2 Post – 390 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Pretty damn fast compared to how long its taking to prosecute Trump.

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Yeah, np, OP that says these are 彩虹菊花种子.

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I experienced true happiness for a moment. Only one moment.

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Hold up, they solved the energy sink issue with the salt batteries? That's wicked. There were physicists arguing with each other that the power you put in couldn't be gotten back out.

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If she doesn't like it then her party shouldn't have blocked H.R.1 For the People Act which would have restricted campaign finances and lobbying.

Better than being Idaho imo

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I love Gen Z, which is why I'm so upset that the dumb fucks are using TikTok.

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Honestly kind of happy for China for a change, this is a pretty big indication of women's rights that they're able to say No to begin with. I hope they continue to resist and eventually cause a larger change for the better across the region.

Imagine the power trip that comes from being Elon Musk's Dealer.

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I hope Germany and the UK are the first to come forward and try to stop this atrocity but I have no such expectations.

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So to recap, your choices are

  1. One of 70 flavors of Chromium including the "privacy centric" Opera who run Chinese loan shark gangs for some reason, Edge which is Microsoft Chromium and aside from hardware acceleration capabilities is pretty meh, and Brave which despite operating their own separate search engine index are one of the most likely to sell your data and/or kidneys

  2. Rapidly Enshitifying Firefox

  3. Safari - no comment

  4. Whatever the fuck Gecko is...

  5. Tor Browser (for people with infinite time to wait for pages to load, or maybe just drug dealers)

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I've seen like 5 posts about "AI BF/GF" today and it never ceases to surprise me how fucking easy it is to dupe people with these products, like holy shit humanity is fucked.

I'm always waiting for another ethical disaster trend to end but everybody is always in line for Mr Bonez Wild Ride.

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The Lethal Injection idea was from interviewing a veterinarian who of course refused to implement it, as did every Medical Doctor in the USA because of fucking course nobody would touch breaking the oath in such a way with a ten foot pole. The result is a bunch of untrained amateurs carrying out the procedures and an extremely low success rate leading to unjust and unnecessary pain and trauma.

I imagine all the other methods they come up with to follow a similar series of events.

TBH I would have just let him keep talking. It would be great for the case against him.

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I hate when people talk about Donny's father as if he was some sort of saint. That fucker was a segregationist real estate mogul that funded the KKK.

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Mixed feelings, on one hand it's good he is out, on the other hand it is shameful they let him get to such an incredibly high level of authority and left him there for so long.

Fun Fact, Steve Irwin's team put trackers on Crocodiles which led to the discovery of how they migrate over ocean bodies, sometimes surfing waves for hundreds of miles before reaching a new landmass. This was especially fun because salt water crocs aren't known to be particularly good swimmers but they clearly are great navi-gators because when the tides or winds change they will duck below the waves to stay on their course.

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Honestly can't even imagine why he ever thought those people might endorse him...

Dude must be senile af.

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I never once thought about it before but how do they select a target antigen for what is effectively a human cell? Maybe they could take a similar approach to Rabies or Prion Disease.

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Looks like those theories about algorithms becoming recursive and ineffective will be proven sooner than we expected. I wonder if the emergence of crap AI sped the process up.

I will vote for Biden in the General Election, but I will not stop speaking out about the Genocide in Palestine. We can put a stop to this, now. We don't have to wait for the election, we don't want to let Netanyahu handle this situation in the slightest.

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They will shoot you down with planes if you fly into the airspace of the state. Generally you can get away with it short term as long as you live a reasonable distance away from an airport, military installation, or weather radar.

Otherwise, sort out your estate before fucking around and finding out with the air authorities.

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NGL I could be jogging outside at windless 50 degrees everyday. That would be a dream compared to my current life in the hell that is the 47th Latitude Great Plains Region.

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That sounds like an admission of guilt to me.

Pardons by law are an admission of guilt since like 1925.

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Yes you can, but at the cost of performance and the risk of permanent ban. I believe there is a sizeable community of Valorant Players on Linux, which means all of them are using virtualization to bypass the anti-cheat.

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Turkey's been on our Shit List ever since they started flying Russian Jets, fuck em.

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lmao Perjury is consistently among his criminal charges whether state or federal.

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Donny holding up a bucket waiting for the billionaires and millionaires who benefitted from his tax reform to trickle down in his direction:

I feel such deep and powerful hatred because it's not just a sudden illness that goes away. People don't realize that not only will some of these children die but some of them will develop lifelong debilitating illness such as central nervous system diseases including SSPE as well as a type of AIDs. Viruses cause permanent damage.

In the same way that Polio can cripple people, Chickenpox can cause shingles, and the Spanish Flu lead to a worldwide outbreak of Encephalitis Lethargica characterized by a chronic loss of consciousness trapping you inside your own body like a prison.

Those people are subjecting this to children. If I wrote the laws, this would be a crime punished on the same level as murder.

Netanyahu empowered this militant group to begin with, secured their funding for them. They're targeting hospitals, border crossings, and refugee camps. It's pretty clear that Israel's goals aren't to defeat Hamas, but to kill as many Palestinians as possible before the time runs out.

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Republicans overestimate their own size. They're not the 46.8% of Voters who voted Trump in 2020, they are a fraction of the 22.09% of total Americans. They will be crushed by the overwhelming nonpartisan majority in the case of open warfare.

While my heart sinks for the effected families, there has never been an easier time to uproot your life and leave Texas, Florida, or anywhere else. I myself have been planning to leave North Dakota for several years now.

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Don't stop now, there are only 7,728,772,977,965,919,677,164,873,487,685,453,137,329,736,519 more legal positions to code.

A family member bought that Hunter Biden Laptop book and I browsed through, I noticed that they intentionally put a random story of sexual abuse adjacent to an anecdote from a Biden family member to confuse people into thinking the two events were related.

They truly will sink to any low. I hope Hunter's Defamation suit is going well.

I would rather depend on congress to protect whistleblowers and/or disclose finances for candidates than set precedent for pardoning people who illegally obtain and publish private information of political rivals. Both seem pretty unlikely, for now.

I think she's got a PhD in Psychology. In my book, that's worth something.

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Technically the pleading guilty part is also in the footer below the post for users on desktop, but I was making a statement about due processes rather than complaining Charles case was too quick. Kind of akin to how a person mentions the beauty of the colors of clouds or the dread incurred by a coming storm just for somebody else to come along and yell "...Obviously. Does nobody watch the forecast or understand basic meteorology?"

To add onto that, whenever a newspaper says "based on the findings of researchers at [Random University]" but they don't list the citation anywhere at all. That is just evil, but somehow industry standard.

Ha~! WebDevs haven't cared about desktop for years.

I wonder if the AI has caught on to a lot of the abusable mechanics of YT like an upload schedule, opening livestreams or premieres in multiple windows, the upvote/downvote exploit, etc. There is a solid possibility that an AI has better strats than we do.

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Honestly I'm surprised at Turkey considering how friendly they've been with Russia in the past decade. I really thought they had picked their sides against NATO, but I guess they could see the Russian writing on the wall from all the way over there.

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