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Joined 1 years ago

It was officially announced the game is never ever getting a sale, and every price increase is communicated ahead of time. I bought it back in the day on Indiegogo fot 15$, but I'd gladly spend the price for an AAA game if I knew what I am getting into. Absolutely gem of a a game, and absolutely GOATed dev team.

But unlike drugs, it gets cheaper (technically) per hour of entertainment.

The perfect range to nuke their own city and claim Ukraine did it.

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Especially when both snitches were promised a financial reward. And ONE person can push for a death penalty AGAINST everyone else. This is just madness.

I mean, it would be in line with their other obvious lies.

Dumb and propagandized people are the plague, guns violence is the symptom. But yeah, it is easier to get rid of the guns, because it is hard as fuck to educate those people because they don't listen.

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Or good gun laws, like here in Czechia. We have kind of strict tests to obtain a license and lots of ways to weed out weirdos. It is also a long process so nobody can just come and buy a gun whenever they please.

Or draw a dinosaur instead. Worked in high school.

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Too stupid to be satire, but also too stupid to not be satire. I am not sure with this one, chief.

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Reinstatement was not about whether they can play or not, it was whether they can participate under the Russian flag.

Personal limitation? I mean, the UI is worse. Bloated, confusing, and doesn't look any better. It has extra ads that look both like posts and comments. Fuck that.

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I kind of cracked up at "Steam does very little".

Hell, Epic does not have any social features, didn't have cart, refund process through support only, very basic search, I am not sure about cloud saves and if they don't break completely when you play offline (is there even offline mode?).

Steam, on the other hand, is constantly adding and improving features - like the new beta family sharing which is finally what an easy way to share with my GF and sister.

The only things that Epic has are free games, exclusivity, and lower fees - and that's about it. All three, as you can see, are not really hard to implement for the developer team, but easy to throw large sums of money at for a quick boost so they can boast numbers.

Fuck Epic, seriously. Money can solve lots of stuff, but not by throwing it at the wall. Meaningless.

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Well, of course it's harmless, it's dead, SMH.

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Care to explain why "Valve is a terrible company" and "Steam is an awful platform"? Surely, it has tons of porn games (that you can hide), or shitty games (that is hard to sort through), or CS:GO item gambling problems (don't really care). But I kind of fail to see how the company or the client could be fundamentally bad.

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Forgot the 0th step - don't buy an HP printer

Steam roller of inclusivity does not choose, it crushes everything equally 🫶

He said to ask Uber, not him

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I see all the comments saying Ukraine targeted non-military entity. But IMO, Russia can get fucked. I am not sure if they shared the data with anyone, or kept it to themselves, but no loss.

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Why exactly? There is enough people on the planet.

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The circle of life continues, and literacy goes down. AI cannot proofread, it merely says "these letters usually go with these". AI screws up, people get taught shit language, they use it, it gets used as training data, rinse and repeat.

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Good on you seeding useful stuff. Last time I had to get my ratio up on a private tracker I had to seed download 50GB and seed close to 1TB of granny porn.

I liked everyone's faces, when they asked where I got such a good ratio, that is was all granny porn lol.

JetBrains IDEs, I don't remember the last time I used the CLI.

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Plausible deniability. Oh, a mildly sexual ad has shown to you? Someone probably approved it on the third-party site. Oh, you didn't want to see it? Sorry, we got nothing to do with it.

Also scams and other grey-area shit.

And it always plays this ominous music when approaching their prey.

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Too late, some mastermind from the Czech Republic already did it in '98

Jokes on you, my dad behaves like he is already being fingerbanged by Putler.

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I suspect that he is using YouTube ReVanced, which allows you to patch the YT app. One of the patches is replacing the branding with "Premium". But you occasionally still get YT Premium ads - 0 normal ads, tho.

This might be the case

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Read the full paragraph:

Similar symptoms, which include sunburn and waking up to severe, burning eye pain, were reported in 2017 by partygoers who attended a Hypebeast event at The Landmark commercial complex also in Hong Kong, with the event’s DJ later discovering lighting used mainly for disinfection purposes had been installed at the venue. The Landmark venue did not feature on the ApeFest event plan, and the two incidents appear unrelated.

Hot seeders in your local area, they want your bandwidth. Leech now!

Freedom of speech, freedom of consequence.

Never ending drive snack. Keep feeding the steering wheel carrots and it will keel feeding you meal worms. I say that's a win.

I have to kind of disagree with the last point. We have no caste systems, culinary arts are pretty non important, and usually if people want something new they will go to a specialized restaurant. How did the USA change their culinary arts in the past 30 years?

Construction, it did change, and it is constantly changing. We used to use just bricks, now we use porous concrete, and wooden is becoming interesting aswell. We are not building skyscrapers because they are ugly.

Or am I wrong? I am from Czechia.

I haven't used SMS for anything besides receiving auth codes and maybe sending some short info to a stranger (for example a contractor). But then again, I live in Europe.

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Yuzu knew, that's why they made an LLC to eat the cost and to bankrupt

...groundfox, and airfox! With all the foxes of infinity collected, I can finally be free.

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ReVanced, Grayjay, Newpipe

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I had to manually report a 100k views short showing someone killing a snail with an air gun. It got removed almost instantly.

Sure, it's a snail, and sure, it's an air gun, but exactly this type of videos are breeding grounds for sickos. And no YouTube, the 1mil sub Minecraft channel that said "kill a creep" is not really violent, neither is some who says "fuck" in the first 30 seconds.

Gosh I hate the platform.


Then they'd have to pay them a salary.

I'd argue GitHub is one of those project they didn't absolutely fuck up.

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