know anything about cars so when people said he was a genius, I figured he must be a genius"

Investors don't know shit about the stuff they're investing in and Musk sounds really smart when you don't know anything about the thing he's speaking on.

I miss when he was doing standup, too, because he sucked at it so nobody was posting his clips

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How is this mildly infuriating

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I'm glad this report showed their innocence but I unsubscribed after the GN/Billet Labs thing.

I might check them out again later but that situation made me kind of uncomfortable with supporting them

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be OP

Developing a UI to combine several similar projects together

Makes a beautiful interface

"I am not a UI designer"

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This is like asking: People who eat food for the calories, why don't you just eat dry primate food pellets?

Because there's a big upside to enjoying the experience of drinking coffee with few downsides. If coffee was just caffeine dissolved in water it'd be a very different story

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I couldn't possibly know what you've posted but I've found that anyone worried about getting banned for "telling the truth" is actually posting unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and/or misinformation lol

Hopefully that's not what you mean.

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Two things can be bad at once

Don't kill me for saying this but I feel like Lemmy has become slightly worse than when the mass exodus happened. I won't name names but there are so many copycat communities seemingly exclusively reposting the Greatest Hits from any given sub. It feels like we're trying to be reddit 2.0 instead of lemmy 1.0

There's also a discussion of this on hackernews, but feel free to comment here!

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I worked for a small marketing company in college and the completely humorless owner told me go through the storage room and only keep 2 of each catalog.

We had a few from a company called Reich Paper. I took one and brought it into the office.

"We have a couple catalogs from this company. What should I do with....the third Reich?"

He looked at me like I was a total idiot. "Um. Throw it away??"

I thought it was a good joke...

I never understood how this unfunny douchebag got famous. Are people really fans of him or was having him TWO shows purely a studio decision? He was never funny on SNL.

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When I worked in the convention industry, my boss quit a few weeks before an event and I had to absorb his workload. I worked 6am-11pm 3 days in a row and on the 4th morning I passed out on the floor and was taken to the hospital.

HR accused me of being hungover despite not even having time to get drunk the night before. They banned alcohol at work events.

I'm not a big drinker so...whatever. But of course the rumor spread and everyone silently blamed me.

Then a year later a new coworker forcibly kissed me several times at an event. I was planning on quitting anyway so I didn't report it but a different coworker did on my behalf after I asked her not to. HR told me it was my fault ("If you knew she was a messy drunk, why were you with her?") and signed me up for a sexual harassment seminar because "clearly [you] don't know what sexual assault is."

I regret not suing for the second one but I just wanted to put that job behind me.

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If God wanted the Pope to read, he would have given him better eyes. Take those things off right now, Mr. Pope. Glasses are an affront to God.

I get what you're going for but if you want to be realistic, the hostage taker wouldn't be surprised/upset in the third panel. Israel is undoubtedly committing war crimes but Hamas has made it pretty clear they don't give a shit if Palestinian civilians die.

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But what if I, armchair scientist on Lemmy, sees a flaw in the plan of some of the greatest engineers in the world? Doesn't the world deserve to know what I think about the communications system I just became aware of today?

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Then I shall wait until 2025 to play it.

Supergiant Games is probably my favorite studio out there but I just can't do early access anymore. If I play it now, I know I won't go back when it's released to see the stuff that changed...

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I knew it was gonna be TC before even clicking. That guy makes amazing content.

"Did you ever wonder how [common device] works?"

"Nope, never!"

"Well here's how it works, why it works this way, and the history of [common device]"


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My sister lost her dog this weekend in a freak accident and everyone in the family - not just her husband and kids - are devastated. He was such an essential part of every gathering.

He wasn't just a dog, he was my friend.

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