10 Post – 630 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The author showed his bias when he wrote

Indeed, the polls indicate Le Pen’s awkward and aggrieved racist coalition—along with the inventively loony left-wing anti-Israel alliance dubbed the New Popular Front—is positioned to form a government that could defenestrate Macron’s Ensemble! coalition in the 2027 presidential election.

"So sad that the Ukrainian government cares so little about it's people it is giving Russia an excuse to demolish Ukraine."

- Some Israel Supporter, probably

Yes, they usually do it slowly to avoid suspicion but when the situation is convenient they go ahead and take a big bite out of Palestine.

That's how they have been operating, even before the establishment of Israel:

Before the 1948 Arab-Israeli War broke out, the Carmeli Brigade's 21 Battalion commander had repeatedly damaged the Al-Kabri aqueduct that furnished Acre with water, and when Arab repairs managed to restore water supply, then resorted to pouring flasks of typhoid and dysentery bacteria into the aqueduct, as part of a biological warfare programme. At some time in late April or early May 1948, - Jewish forces had cut the town's electricity supply responsible for pumping water - a typhoid epidemic broke out. Israeli officials later credited the facility with which they conquered the town in part to the effects of the demoralization induced by the epidemic.[54]

Israel's Carmeli forces attacked on May 16 and, after an ultimatum was delivered that, unless the inhabitants surrendered, 'we will destroy you to the last man and utterly,'[55] the town notables signed an instrument of surrender on the night between 17–18 May 1948. 60 bodies were found and about three-quarters of the Arab population of the city (13,510 of 17,395) were displaced.[56],_Israel#1948_Palestine_War

It is evident that that is their modus operandi because now Gaza's water system is destroyed, and I suspect they will take Gaza just like they took Akka.

Israel taking over Palestine has been the plan since the beginning, as the founding fathers of Israel themselves announced:

Zionist leaders, in particular David Ben-Gurion, viewed the acceptance of the [United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine] as a tactical step and a stepping stone to future territorial expansion over all of Palestine.

Then they started.

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state. Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

All the theatrics about Israel's right to defend itself etc. are just cover for the long history of horrible crimes and human rights violations Israel has perpetrated (and continues to perpetrate). There is a reason that people are mad at Israel, and it has nothing to do with being Jewish.

So yea, Israel is going to continue overtaking Palestine, unless they start being held to international law like everyone else. Germany and USA impede on that process, but hopefully the rule of law will triumph because

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

That active war zone is the former Palestinian village al-Khalisa, "whose inhabitants had fled after Safed was taken by the Haganah during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War".

Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza

Don't you mean Israel has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza? Hamas does not control the borders, the monetary policy, electricity, water (via a racist system of permits being habitually denied), airspace, sea, population registry, international trade, ID cards, or travel to and from Gaza. Israel does. Israel even sells the drilling rights for natural gas off the coast of Gaza.

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Keeponstalin's comments are always top notch, and I just want to add a bit more info about the exerpt that reads:

A minor incident concerning prayer arrangements near the Wailing Wall, the western wall of the Haram, sparked violence that soon swept through Palestine as a whole in 1929.

The "minor incident" went as follows:

On 15 August 1929, Tisha B'Av, the Revisionist youth leader Jeremiah Halpern and three hundred Revisionist youths from the Battalion of the Defenders of the Language and Betar marched to the Western Wall proclaiming "The Wall is ours". The protesters raised the Zionist flag and sang the Hatikvah.[13] The demonstration took place in the Muslim Maghribi district in front of the house of the Mufti.

Two days later, in raised tensions caused by a 2000-strong Muslim counter-demonstration after Friday prayers the day before, a Jewish youth, Avraham Mizrahi, was killed and an Arab youth picked at random was stabbed in retaliation.[14] Subsequently, the violence escalated into the 1929 Palestine riots.

being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people, whether the victims of October 7 in Israel or the ongoing attack in Gaza.

Good to see some sanity, someone pointing out that the loss of life on October 7th was ultimately caused by the occupation. Had there been no occupation there would not have been an Oct 7.

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Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard always reminds me of this:

Keep in mind that article is from 1998. Prescient as always, the Onion really is America's Finest News Source(TM).

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Crazy that the proposed solution to propaganda is banning media instead of investing in education that promotes critical thinking. Or maybe the idea here is "no propaganda except mine".

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Oh no, the tipping point for enshitification. First it was selling all the stock to corporate clients, now this.

Inb4 lemmy supports Iran

Lots of false equivalances related to this war but being against Israel bombing an embassy in another country is not the same as supporting Iran. You don't have to choose between Israel and Iran, you have to choose between Israel and international law / human rights.

Phrasing it as "if you don't support Israel then you support Iran (or Hamas, Hezbolla etc.)" is to disregard the importance of international law and the fact that it applies to everyone.

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Sanders also pointed to other countries that have already made the move toward shortening workweeks. France has a 35-hour workweek and is considering moving to a 32-hour workweek, and Norway and Denmark have workweeks of about 37 hours.

The problem with this comparison is that those countries have socialized healthcare, so healthcare expenditures come from the tax pool. In the U.S., healthcare is privatized so if workers don't get burnout, injuries, diseases from stress etc. that translates to loss of revenue in the healthcare sector (but not for the companies that don't have to pay workers if they're out sick), and many of the decision makers in the U.S. are invested in the healthcare industry so there's an obvious conflict of interest there when it comes to anything that benefits the health and well being of Americans. And the numbers are pretty big when you consider how much more expensive healthcare is in the U.S. than in those above mentioned countries.

Right, because alcohol is the white man's drug. Plain and simple.

They made alcohol illegal for a while but it turned out to be too onerous for the white people so it was legalized again. Marijuana laws have caused massive damage to minority communities, so they remain in place.

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the proposed settlement against Razer includes a $100,000 civil penalty, plus $1,071,254.33, which the FTC said is equal to the amount of revenue Razer made from the Zephyr

Cool, next do Exxon, OxyContin, Marlboro...


It's crazy because all these people saying that "genocide is bad" is antisemitic are really saying that Jews have a genetic predisposition toward commiting genocide, which is actually really fucking antisemitic.

In case anyone's still unclear:

Disliking someone because they are Jewish is antisemitic.

Disliking someone because they are commiting genocide is actually a good thing.

Bernie Sanders has been saying for 30 years that the bill is too damn long! Representatives get very limited time to read bills so they usually don't and just vote along party lines. This is a form of deception and it's intentional.

The joint announcement by Spain, Ireland and Norway last week triggered an angry response from Israeli authorities, which summoned the countries’ ambassadors in Tel Aviv to the Foreign Ministry, where they were filmed while being shown videos of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and abductions.

What the fuck is this?

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Sorry, not an answer here, but a good analogy. It has a lot to do with creative accounting and making up definitions.

On Dec. 5, administrators, who had worked alongside Principal Garza, sought to file further charges against Murray of aggravated assault. He allegedly pulled another student's hair and tried to cut his finger with scissors, which Murray apologized for and said he had mimed cutting the boy's paper, not his finger. ... Data from Brownsville ISD seen by The Observer showed its officers made 3,102 student arrests between May 2021 and Nov. 2023. Nearly 60% of those were on felony charges and 76 of those kids were in elementary school.

This is insane. It seems like it's really true that the wickedness a nation imposes on another it will eventually impose on itself. It's especially heinous that the weakest member of the nation (a child) is subject to cruel punishment and legal charges like aggravated assault while the most powerful member (the literal president) boasts about "grabbing [women] by the pussy", has several charges of sexual assault against him, yet nothing happens. It's becoming obvious that the law is meant to keep the powerless subservient.

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You should switch to Wayland

It's kind of eerie how none of the protester's demands address the genocide of Palestinians.

If these were all stacked laptops, stacked on top of each other, they would form a stack 600 km above the Moon.

Ummm... what??

Assuming 3 cm thick laptop x 240 mil = 7,200 km. Moon is on average 380,000 km away. Even 30 cm thick laptops (lol) would only get you to 72,000 km.

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The video footage, originally posted on X by Working Mass, a Democratic Socialists of America media outlet covering Massachusetts, reveals two Jewish students holding an Israeli flag shouted the “Kill the Jews” after pro-Palestine demonstrators conducted a “mic check” — a call and response technique used to focus attention on an organizer.

The two pro-Israel counter protesters then asked the pro-Palestinian demonstrators if they agreed, saying “anybody on board; anybody for that?” The crowd of pro-Palestine protesters immediately started shouting and booing over them.

“You just chanted for it,” the pro-Israel counter protesters can be heard saying.

Gaslighting is psychological abuse and is used frequently in hasbara.

Chaotic good

Well said.

So it's a justified genocide then?

Israel: bombs a diplomatic target without warning

Iran: bombs 2 military targets with warning

USA: shoots down most of the assets that made it even close to Israel

Biden: Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “Israel really came out far ahead in this exchange”

I wonder what game they're playing.

Secret? My god, the sense of entitlement of capital.

Just to be clear, is the implication here that people should use ad blockers in secret and that the "right" thing to do is to consume whatever media (and expose open tabs, history, etc) corporate wants you to see?

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That's horrible, it shouldn't happen to anyone. We need more awareness and more trauma therapy, especially for children. Fortunately Israeli victims at least have a platform to be heard and sufficient resources available for treatment, but Palestinians do not. I'm not sure if there's even a single fully functioning hospital left in Gaza, even after Israel turns back on the electricity, water, and gas. If they ever do.

James Gordon, a US psychiatrist ... said recovery was possible even in severely traumatised children, but only if the outside world did not give up on them.

Apparently if you think the murder of a boy from hundreds of yards away is wrong, you're "pro-Hamas". They're really working hard to make Hamas look like the good guys.

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In July 2013, the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood organised a massive sit-in in the Rabaa al Adawiya to denounce the the coup.

Security forces later raided the square and killed hundreds of people in a single day in what they termed a counter-terrorism operation.

If your "counter-terrorism" operation involves killing citizens peacefully protesting the ousting of the democratically elected president, then you're the terrorist.

The real lesson here is that democracy means you vote for the candidate that will benefit USA / Israel.

Yea, slaving away should be purely optional. If you love your job or you love money or you want to keep yourself distracted AND make money at the same time, by all means, knock yourself out and work 60 hour weeks.

It's a failure of the system if people have to work full time to scrape by with the very bare necessities and live in poverty, with all the nasties that come with it. America coined the term "working poor" (obligatory meme so we're on the same page)

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I might be the guy that shows up at the revolution for the most trivial reason but I hate that it says $59.00 per annually like companies think they're so smart for having business school graduates on staff charging for things only business school graduates would think to charge for but they can't even get basic grammar right.

Is this real?

Everything has to be labeled these days, even videos.

Yea, their argument boils down to "well Hamas so they deserve it, it's their own fault". Incredibly apathetic and cruel. Tbf people who think like that are also victims of something truly fucked up in their lives, but they are wrong and Israel is wrong to do this. Full stop.

Yes but anti-semitism has been co-opted to apply only to Jews (erasure of millions of other semitic people, that is, people who speak a semitic language other than Hebrew) just like the Holocaust has come to mean only the Jewish victims of Nazi genocide, which is erasure of the 5 million other victims in the various groups that were killed by Nazis.