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Zero sympathy. If they wanted to reduce the amount of illegal streamers, all they've got to do is make their content more accessible.

Release it on multiple streaming platforms, not just their own. Ensure its released globally at the same time. And get rid of the geo-blocking.

The lack of reasonable legal alternatives is what drives piracy.

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"I will always love you..."

Literal stalkers. Fucking creepy.

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This, among other shitty behaviour, is why I avoid Amazon now. It's just a horrible shopping experience.

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IPv4 isn't depreciated, it's exhausted. It's still a key cornerstone of our current internet today.

We still have "modern" hardware being deployed with piss-poor IPv6 support (if any at all). Until that gets fixed, adoption rates will continue to be low. Adding warnings will only result in annoying people, not driving for improvement.

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“Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon.”

Says the man who's making this political...

This had nothing to do with Biden or the Republican Party... He's been tried & found guilty of defaming E. Jean Carroll.

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Why is a private entity able to use facial recognition software in the first place. I know doesn't have the equivilant of GDPR, but surely it has some level of privacy laws?

Why did the police think that was sufficient evidence to jail someone, especially when there wasn't any further collaborating evidence.

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Considering they dismantled every control they had to prevent disinformation, and it was already a cesspool to begin with... Why are people still using Twitter?

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Would be interesting in seeing the thermal and fan noise results.

Whilst I have no plans on buying the OLED edition, it did make me question that decision a couple of times watching these reviews come in. The LCD edition, with its quirks, is serving me just fine.

I'm also impressed with how candid Valve is bring with both their system & repairability improvements. Just wish other corporations did the same.

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"But it'll make us lots of money..."

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As much as I'd like to see another attempt... Good on the FAA.

That launch was dangerous. Huge chunks of concrete were projected up to 6.5 miles away from the launch site.

They either significantly miscalculated the expected damage to the launch pad, or knew and did it anyway. Both are pretty bad.

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I'm legitimately interested in getting the bank account & sort code details of Elon, Bezos, Arnault, Zuckerberg, Gates, Ballmer, Buffet, Ellison, Page, and Brin.

It's such a stupid name! Everytime it's mentioned, it has to be prepend or suffixed with something so people actually understand the "X" context.

And more importantly - If you visit, it redirects to! So what's the fucking point of the rebrand?

Honestly surprised Sable was able to get settlements from Cisco, Fortinet, Check Point, SonicWall, and Juniper Networks. They're not small names in the industry.

It was only Cloudflare's legal strategy which managed to invalidate the patents.

The healthy food options are also usually twice the cost too.

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You're in an abusive relationship with Duolingo. Support is available.

Much like naming a company "X"

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Whilst I agree in the spirit of the petition, the wording isn't great.

Server infrastructure has significant opex costs to run & maintain - it's impractical to demand publishers to keep them alive, especially if the running cost far exceeds the player demand & potential revenues. What happens if that publisher goes bust? What happens if a significant security vulnerability is found?

Might be better to have legislation for software publishers (not just games) to both plan & implement a sunsetting strategies when they intend to retire software.

Eg. If the online component was just performing license checks, make software publishers remove the DRM. If it's to host a DLC store, release all DLC items for free & remove the store. If its for multi-player mechanics, release both the client & server software as limited open-source license so the community can maintain those assets going forward.

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Don't give him ideas! He's not smart enough to understand its meant to be satire.

I never had an issue with YT's 1-2 skipable ads at the beginning, or even the banner ad. But they got greedy.

The midrolls and the unskipable ads was the trigger point for me.

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During the UK lockdowns, I tipped all the front line workers where I could. That's it.

I'm not tipping someone as compensation for doing their job, that's what their employer is for.

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If it was a human agent, surely they would still liable?

They're an agent of the company. They're acting on behalf of the company, in accordance to their policy and procedures. It then becomes a training issue if they were providing incorrect information?

Surprised she didn't freak out with the line below. It's already gone on a killing spree...

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So maybe the answer is to just partially complete it?

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It stopped being comical years ago. Their behavior is jarring.

Considering he knew exactly how many votes he needed to win Georgia, couldn't this be used against him in court?

They don't care. It's about control and real estate.

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It's as though they took "The Handmaid's Tale" as a blueprint.

Go further... If men reported every "deposit" too

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The only way my spermy brethren could have become a millionaire is if they teleported to a different wealth class. That was never fucking happening.

Even if it didn't sound fake, you'd think common sense would preveil. Why would the president robo call you telling them not to vote for them.

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Or might have gained injuries during the accident preventing them from reaching.

Personally felt it was the right thing, and earned some respect back from me. They need to address Madison's accusations separately (which are damning), but they certainly had positive movement with the points raised by the community / GN.

Each of the department heads outlined their shortcomings and how they were being addressed. It felt genuine and sincere, and certainly not the generic bullshit you usually get from a corporate PR team on damage control. I hope they follow through enacting those plans, and it has a positive impact to both their quality and working environments.

The only bit I hated was Linus' section (and this is meant to be a criticism, not a personal attack).

He opened up with a joke that Luke will have a lot to do curbing his (Linus) own behaviour, had a brief moment of sincerity, but went back to immediately defending himself and their actions. He didn't fully acknowledge what his "emotional" response actually did, nor a personal response/apology to both GN/Billet Labs for it. There was no real acknowledgment he will address his own shortcomings. It honestly felt like someone who acknowledges he's wrong (purely based on number of internal members telling him he's in the wrong), but doesn't agree nor accept it.

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Execs don't give a shit. They simply double down on the false cause fallacy instead. They wouldn't ever admit they fucked up.

Last year the company I work for went through a run of redundancies, claiming AI and system improvements were the cause. Before this point we were growing (slowly) year on year. Just not growing fast enough for the shareholders.

They cut too deep, shit is falling apart, and we're loosing bids to competitors. Now they've doubled down on AI, claiming blindness to the systems issues they created, and just made an employee's "Can Do" attitude a performance goal.

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Wouldn't the YouTube algorithm add an unintentionally bias into the training data?

A lot of YouTubers talk about how they're having to adjust their content and style to maintain viewership numbers. Hence all the click bait thumbnails & captions.

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Agree with her views on algorithm transparency, however abolishing anonymous accounts won't improve the situation around misinformation.

Facebook has required your real name for a long time, and it still resorted into people dissecting into echo chambers supporting their views points.

Yes, anonymous accounts allow people to hide behind a mask, but a lot of people spreading misinformation aren't afraid of being humiliated or ridiculed. It even helps spread it faster (celebrities, influencers, etc) in a lot of situations.

It's like all the CEOs decided "we're doing ok, but I want a legacy. Today's the day I'm going to burn this place to the ground, and refuse to admit I was wrong"

And a rate limit

Sounds like the DNS TTL (Time to Live) is set extremely low, preventing clients caching the record. Each time your browser makes a request (such as updating the graphs), it's submitting a new DNS query each time.

According to this post, this is intentional behaviour for PiHole to support situations where you change a domain from the block to allowed. The same post also references the necessary file modifications, should you wish to extend the TTL regardless.

The only downside you'll notice is a delay after whitlisting a domain, and it actually being unblocked. You'll need to wait for the TTL to expire. Setting it to something like 15 minutes would be a reasonable compromise.

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I've been avoiding Pinterest URLs for so long, couldn't even tell you what the site is now. The login requirement definitely made me proactively avoid them and just treat all their links as spam in the search results.