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Joined 8 months ago

Aka abbreviated "charisma."

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I know it's the angle and I know I've seen this image at some point in the past and I've seen it correctly, but for some reason the chair legs on the near side are totally fucked and my brain won't accept them.

Something I haven't seen other commenters bring up that can have a huge impact, is the overall lifestyles people are living.

The unhealthiest years of my life were when I was working 2 jobs and struggling to keep a roof over mine and my 3 kids heads. Stress and depression were huge problems and money was tight, so sometimes the little bit of dopamine or serotonin from eating a "treat" were the highlights of the day. Add to that, the guilt of not being around to cook regular meals for my kids lead to 1) making large amounts of food on my one day off that could be eaten as leftovers throughout the week or 2) easy convenience foods (frozen pizzas, boxed Mac and cheese, etc) that the kids could make when I wasn't around.

Fast forward many years - my kids are adults taking care of themselves and I'm down to 1 good job that offers financial stability. My diet and health have completely changed. I actually have the time and energy to cook and plan better.

I'm not saying this to shift blame or responsibility, but to bring a different experience. When I hear (hopefully well meaning) people suggest "just cook healthier meals" it strikes me about the same as "stop eating avocado toast and you could afford a house."

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Through my teenage years I got wrapped up in an evangelical environment, but as an adult found my way to a non- denominational church. It was eye opening. The more I talked to the pastor, learned and read, I realized that people get wrapped up in their denominations like sports teams. And since the different denominations come about because of different interpretations of Scripture and the "rules" some group puts into place for their team, no wonder it's the perfect environment for creating a culture of control and abuse for those seeking power.

This doesn't make me not believe in God, this makes me not trust the motivations of people in power. On the day to day, I try to be the best I can to people around me, and share love, kindness, and respect. That's my big take away from Jesus' teachings at least.

You're on the right track, but not quite there.

You're right that rare steak is ok because the outside surface has been cooked killing external contaminants. But the contaminants in chicken can exist throughout the meat, therefore it needs to be brought to temp all the way through.

I work in hospice making home visits, and yesterday was a bad day. Sucks when you're out making visits and missing notifications about change in patient conditions and death notifications. Before Teams they used a paging system that was glitchy, but everyone understood it was shit so there was an additional level of contact to ensure workers got relevant info when needed. Yesterday half the day went by before people realized the system was fucked.

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Growing up in an environment where mistakes were unacceptable sets the stage. Our willingness and ability to understand that that's fucked up and change our attitudes about mistakes takes more growth.

For some people it's easier to dig in their heels and double down.

I'm in a southern Chicago suburb. Yesterday it was over 70 degrees, last night we had hail and tornadoes, then I wake up to snow flurries. There are trees and plants doing things they shouldn't for weeks and I suspect my spring allergies are already starting.

While part of me is embracing the "milder" days, it's also a bit unnerving.

In a sub designed specifically for them by their own employees, knowing that Bezos and Musk will be the only individuals to ever stress test the vessel? I'm sure that would go swimmingly. 😁

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Mom - "Stop playing your video game, it's time for dinner."

Son - "But I'm not hungry"

Mom - "Don't tell me that, I can see your teeth are hard. Now go wash your hands."

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Thus the giant rocks I see on either side of the end of some driveways. Possible car damage seems to be a helpful deterrent to driving through the grass.

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I'm assuming that housing and utility expenses are being paid on their behalf, so yes. That should count.

That's actually a nifty little trick your brain plays on you to help keep you away from danger. Problem is, some people settings are off and that "feature" becomes a bug.

Yet the price is in euros...

Point being, the US is fucked but we don't have the monopoly on it.

I so seriously miss Art Bell. That show was a special flavor of creativity and chaos at a time where the standard was to have screened calls and a more scripted show.

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I know someone like that. This is just one of the reasons that I divorced him.

A friend used to say he was hung like a can of tuna.

You can still stack donuts on a can of tuna.

A cop had someone handcuffed in the backseat, an acorn landed on the car, the cop panicked thought he'd been shot and emptied his gun at his car, somehow not killing the person handcuffed in back.

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The radar technician? Dude, Matt straight up sucks.

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Keep in mind that for a number of people, places like Starbucks and Dunkin create an accessable entry to something beyond a home made pot of Folgers.

I grew up smelling my parents coffee and enjoying the smell, but the taste was horrific so I swore off drinking coffee. Fast forward many years and I dipped my toe into that overly sweet and milky Starbucks and found something that actually tasted good to me. Many years later I have my own grinder and espresso machine, and numerous other coffee gadgets, and might only darken the door of Starbucks/Dunkin a few times a year for convenience. Can I make something at home I enjoy more? Yep. But there's nothing wrong with other people having other tastes along their coffee journey.

I pulled my down vote after reading further and realizing your were making a joke. The problem is that I've met too many people who actually believe that.

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I don't think that was being stated as a point of pride. It's just the shitty state of things here.

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You chew them? I thought you had to suck on them. 🤔

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Today's neglected and unwanted children are tomorrow's prisoners? 🤔

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This the cucumber water those fancy spas serve?

A while back I had a cousin living in Oklahoma. He had some troubles and was hanging out with some not great people. An acquaintance's gf/wife ended up dead and the guy pointed his finger at my cousin. He was held in jail charged with murder, but all his hearings kept getting kicked down the road. After a year they released him and told him to GTFO of the state and never return.

If you spend time (often years) + money (tens of thousands) + putting your body through treatments (hormone therapy to harvest eggs) + significant emotional investment to achieve any very personal goal (to carry a child into your family) only to have that taken away, heartbreak is one of the most appropriate descriptors.

It's been years since I looked at it, but there's videos on YouTube showing just how awful most "self defense" techniques are. Sure, it's great as long as you're prepared and it's a predictable attack by someone who knows the routine and cooperates.

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Nope - absolutely the same here. There's typically a stretch of property facing the street and potentially in an adjacent alley where the homeowner is responsible for basic maintenance (mowing the grass) but it's used for utility access and may be taken off they decide to widen the roads. I'm sure exceptions exist, but less commonly.

Those parents are retirement age and the "child" is balding with a comb over.

Ham, pineapple, onions, green peppers, and jalapenos, no sauce. One of my favorite pizzas.

There's enough goodness that you really don't need pizza sauce on it, or at least I've never come across a sauce that works with pineapple. But the flavors and textures work well together.

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Thank you for making me reread the previous post lol.

Gen X here, and it's a struggle to not do it lol.

"a ban on leashing an animal without a collar."

Am I not awake enough and missing something? Are harnesses unacceptable? It's someone doing something stupid that I haven't heard of before?

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I like your thinking.

Proud of consuming truckloads of food? I must have missed that memo. Alternative take - overstressed, overworked, and struggling to survive, seeking out any kind of dopamine or serotonin bandaid to make the struggle with bothering for one more day worth it. It's not something people typically WANT to do, but it can be an unhealthy coping mechanism when options are limited.

It's ok. We still like you.

This has been a pet peeve of mine for years, but I've never voiced it because I didn't feel like taking on the "you're an idiot" stares.

But seriously, I drink a diet soda and I'm supposed to feel shitty because "soda is bad" while someone chugs a sugary glass of juice and that's supposed to be healthier? Can I compromise and drink a Fresca? Lol

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Boarding, farrier, vet, plus the mental and emotional toll of owning a 1000lb toddler that exhibits an inverse correlation of majestic beauty and intelligence. God, I love horses lol.

Lol then I forget I added it at the beginning and end up making an awkward sandwich lol 🥴.