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Joined 1 years ago

Not just porn! Since reddit only has one such tag you can apply to posts, many subreddits were using the NSFW tag for a wider variety of reasons such as spoilers, content which may contain unsettling material (aka "triggers"), and more!

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I don't know where else to go.

The best thing about reddit for me was an endless stream of information and news propped up by user discussion. I rarely just scrolled endlessly through posts; I loved delving into comments on posts which didn't even interest me at face value to see what I could learn from niche communities.

It was, hands down, the best, most information dense landscape I've ever seen and frankly I feel a little lost without it. I hope that some day, some where I can find something similar.

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I saw a post about a community created here called "pixel passport" which I thought was a hell of a lot better that "earth porn."

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Was supposed to be the cheapest way to get exercise. You can do it right from your front door, no gym subscriptions, no specialized equipment (some people will tell you you don't even need shoes), and it's far and away the best time-value exercise I've ever found. You can get away with like 20 minutes 3-4 times a week and be doing great.

Well, turns out I love running and I love distance running so I'm now putting up enough miles to need new shoes 2-3 times a year, a nice Garmin smart watch and heart rate monitor to track my progress, sign-ups for several long-distance races each year, shorts, socks, you get the picture.

Could I do it cheaper? Yeah. But at the end of the day it's a hobby and I like it

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But who taught her to load the dish washer?

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Google "Best vacuum cleaner"

Top 6 hits: "We evaluated the 5 brands that paid us the most and found that they all suck up your dirt. We can't really speak ill of any of them because this is an ad and we signed a contract. Please use our embedded links so we can have more money."

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Boobert got her hooters honked while she gave him the ole over the trouser arouser

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90% of captchas are just being used to train AI anyways.

Source: I don't need a source I have this tinfoil hat

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Fuck Ubisoft

Remember when Sony made you use a proprietary mini SD card for your handheld instead of just allowing the format that was already in place and widely adopted?

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Can anyone tell me how these vehicles are getting my data out of the car and into the hands of Toyota, or whoever, if I don't use their app and never connect the vehicle to any networks?

I imagine the dealerships could probably pull my info out of the car when I take it in for a checkup, but outside of that I can't think of how my data is getting offloaded.

Not trying to be a turd, I'm genuinely curious

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Free or affordable, clean, safe public transit that takes me no more than 20 minutes from the time I set foot out my front door to setting foot in the office, and a team/company that doesn't care if I decide to work the day remotely for any reason whatsoever. I also like the other guy's comment about the workplace being a nice, inviting place to be since my cube is barren and probably 20+ years old.

Also the rest of y'all need to stay home when you get sick instead of bringing that shit into the office.

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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Baldur’s Gate 3

Alan Wake 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Super Mario Wonder

Resident Evil 4

People told me "oh yeah, gaming on Linux is a comparable or even better experience compared with gaming on windows." Well after a whole weekend spent troubleshooting and trying different distros only to get 20fps max and no controller support for a 5 year old pc game I went back to windows and was playing within about 30 minutes including the time to install the OS.

Edit: Before you go giving me tips: yes, I tried that too. You're missing the point if your solution to the above is "more troubleshooting, I guess."

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This is true. Your job as a "boss" should not be to command and control but rather to remove obstacles preventing your workers from doing their jobs effectively.

A good boss trusts their employees to do their work, but is comfortable working with them if there is an issue with their performance.

Kind of funny that Galante was programming slot machines prior to making the game as there's a lot of aspects of VS I've always thought were just great at triggering that good old reward circuit in the brain.

Iirc they backed a trans influencer drawing conservative outrage, then, after realizing that the conservatives were a large part of their customer base, they did a 180 and publicly cut ties with the influencer thereby also alienating the customers they hoped to gain in the first place while also not gaining back much of their conservative customers.

Someone feel free to fact check me I'm drawing on memory here.

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It's fine you can say you torrented it

Fuck Ubisoft

Semmelweis was also kind of an asshole and would camp out by hospital sinks and yell at staffers for not washing their hands. He had the right idea, but he also had a shit personality which definitely contributed to the "everyone hated him" thing.


Vid was shared in this post on Twitter

"Solid dick" was slang for "hard truth" back in the time when this issue was published

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That feeling of dread when you notice you have a reply in your inbox

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Yes and if you look at the other mugshots in the series, most have a big glare spot. Trump almost certainly got photo privileges


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Just FYI, the generally preferred term these days is "massage therapist." Last I heard "masseuse" and "masseur" (the masculine version) have an implicit sexual connotation that "massage therapist" does not. Unless that's what you were recommending instead of chiropractic, in which case carry on!

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You're perfectly free to do things exactly as you're told. Capiche?

I know nothing about this movie except that it's apparently a fun time. Can someone please tell me what makes the Barbie Movie "woke" just for the sake of context?

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Finish marathon

Legs on fire

Garmin says you only ran 25.6 miles

Have to run another half mile at race pace (so you don't ruin your stats) to make sure you get credit for a marathon

So just like reddit then?

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This article is dumb. It literally links to an article talking about how older Garmin watches are getting new software upgrades and in the same paragraph complains about how old watches are just becoming obsolete due to lack of updates.

What does this guy want? Free hardware upgrades and a back massage every time Garmin releases a new model?

Come to Missouri! We may not have the best schools, but our schools have the sexiest teachers!

It was never about productivity. It was always about control.

I get what you're saying - that we don't have a "karma" score associated with our username - but the votes do drive what people see first when they view a particular community or the "front page" so they do matter.

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Someone in the thread about his previous $5k fine made a really good point that low but increasing fines may actually be more effective in the long run as there is still the ultimate threat of imprisonment, but the fines should still prove as a deterrent (eventually).

Besides that, straight to jail has the potential to galvanize his crazy supporters into action, whereas the fines are actually punitive and his supporters who believe he's got oodles of money should be able to shrug it off as no issue.

Basically it seems like the judge could be playing the long game by the books.

I recently went to a therapist for a few sessions because I wanted to talk through some major life changes with an unbiased third party. I have no diagnosed anxiety disorders, but I was told in our earlier meetings that he was going to "diagnose" me with something like "adjustment reaction with anxiety" (or put another way "difficulty working through change") so that he could continue to see me. This isn't the serious anxiety disorder that many people struggle with, but would almost certainly be lumped in to the category of "anxiety disorders." This was apparently done mostly for paperwork reasons; I imagine somewhere on the backend someone might be asking why he's providing therapy to someone who "doesn't need therapy" without something entered in.

I still don't have an anxiety disorder, but that diagnosis is going to be on my chart forever unless I go through a lengthy process to purge it. I'm not saying this is the way every doctor will do things, but it might explain some of the increased prevalence of "disorders" in the population.

It's this (the service charge) or they raise prices across the menu. Some people prefer this, some people prefer the added cost baked in.

Personally I think the service charge is a little deceptive because you are hit with an unexpected expense at the end of your meal. Even if they're very up front about the charge most people won't be automatically calculating the 18% extra on whatever they're spending, they're just going to look at the price on the menu.

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I was blown away the first time I stumbled upon KDEConnect. It just... Worked. Completely, easily, and with an incredible feature set compared for free software

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As a data analyst at mid-large corporation in America: please stop emailing me that the servers are nearly full. I need to store all of this to stay within regulations and you only give me one place to put my data outputs :(

Fuck Ubisoft