1 Post – 387 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Yet they have leaders with greed and short sight.

I only know that one song of them. I really like that. I won't buy you rockets though.

Thanks for the recommendations.

I am also looking to watch the tv show at some point. Which onr should I watch first, the tv show or the movie?

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For sone reason I used to think they were visual novels.

But these games look nice, I'll be giving them a try sometime.

For God sakes, Bender, keep dancing!

Even the Stanley Parable one where you have to not play the game for x years?

That sucks. I did not know about that.

Colonoscopy itself is not that bad. They can sedate you so you don't have to experience the procedure.

The preparation is not so great with the bad tasting lemonade and then going to the toilet for a long time. But suffering through that is worth it compared to not knowing if you have cancer.

I don't know who Jettison Canopy is but I hope he's around when you need to do this.

Man, who would've thought they look like they don't have make-up on when they dom't have make-up on.

I hate how they have taken that redpill term to make it all uncool instead of how cool it used to be in the Matrix.

And whose attention are you trying to get? That of people reading library books? People working at libraries? Because they're not the ones in charge. They are unable to change anything about the Gaza situation.

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Catering companies would love to bring you food for 10 people and the plates to keep it warm for your quiet night alone. All you gotta do is pay.

Destroying books because it's easy just makes people say "fuck gaza" People don't care if children die when they are powerless to prevent it. All you're doing is make people hate you and actively work against your goals.

But if that's what you want, have fun with that.

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Made me realise I'm aging. Damnit.

Take this old man. Your eyes blink automatically. Have fun blinking your eyes manually for the next few minutes.


Where is the catering in this thread?

Before what?

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Good thing my torrent site of choice doesn't advertise on Xtwitter.

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No YouTube. It is YOU that is stuck with ME and I will make YOUR experience worse.

What do you mean obsolete. I still use 'em.

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What I dislike about phones these days is notches in the screen and my hands cramping up from the huge screen size combined with how slim the device is.

I just want to be able to hold my phone in one hand and control it that way like I could do with an iphone 4s, though would prefer an android phone.

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Tolkien Estate? What's that? People profiting off of the work of an author who has been dead for 50 years?

Copyright law is fucked up.

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This makes me want to download it to snoop around.

Can you imagine installing Windows and having to install 10 seperate programs just to fix all the issues with it?

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Pick up walking again.

Switch to Firefox.

Save some money.

My thoughts go out to the patients of Seattle Children's Hospital. What a shitty situation and what a shitty person.

I see EA is out of ideas for naming their games, and has started naming their game "DisplayName field¨.

Ubuntu has an even better approach. It updates silently while you are using it. Then your tab crashes. And when you retry it tells you to restart firefox. Truly genius *cheffs kiss

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Ah yes, I remember noticing it would make like a short video instead of one picture, back when I had an iPhone. I turned that function off because I didn't see the benefits.

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Yea. But for god's sake take off the socks before going in man.

Turns out the people in IT don't actually make the computers either. Who'd have thought?

Allright, everyone install Prime95 for best bonus.

Does this mean other game publishers get sued if they use dynamic difficulty?

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The call of the void. I think?

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What I hate is how in Firefox in Linux I only have these tiny "slim" scrollbars that hide when not in use.

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Can I be next?

Stop doomscrolling lemmy and trying to post edgy comments.

I just ignore the news entirely and enjoy my little part of the internet with the people I like.

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While I agree with you, I still want to be able to buy CDs.